Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 248 Meeting a Big Man at the Wedding Banquet

Chapter 248 Meeting a Big Man at the Wedding Banquet
Today is the National Day in 2004. Every year on the National Day, many new couples get married.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Wendong and Zhang Fan, led by the wedding master of ceremonies, began to toast in the private room first, while in front of the hotel, the staff of the wedding company were already busy tearing down the colored doors and red carpet, preparing to transport them to the next married couple's house up.

Liu Wendong's wedding was definitely the most luxurious in the entire history of Fenghuangling Village.Just talking about the number of banquets, it was unprecedented in the entire history of Fenghuangling Village.

In the village, it was said that Zhao Zhijiang was married in 1982. At that time, it was very powerful to have four or five tables of banquets, but in general, there were two tables of banquets and one table for men. It's just a table of women's seats.

At that time, everyone had nothing, and there was a shortage of supplies. It was not easy to run all over the village to collect two tables of banquets.

Moreover, until the 90s, when the older generation drank, they still warmed the wine in a tin pot, and then sipped it in a small wine cup.

There was not enough wine in that era, so I didn't care enough about it, and then I used a small tin pot to pour a wine cup, and I had to make a wine order, and I had to drink six or eight mouthfuls of a wine cup before going down.

It was already 2004 when Liu Wendong got married, and by this time everyone had already started to get rich.As for Liu Wendong, he is a particularly generous person, and even said that he is even more generous than Zhao Qingshan in many respects.

What is generosity? If you have ten dollars, you can spend the ten dollars with your own hands. That is called generosity.If you say you have 1 yuan and then spend ten yuan with your hands, it is nothing at all.

Liu Wendong is the former, he spends whatever money he has, and Zhao Qingshan is the latter.

On the outside, the two are equally generous, but Zhao Qingshan knows in his heart that Liu Wendong is really generous, and Zhao Qingshan spends money lavishly because he thinks he will have more money, so he spends it right now. He doesn't feel bad.

Today Zhao Qingshan's family came to Liu Wendong's wedding banquet, but they didn't sit together.Zhao Qingshan was arranged to sit with the leaders of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, while Zhao Zhijiang was arranged to sit with prominent figures from Qingshan Agriculture and Fenghuangling Village. Zhang Huifen and Miss Tiantian shared a private room. The distinguished women who came sat at a table.

The table breaks up at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Zhao Qingshan's table breaks up early.Although Zhao Qingshan looks young, but because he read the marriage testimony to Liu Wendong just now, the leaders of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant know that this person is definitely not a simple person.Then after inquiring and finding out that this is Zhao Qingshan, he immediately respected him extraordinarily, insisting that Zhao Qingshan sit on the upper hand.

However, Zhao Qingshan is much younger after all, and someone in front of him introduced that there is a leader at the level of the vice president of the main factory, so Zhao Qingshan asked the vice president surnamed Hu to be the top leader, while he shirked it for a long time. A second in command.

After a banquet, everyone knew each other.

It turned out that I was well-known in the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, and the thing that everyone admired the most was that, as a boss, I bought a wedding house for my subordinates.

This matter was spread from ten to ten, and it spread throughout the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant in a short period of time. If you want to say, why do the middle-level leaders of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant respect themselves so much.

In 2004, the Yulongwan community built by Luzhong Iron and Steel Works on the banks of the Mowen River just opened. At that time, many people who lined up for lottery failed to buy a house.Then, the whole common people opened their mouths and shut their mouths to talk about the house.

And Zhao Qingshan suddenly bought a house for his subordinates as soon as he made a move. The news was really shocking.

Even many employees of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant are asking if the boss wants someone else, and they plan to change jobs next.

Of course, everyone at the banquet was talking jokes, but after getting to know these leaders, Zhao Qingshan was silently thinking about it. During the Chinese New Year, if he could develop some welfare products for the factory, Then I can make a lot of money at once.

Those who raise their own chickens naturally have to make a fuss about the chickens.

The Chinese people pay attention to reunion and auspiciousness during the Chinese New Year, and then they eat reunion dinners during the New Year. Needless to say, the northern dumplings and the man’s glutinous rice balls, if there is no big male chicken and big carp meat on the dining table, it will not be called auspicious. up.These two dishes need to be prepared by every household during Chinese New Year.Even if it is said that some people have limited cooking skills and the cooking is not delicious, they still have to win the prize.

Since it is said that everyone has to buy chickens every year, if the next step is to establish a relationship with the factory, and then say that the factory will add a white striped chicken when the benefits are distributed during the Chinese New Year, then the employees will definitely be happy.

You know, the entire Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant had a total of 2004 employees in 4.

4 people, that is 20 chickens. If one chicken earns [-] yuan, then there are [-] yuan.

Besides, if we can work on chicken articles with Luzhong Iron and Steel Works, there are still many ways to further cooperate in the next step.

Zhao Qingshan and Liu Wendong bid farewell to the leaders at the entrance of the hotel together. After finishing, Zhao Qingshan hurriedly pulled Zhang Peihe, Zhang Fan's elder brother beside him, and asked, "Brother, I want to ask you something, what about the one who was at the table with me just now?" Vice President, everyone calls him President Li, what's his real name?"

"You mean the one who shook your hand just now?"

"Yes, that's it."

"That's Li Tao, the vice president of our main factory."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he felt happy. He didn't expect that the old Zhang's family had such a background that even Li Tao would come to drink the wedding wine of the old Zhang's daughter.

Li Tao, although the name is very common, but Li Tao, who is now the vice president of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant, is not simple at all.

Zhao Qingshan knew that from December 2004, 12 to June 1, Li Tao had been the general secretary and top leader of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant.

If I can get in touch with Li Tao, then the next step is to give white chickens to the employees of Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant as welfare, isn't it very simple?Then it will be easier to further cooperate with the factory in the future?

"Well, Mr. Li is a nice guy, brother, take some time, and you and I can have a drink with Mr. Li."

Zhang Peihe smiled and said to Zhao Qingshan: "Mr. Li was originally my father's apprentice, and he worked with my father for a whole year in the workshop. When you have a chance, if you ask my father to call him, he will definitely be able to call him out. If you ask me to call him, then I will definitely lose that face."

Zhao Qingshan nodded his head as if he had realized something, thinking about the next step in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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