Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 231 The Breeding Egg Has a Problem

Chapter 231 The Breeding Egg Has a Problem
Zhao Qingshan rushed back from the island city in a hurry, mainly because he heard Li Hong's call, saying that there was something wrong with the breeding eggs.He couldn't explain clearly on the phone, so Li Hong asked him to go to Sidian Town.

On the second day after returning, Zhao Qingshan drove straight to Sidian Town with Liu Zhao.

Sidian in August was full of dust, and the coal trucks on the street were rampant, rolling up dust everywhere they went.

The dust on the streets of Sidian Town is gray, mixed with a lot of coal dust.

Under this piece of land, coal is everywhere.

Even on the way from Laigang County to Sidian Town, you will pass through a coal mine subsidence area, and the entire large area has subsided for more than ten meters, and then the underground water gushes out and fills up the subsidence area, forming a large area of ​​new land. of water.

There used to be a large number of houses in the subsidence area, but the underground was hollowed out due to coal digging, which made the houses on the ground very dangerous, so the government spent a lot of money to clear all the houses in the subsidence area. People have all moved to other places.The ground attachments in the subsidence area, that is, buildings, wells, grave mounds, greenhouses, etc., all need to be compensated, and even collective property such as utility poles must be compensated.The compensation funds provided by the government are quite a lot, and the farmers who get the compensation can completely build a house in another place that is much better than their original house.Then some people will take advantage of this loophole, knowing that tomorrow the team in charge of land settlement will come to measure the square footage of the building, and then hire people to build a four-story building in less than three days.

Later, the land settlement team came to measure the size of the building. After the measurement of the four-storey small building was completed, the team staff had not gone out for half an hour before it collapsed.

Because the building was built in a hurry to get compensation from the government, so the corner cutting was serious.Such a four-story building built in such a hurry can at least earn hundreds of thousands from the government.

And those honest people can only say that they are at a disadvantage.

There is nothing wrong with allowing some people to get rich, but the first group of people who get rich are often sneaky, corrupt, oppressive, and law-breaking.It is really a fantasy to expect such a rich first to drive the rich later.

Zhao Qingshan drove the car directly to the door of Li Hong's house, then parked on the top of the gable of his building, and got out of the car.

The gate was closed, Zhao Qingshan turned his head and said to Liu Zhao: "Maybe their family is at the chicken coop, let's go and look for it."

Sidian Town is located in the plain, where Li Hong raises chickens. It is only tens of meters away from his residence, separated by a street.

"Little Zhao is here."

As soon as Zhao Qingshan finished speaking, he walked about ten meters towards Li Hong's chicken coop, and saw Li Hong coming out of the chicken coop pushing a small cart. His head was covered with dust, and he came out of the chicken coop just now.

Li Hong has four chicken coops in total, each with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, and the four greenhouses occupy nearly five acres of land.

The equipment in his four greenhouses is much more advanced than Zhao Qingshan's. Each of them is equipped with a full set of cage equipment, and the investment is three times higher than that of Zhao Qingshan's free-range chicken farm. above.That is to say, about 2 yuan was enough for Zhao Qingshan's chicken coop, while Li Hong's chicken coop cost at least [-] yuan.

"What's wrong with the eggs?"

Zhao Qingshan hurried up two steps, then asked with a frown.

"Hey, I was cheated by the breeder factory. Several of our farmers have the same problem, and we are preparing to sue the breeder factory."

"Do you still have to go to court?"

However, Li Hong still hasn't discussed the problem with Zhao Qingshan.

"Wait a minute, I'll put the trolley down, come with me to the chicken coop, and I'll explain the situation to you in detail."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, then saw Li Hong glanced at Liu Zhao, and hurriedly said, "This is my assistant Liu Zhao."

Li Hong nodded, and quickly pushed the trolley back home. After putting down the trolley, he turned around and locked the door again.

"It's like this. We used to have some egg breeders and hatchers around us, all of whom bought breeders from a breeder factory. Although the purebred rate was not high, at least the hatchability was not a big problem. But now I A new batch of breeder chickens started to lay eggs last week, and I took a spotlight to illuminate them, and found that all the chickens had no germ."

While talking, Zhao Qingshan followed Li Hong to the door of the other's fourth chicken coop, and Liu Zhao followed behind him.

"No germ?"

Li Hong didn't answer Zhao Qingshan's question immediately, but opened the door of the chicken coop and said to Zhao Qingshan, "Let's go in and have a look."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, then went in, and saw that Li Hong's chicken coop was much taller than his own. The whole chicken coop was paved with cement. The chicken coop faced north-south and had three rows of modern cages. The equipment is placed in the shed.Advanced equipment such as automatic drinking water, automatic feeding, and automatic manure scraping make the whole work of raising chickens extremely easy.

The cage is divided into many breeding units, each housing unit contains ten hens and one rooster, which is a typical breeder breeding shed.

After entering the chicken coop, Li Hong pointed to a dozen or so egg baskets at the door, and said to Zhao Qingshan, "Hey, the eggs that were grown well can only be sold as commercial eggs. Look, this place is a place for normal eggs. One with a germ, and these eggs have none."

"How is it possible? I saw that there are roosters in every small cage of yours."

"The problem lies with these roosters. For some reason, these roosters cannot impregnate these hens. We suspect that it is related to the breeder chickens provided to us by the breeder factory."

Zhao Qingshan didn't know much about chicken hatching. Hearing what Li Hong said, he also wanted to learn more, so he hurriedly asked: "These breeder chickens were not hatched by you yourself. Can such a small cage be used to lay eggs?"

Li Hong smiled, shook his head and said: "That's not acceptable. The commercial chickens we raise now, such as No-Ma chickens, Sanhuang, etc., are all hybrid chickens. And this hybrid chicken is divided into great-grandfather chickens. , grandparent chickens, parental chickens and commercial chickens. In these four generations, only great-grandfather chickens can breed great-grandfather chickens, and can also breed parent chickens. Grandfather chickens can only breed parent chickens, and Parental chickens can only breed commercial chickens. The higher the generation line, the higher the price. We buy parental chickens from the breeder factory, and then breed commercial chickens. After hatching, they are commercial chicks. "

Hearing this, Zhao Qingshan finally understood, and then he frowned, and asked hastily: "Do you suspect that the chickens sold to you by the breeder factory are not parent-generation chickens, but commodity-generation chickens? "

"It's hard to say."

Li Hong sighed, a little helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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