Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 244 Car Awarding Ceremony

Chapter 244 Car Awarding Ceremony
Zhao Qingshan seldom holds a general staff meeting. He feels that it is making trouble and affecting the normal production order.

However, it is because the general staff meeting is not held frequently, and then when some things are particularly important to the company, in order to express importance, it is necessary to hold a general staff meeting.

When picking up the car in the morning, Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Zhao to go back and give notice that all departments, including Liu Yutang's subordinates, Liu Liang's subordinates, Liu Wendong's subordinates, and Han Sanshan's subordinates, except for a small number of people left to guard the house, the rest of the people were at home. At four o'clock this afternoon, we went to the square between Sushiling and Dongling to hold a staff meeting.

The last time Zhao Qingshan held a staff meeting, it was held in a classroom of the school when the Chinese New Year was approaching.At that time, there were not enough employees under him, enough to accommodate a classroom.But now, for a small company with 200 employees, one classroom is definitely not enough.

The next step is definitely to build a large auditorium, of course, that will be after 2007.

Right now, Zhao Qingshan's company is still in its infancy, and the conditions are still very simple.

First of all, the hardware facilities are very simple. Among other things, the staff dormitory is still used in the abandoned classrooms in the old school that were ventilated in winter and leaked in summer.Fortunately, Zhao Qingshan's employees are all hard-working rural children. If rich children who have never done any physical work come here, they will not be able to stay for a day.

Not to mention the collective dormitory for the employees, even the place where Zhao Qingshan lived before was not much better.It is just an ordinary three tile-roofed house, and the feed warehouse is next door, and the feed with a salty smell is always accompanied by it. People who come here for the first time, let alone sleep, will vomit if they stay for a while.

These conditions will definitely be improved in the next step.

In addition to poor hardware conditions, the soft environment of the entire company is not good. The main thing is that the quality of employees needs to be improved.Most of the employees I recruited now are villagers of the right age in Fenghuangling Village, that is, laborers aged [-] to [-], and they are basically recruited by Zhao Qingshan.These people, those with high education are junior high school students, not even high school students.And up to now, among all Zhao Qingshan's employees, the ten young men with high school diplomas under Liu Liang are the most educated.In addition, many of the battlefield workers recruited by Liu Wendong were illiterate and could not read a single word.Of course, there are many illiterate people in Fenghuangling Village, and now they are all recruited by Zhao Qingshan to the company.

In the next step, if the company wants to develop, it must recruit high-quality employees with academic qualifications and ability. When the time comes, Zhao Qingshan will find a way to properly arrange these old employees.

When Zhao Qingshan arrived at Bianjiaquan Village, it was already 15:[-], and then he drove the car quickly. After [-] minutes, he came to the small square between Dongling and Suishiling.

Zhao Qingshan arranged for people to build a small square about the size of two basketball courts in the open space between Dongling and Suishiling. It is very appropriate to hold a staff meeting at this time.At the same time, it is reasonable for this place to be arranged as a staff parking lot in the next step.

Zhao Qingshan parked the car in his garage, then came out, and saw people in twos and threes on the square, there were at least a hundred people, and most of them were walking this way.

Seeing Zhao Qingshan came back, Han Sanshan took the lead, followed by Liu Yutang, Liu Wendong and Liu Liang, who greeted him.

In order to facilitate management, the four of them are actually equivalent to the positions of vice presidents.

Besides the four of them, Zhao Qingshan's assistant Liu Zhao also rushed over.

"Five minutes to go."

Zhao Qingshan saw that there was a row of desks at the entrance of Dongling Farm, and there were stools behind the desks.

The entrance of Dongling Farm is located at a relatively high position, and if you are condescending, you can speak to people standing in the small square.

"Have Liu Zhao told you about the situation? The arrangement over there is good, whose idea?" Zhao Qingshan asked with a smile.

Liu Zhao had already told the big guys about the allocation of the four cars. When they were commending, each of them would get one car. After that, Liu Liang didn't need the car for the time being, so he allocated the car to Zhao Qingshan's parents.Then when Liu Liang needs it in the next step, he will be assigned a car.

Liu Yutang next to him hurriedly said: "I've already said it, it's Manager Han's idea over there."

Zhao Qingshan gave a thumbs up and said, "Manager Han, you are a man of great importance. The five of us should sit there. By the way, Liu Zhao, can you find me a loudspeaker?"

Before Liu Zhao could speak, Liu Wendong smiled and said, "Boss, I have already prepared it for you, isn't that right?"

Following the direction of Liu Wendong's finger, Zhao Qingshan saw that under the middle table, there was a loudspeaker with a yellow handle and a white horn.


"It's used in the battlefield, I brought it over."

Zhao Qingshan walked towards the direction of the "rostrum", and said to Liu Zhao with a smile, "Hurry up and gather the people with the microphone, we will have a meeting soon."

So, Liu Zhao quickly ran over, took the microphone and shouted: "Men and gentlemen, let's lean on this side, come on, Dongling's side, stand here, there are many people in Dongling, let's You can stand in five or six rows; come, this is the battlefield, all the battlefields are here; this is the south slope, the south slope is here, hurry up and come here; then, how many of you from Nanshan ,right here."

After Liu Zhao finished shouting, the workers who surrounded him asked loudly, "Little Zhao, how tired you are standing, can you sit down?"

Before Liu Zhao could answer, Zhao Qingshan and the others had already walked over, and then Zhao Qingshan took the microphone from Liu Zhao, and said to everyone with a smile: "My small square is covered with asphalt, it has been exposed to the sun for a day, it is clean Warm, let's all sit cross-legged and chat, come and come, sit close to each other, I haven't seen us young and old for a long time, today I, Zhao Qingshan, will chat with you."

Zhao Qingshan greeted, and then everyone moved quickly.

Raising his hand to check the time on his watch, it happened to be four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Qingshan stood in front of the desk, and behind the desk, Han Sanshan and the others sat down according to the ranking, the one left for Zhao Qingshan must be in the middle location.

The four people sitting on the rostrum are all Zhao Qingshan's right-hand men.

Everyone quieted down, and Zhao Qingshan pointed to the four cars parked behind everyone and said: "Everyone follows me, Zhao Qingshan, to raise chickens. It's really hard work. I won't talk about everyone's hard work. Tell me about the four behind me."

Then, Zhao Qingshan praised the four vice-president-level leaders behind him one by one, inspiring people.

The final ceremony, of course, is to give out keys, and each of the four leaders has a key, so all the employees present are excited.

(End of this chapter)

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