Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 247 Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan's Wedding

Chapter 247 Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan's Wedding

It wasn't the first time Miss Tiantian came to Fenghuangling Village, but it was the first time she came as the prospective hostess.

After getting engaged, she will be Zhao Qingshan's daughter-in-law in the future, and she can also be her rich wife in a fair and honest manner.

You can’t spend enough money to eat and wait for death. When you wake up every day, you don’t want to make money, but to eat and play. When you think of Bali, you go to Bali. How tempting it is.

Of course, the current Tiantian girl is still a simple rural girl. She hasn't seen the rich and luxurious life of the rich yet. When she sees it, she will like it.

Fenghuangling Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides and the river on the other. From the perspective of Feng Shui, this is an excellent Feng Shui treasure land, and the most Feng Shui place is the land on the southern slope.

Now, the entire south slope has been contracted by Zhao Qingshan.

Although Zhao Qingshan didn't pay much attention to such things as feng shui secrets, he felt that there was always some truth to this matter.If everything goes well, he doesn't care about any feng shui secrets, but if he encounters any problems, he may think of the reasons for this.

In the past few days in Fenghuangling Village, although Zhao Qingshan has been living with Tiantian all the time, Zhang Huifen reminded Zhao Qingshan that Tiantian is pregnant and can't do anything wrong, so Zhao Qingshan also kept to himself.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and when the National Day came, it was the day when Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan got married.

When Liu Wendong got married, the best man team were all young people from the Liu family in Fenghuangling Village. Liu Ming took the lead and Liu Wendong was surrounded by everyone, and went straight to Zhang Fan's house.

Zhang Fan's family is the leader of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, and their backgrounds are several grades higher than Liu Wendong's.However, the entire Fenghuangling Village villagers praised Liu Wendong for his ability, not only for being able to get a regular job, but also for being so beautiful, and more importantly, because the status of the whole family of his wife is so high.

Liu Wendong knew that his partner, Lang Tuan, were all foolish and reckless guys, so he had ordered them a day in advance, and they could make trouble when they arrived, but they must not be too much.And because Zhang Fan has been pregnant for more than two months now, without any troubles, she can't make trouble anymore.

Liu Wendong's marriage is a great event in Fenghuangling Village, and it is also a great event in Zhao Qingshan's Qingshan Company. The wedding banquet is held in Xinxing Building, which is far away from Fenghuangling Village. However, Zhao Qingshan has already ordered that during the wedding banquet at noon, Liu Zhao contacted five buses and drove directly to the small square between Suishi Ridge and Dong Ling. Then a few people on duty were left in the chicken farm, and the rest were taken to Xinxing Building for a wedding banquet.

Liu Wendong and his gang set off from Fenghuangling Village at four o'clock in the morning, and then brought the bride to Fenghuangling Village at seven o'clock in the morning.

Although it is said that the wedding room is located in the Hubinyuan Community, which is very close to where Zhang Fan works, Liu Wendong insists that the marriage be held in his hometown.After finally getting married, if there is no movement in my hometown after it is over, it will make people laugh.

There were three people who came with Zhang Fan, and people who saw off their relatives, two of them were men, one was Zhang Fan's uncle, and one was Zhang Fan's eldest brother; there was also a woman, who was Zhang Fan's eldest sister.

Arriving at Liu Wendong's hometown in Fenghuangling Village, the ceremony of worshiping the sky and the earth was carried out soon, and then there was the procedure of collecting red envelopes.

The entire ceremony of worshiping heaven and earth lasted for more than half an hour, and then Zhang Fan and Liu Wendong took the best man and bridesmaids, and let the wedding photographer accompany them to Nanhu Park to take a video.

As for Fenghuangling, everyone was busy transporting things to the hotel, including firecrackers, tobacco, wine, sugar and tea, and so on. Under Zhao Qingshan's arrangement, they used the village and their vans to transport them to the Xinxing Building. .

The things were transported to the Xinxing Building, and when it was over, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and then the bus arranged by Zhao Qingshan ordered by Liu Zhao also came, and then Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Yutang and Han Sanshan to start urging everyone to get on the bus and set off.

Of course, Dongling Chicken Farm, Nanshan Chicken Farm and Sushiling Hatchery must have people here, and some people must be on duty.

As for the battlefield that is now under Liu Wendong's management, Liu Wendong directly gave it a holiday and asked everyone to attend his wedding banquet.

The reason why Zhao Qingshan did this and asked everyone to attend Liu Wendong's wedding was actually a narrow-minded idea, that is to save Liu Wendong's face and not let him lose face in front of his father-in-law.

Zhang Fan's family all work in the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, which is a large state-owned enterprise, and Zhang Fan's father is also the old hero and old leader who first came to build the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant. His daughter got married and came to support them It must be indispensable.

Zhao Qingshan told Liu Wendong a long time ago that if you have a banquet in the hotel, you can count more. If it is not possible, a table of six or seven people can be used. It must not be said that the scene is too crowded just to save money.

Then, Liu Wendong calculated in his heart that most of the company would go here, plus the relatives in the village, there would be almost 23 tables, and then there would be five tables of friends, and there would be 28 to [-] wine tables on his own side alone. The table looks like that.Then he asked Zhang Fan how many tables they could have, and Zhang Fan asked, and said that there were about twelve to fifteen tables.

Upon hearing this, Liu Wendong directly booked 45 tables in the Xinxing Building, [-] tables in the lobby, and [-] private rooms.

Although it is said that the ceremony of praying to heaven and earth has already been held at the wedding in my hometown, it is still popular to hold a ceremony after arriving at the hotel.

Liu Wendong got married, Zhao Qingshan was a witness even though he was not married himself.This job has to be served by the man's leader.

The hotel ceremony ended, and then everyone began to sit down.And Zhao Qingshan was arranged in a private room with some department leaders of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant. This private room was the most important in the whole wedding banquet.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Liu Yutang, the manager arranged by Liu Wendong, rushed over and told Liu Wendong that there were four more wine tables reserved, and they all sat down.

Then Liu Wendong went to the front desk to ask, and said that three tables could be refunded.

There was still one table left, and when Liu Wendong saw it, he pulled his wife, and then called over the emcee and the wedding photographer, as well as the best man Liu Ming and the bridesmaids. The six of them gathered at the table and started eating.

(End of this chapter)

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