Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 232 Li Hong's Modern Chicken Farm

Chapter 232 Li Hong's Modern Chicken Farm
Looking at the breeders in Li Hong's breeder shed, Zhao Qingshan frowned, and suddenly remembered something he had seen and heard about chicken seedlings when he was young.

When Zhao Qingshan was still in the second grade of elementary school, every household in the rural area of ​​Laigang County raised chickens, and the chickens they raised were small in size, and the roosters could only grow up to four catties, while the chickens they raised were small. The hen is a variety that weighs more than two catties at most.No one told everyone what the breed of chicken was called, but they were called chickens anyway.

The lifespan of chickens is relatively short, and chickens that are more than one year old can be called old chickens, while hens that are more than two years old basically don't lay eggs.Then you have to consider the problem of chicken reproduction. Every household raises chickens to eat eggs, and there is no enough reproduction.Chickens in rural areas mainly have two ways to reproduce, one is chickens hatched by their own old hens, and the other is hatched by special people.

When Zhao Qingshan was in the second grade of elementary school, about before 1992, everyone was relatively poor at that time, and they could only get some meat to eat during the New Year and holidays. Then, when every farmer’s family selected chicks, they had to pick the hens. chicken.In addition to the hens, there will be one or two roosters in each flock.

The eggs laid by the hens are not only for the family to eat, but also the accumulated eggs will be sold in the market, and then every spring for about two months, a farmer from Fangjiazhuang Village will come to the neighborhood Eggs are collected in the village.And when collecting eggs, he would take a photo of the eggs with a flashlight just like Li Hong did just now.

At first, Zhao Qingshan didn’t understand why those who collected eggs had to take photos, but now I know, it was to see if there were germs in the eggs, and if there were germs, they could hatch into chicks after hatching, and if there were no eggs, then don’t up.

It turned out that before [-], every town had one or two craftsmen who specialized in hatching chickens.Moreover, everyone uses the same hatching equipment, quilts and kerosene lamps.

This craft, just like carpentry, is summed up by the elders after years of experience.

However, in [-], someone introduced the red jade chicken from Sidian to Laigang County. Because this kind of chicken grows faster, and the largest rooster can grow to a weight of seven or eight catties, so can the hen. It grew to more than four catties, so the original local native chicken in Laigang County was squeezed out of the market at once.

However, the eggs laid by this kind of red jade chicken are sometimes not red jade chickens after hatching. Moreover, the hatching rate of this kind of eggs is very low, and there is no economic benefit at all.

Then, every spring, there will be people who specialize in selling red jade chicken seedlings to the villages to sell them, which makes Zhao Qingshan very strange.

Now, after listening to Li Hong's introduction just now, he understood everything at once.

Great-grandfather generation, grandparent generation, parent generation, commodity generation, when it comes to commodity generation, this chicken can no longer reproduce smoothly to the next generation.Then Zhao Qingshan thought about another question, what about the previous generation of the great-grandfather?

This question, Zhao Qingshan basically had the answer in his mind, and then he had to confirm it, so he asked Li Hong: "Brother, you said the great-grandfather just now, so is the great-grandfather a hybrid chicken?"

"All commercial chickens are hybrid chickens."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, and then asked: "So, what is the previous generation of the great-grandfather's chicken?"

"It's hard to say. It can only be said that there are a large number of domestic chicken breeds with relatively pure bloodlines."

Hearing this, a thought flashed through Zhao Qingshan's mind.

"So, if we have a large number of purebred domestic chickens in our hands, and then carry out crossbreeding, can we crossbreed excellent breeds?"

"This class is not easy, Xiao Zhao, I'm not talking about you. This study of breeder chickens is not for people of our level. Do you know that our country now has such a large scale of chickens, but they have to be imported from abroad every year. There are millions of sets of grandparent chickens. 90.00% of the world's great-grandfather chicken market is controlled by four companies in the United States, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries. The annual cost of these companies on breeding chickens is [-]% Hundreds of millions of dollars."

Hearing what Li Hong said, it turns out that there are still so many ways in the chicken industry.It turns out that foreign breeder factories still monopolize the great-grandfather chicken market!In this case, it is very meaningful to study breeder chickens for the safety of our country's chicken industry.

Breeding chickens are as important to the chicken industry as chips are to the mobile phone industry.

In Zhao Qingshan's heart, he firmly believed in developing breeder research in the next step.However, in the face of hundreds of millions of dollars in scientific research funding, it seems that this work cannot be carried out for the time being.

"But, let me tell you, Brother Li, I signed a contract with Qishan. If I can't guarantee the supply of old chickens, I will pay a lot of liquidated damages."

Li Hong nodded: "The reason why I called you here is to discuss this matter with you. As for the current situation, we have two solutions for the time being. The first way is to find a breeder factory, and then we will start from the breeder factory. You can buy breeding eggs directly from there. Then there is another way, which is to buy chicks from chicken dealers. Xiao Zhao, do you think which method is more suitable for you?"

"Brother Li, can you buy eggs from the breeder factory?"

"They require a relatively large order, and I can't get it out by myself. I have to discuss with several hatcheries in the village to the east of our village, and squeeze out some of them for you. If you want, wait After I finish feeding the chickens, we can go over and find out how to operate this matter."

Compared with chicklings, Zhao Qingshan is of course more willing to buy breeding eggs.After all, the price of breeding eggs is much cheaper than chicken fry, and the transportation cost of breeding eggs is also lower than that of chicken fry.

So, Zhao Qingshan and Liu Zhao helped Li Hong start feeding the chickens.

Just now Li Hong has transported the chicken feed from the warehouse in his home to the shed of the chicken coop. The next job is to take apart the plastic bags and pour them into the automatic stuffing machine, and then push the automatic stuffing machine along the Turn around the chicken cage trough, and the automatic feeder will evenly add chicken feed to the trough of the chicken cage.

Li Hong's stuffing machine still needs to be pushed manually, and there is a more advanced stuffing machine with pulleys and tracks. Feed is poured into the stuffing machine, and then the button is pressed, and then the stuffing machine goes to fill the chicken cage trough. up.

Modern equipment improves work efficiency and reduces labor costs. Compared with traditional feeding methods, it is more economical.

After helping Li Hong add the ingredients, Zhao Qingshan and Liu Zhao went to Li Hong's house to wash up, and Li Hong also changed into clean clothes. The three of them got into Zhao Qingshan's car and went to find someone to contact about egg breeding.

(End of this chapter)

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