Chapter 230

Girl Tiantian's parents have a very good attitude towards Zhao Qingshan. After all, they know in their hearts that their daughter and Zhao Qingshan are already married, and they feel very satisfied with this marriage in all aspects, so they can only do this up.

After having lunch at Tiantian's house, Zhao Qingshan drove back to Fenghuangling Village.

Good guy, Zhao Qingshan is as proud as a general who has returned from victory when he returns home this time.

Before his car was parked, the second aunt Zhao Zhimin came out of the house with a dustpan and smiled when he heard the noise.

"Qingshan is back."

"Second aunt? Why are you going?"

Zhao Qingshan got out of the car, stood beside his car, hands behind his back, looking at his second aunt like a cadre inspecting work.

"Look for your mother to push and grind, hey, why did you come back by yourself, where is Miss Tiantian?"

Zhao Qingshan said in his heart: You elders are really in a hurry. Although it is true that the raw rice has been cooked, the procedures that should be followed have not yet been completed. If you bring Tiantian girl to the house now, it will be a big deal. outrageous.

"Ah, sent home."

"Yeah, um, Qingshan, you can do it, you can do it, I usually see you with a kind face, but I didn't expect you to be so courageous. It's only been two days since I met you, and I have kidnapped the girl out to play for a few days ?”

I didn't expect my second aunt to talk so nonsense, it was too direct, Zhao Qingshan's face turned red immediately, scratching his head while saying: "Second aunt, let's talk about it behind my back, can you Don't say that in front of outsiders, my nephew is blushing."

"Hahahahaha, it's just you, you're still blushing. You're so good at Qingshan, let your mother cook something delicious for you tonight."

As soon as he heard his second aunt talk about food, Zhao Qingshan quickly said: "Food? Oh, yes, second aunt, I have something for you."

Zhao Qingshan bought more than 200 catties of seafood and divided them into five parts, each weighing about [-] catties, one for Tiantian's family, one for the second aunt's family, one for his own family, and one for his grandma's family. As for the neighbors around, they also give some to people to try.

The main purpose of going to the beach this time is not to buy seafood, the next step is to wait for the Chinese New Year, Zhao Qingshan plans to increase the holiday welfare this year, and add those high-end seafood and so on.

More than 40 catties, although Zhao Zhimin doesn't know the goods, but he also knows that his nephew is spending a lot of money now, these things must have cost a lot of money, so he hurriedly asked: "So much, isn't it cheap?"

"Thousands of dollars, you share with my aunt, not for you."

"It's so expensive! Qingshan, even gold and silver can't stand such a toss."

Zhao Qingshan waved his hand, and said nonchalantly: "The money you spend is your own, and it's in your hands. Who knows who will be the one who died in an accident at that time."

"Bah, bah, bastard, what you say is really annoying, I won't tell your mother later, let him beat you!"

"Second Aunt, please don't, I'm just kidding you, hehehe. Oh yes, eat seafood as soon as possible, put the uneatable ones in the refrigerator, and put them outside."

Zhao Zhimin said with a smile: "Okay, I got it, you boy!"

Zhao Qingshan parked the car in the garage at the foot of Dongling Mountain, then ran to the chicken farm, and found two breeders to come to help, and then the two of them, each carrying more than 40 kilograms of seafood, arrived at Zhao Qingshan. Inside the old house of the Qingshan family.

Both Zhao Zhijiang and Zhang Huifen were at home, and they seemed very happy to see Zhao Qingshan come back all of a sudden.

"My son is back."

"What are these things?"

After Zhao Qingshan asked the two breeders to put down the things, he went back, and said to his mother: "Bring some of the seafood I bought from Daocheng. Let's eat big crabs and lobsters tonight. By the way, we will eat some seafood tonight." Let’s cook some, I brought too much, we can’t put it in the refrigerator, you can share some with the neighbors around, so that everyone can try it too.”

When she was poor, Zhang Huifen was still struggling, but now that she is rich, Zhang Huifen has become generous. Hearing what her son said, she readily agreed in her heart, but she still frowned: "Why don't you give Tiantian's family a treat?" What about the portion? Miss Tiantian, did you send it home?"

"Send it home, and give it to Tiantian girl's house. I have to send one to my grandma's house. You and my dad are busy at home, we can't eat, and the refrigerator can't fit. Don't be too stingy. Give Neighbors share some."

"Look at what you said son, when was your mother ever stingy?"

"I have to hurry up and deliver the seafood to my grandma's house, or I'll get bored in the car."

"Then you go, son."

Zhao Qingshan then hurried out the door, just in time to meet the second aunt who was coming towards him, he yelled with a smile, and walked away quickly.

Zhao Zhimin looked at the back of his nephew Zhao Qingshan happily, and felt proud in his heart: he is such a good boy, if he can become with Tiantian, that would be even better.

"Brother and sister, I'm here."

Zhang Huifen heard the voices of her son and her second aunt just now at the door, but she was busy sorting seafood and did not welcome them out.

"Second Sister, you came just in time, and I will take some seafood back to eat later."

When Zhao Zhimin heard this, he covered his mouth and said with a smile: "No need, Qingshan, I have already sent it to us. There are too many to send to us. I listened to Qingshan's order and asked Jianzhong to send half of it to the elder sister. I kept half of it for myself, tonight, I also cooked big crabs and big prawns at my house. Hey, these big prawns are really big, one weighs three or four catties, right?"

"This thing is not cheap." Zhang Huifen said with a smile while tidying up.

"That's not right, hey, brother and sister, it's not what I said, this kid Qingshan is good at everything, but he spends too much money, hey..."

"Don't worry about him, just go for it if you can."

Seeing that his younger siblings didn't care about her, Zhao Zhimin felt that he didn't need to care anymore, so he hurriedly changed the topic, and moved forward with a smile: "Sisters and sisters, you just came back from Qingshan, and you didn't ask him if he was satisfied with the girl? Next step ..."

When Zhang Huifen heard it, she suddenly realized that she raised her head, looked at Zhao Zhimin and said, "Ah, why did you forget this, but Qingshan came in such a hurry that I didn't have time to ask."

Zhao Zhimin covered his mouth and said in a low voice, "I see, it's probably done."

When Zhang Huifen heard this sentence, she was so happy: "Okay? Then if I have a big fat grandson next year, I will be happy even if Qingshan buys you big shrimp every day, hahaha .”

At this time, Zhao Zhijiang, who had woken up from his afternoon nap, came out of the house, saw the large iron basin in the courtyard full of big crabs, shrimps, sea cucumbers and abalones, and hurriedly asked, "Why...why are there so many seafoods? "

"Bought from Qingshan, I ordered to cook big crabs and prawns to eat tonight. After I finished, I said we couldn't put it in the refrigerator, so I gave some to the neighbors in the neighborhood. I have divided seven here. You go and give it to He Zhongheng." One for Cao Yuren's family, one for Liu Yutang's family..."

According to his wife's instructions, Zhao Zhijiang was busy distributing benefits in the village, and that night, the whole Fenghuangling Village was filled with the strong smell of seafood.

(End of this chapter)

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