Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 26 Policies Have New Changes

Chapter 26 Policies Have New Changes

From the early 90s of the 21th century to the beginning of the 1992st century, roughly from 2004 to [-], for the farmers in the mountain villages around Zhao Qingshan’s hometown, it was a decade of great changes.

Although it is said that in 1984, the farmers in Laigang County had contracted production to households, but at that time most farmers were farmers both in thought and in action.The job of farmers is to cultivate the land. In layman's terms, Nongfu Spring has some fields.Farm when the farming is busy, and entertain when the farming is not.

However, some restless farmers wanted to make more money, so some started small businesses and some opened small workshops.Even so, although the vast majority of farmers have the idea of ​​making money, they have no actions to make more money, and there is no way to make money.

There are more and more farmers who want to make money, but there are few ways to make money.By 1992, when the country completely canceled the era of bills, the market was further liberalized, farmers could do more and more ways to make money, and farmers increasingly put making money in a more important position.

During the transition period from 1992 to 2004, farmers began to waver in terms of their own identity, and their actions began to slowly move away from the farmland.

Farming does not make money. If one mu of wheat can harvest a total of seven or eight hundred catties of wheat, it is not bad. After deducting the seed money, fertilizer money, lost labor costs, pesticide money, watering money, etc., it is a loss in the end. .

If you use the time spent on growing wheat to work part-time, and then use the money earned from part-time work to buy wheat, you will be accountable.

Farmers born in the 60s and 70s are more enthusiastic about farming.However, farmers born in the 80s, 90s and [-]s have little enthusiasm for farming.

In 2004, when the first commercial housing complex began to appear in Laigang County, farmers began to realize that as long as they had money, they could buy a house in the city and let their children go to school in the city, no different from city residents up.

After 2004, a large number of farmlands in central Shandong began to be abandoned, and fast-growing forests began to be planted in basic farmlands.

As time went on, the enthusiasm of farmers to earn money by working and doing business was far greater than that of farming.

Ideologically, farmers themselves feel that they are not farmers anymore, and in action, farmers are gradually breaking away from agricultural activities.

He Zhongheng from Fenghuangling Village was moved when he saw Zhao Qingshan, a villager in his village, made a lot of money from the farm run by his family in East Ridge of the village.

Their family also has an apple orchard of 30 mu at the foot of Dongling Mountain, which is closer to the road and the terrain is even flatter than Zhao's.I heard that there are financial subsidies in the county for raising chickens and building greenhouses. If you don’t enjoy such benefits, it’s for nothing?
The county animal husbandry bureau's financial subsidy funds are limited, totaling more than 200 million yuan.

He Zhongheng inquired and found Wang Hua, director of the County Animal Husbandry Bureau, and planned to apply for some financial subsidies.

However, the current situation is different from when Zhao Qingshan's family built the breeding farm.

At Zhaojiagai Farm, at that time, the policy of supporting farmers’ farming in the county had just come down, and it was necessary to set an example first, so as to promote the next step of work.

But now, the exemplary role of role models is obvious, and the influence is also great.As soon as the county TV station broadcast the story of Zhao Qingshan, a villager in Fenghuangling Village, raising chickens to make money, almost all the leaders of the five towns in Laigang County came to the head of the county animal husbandry bureau, wanting to fight for their own towns.Of course, if the township mayor wins over the funds, it may not be used to support the farmers, but if the 200 million funds are used to support 20 or [-] farmers, just relying on the few people in the Animal Husbandry Bureau, I can't be too busy.So the County Animal Husbandry Bureau held a meeting to study it. The County Animal Husbandry Bureau kept half of the funds and allocated the other half to the animal husbandry stations in each township. On average, one animal husbandry station can allocate about [-] yuan.The money was given to the animal husbandry station that he could manage, not to the township government, so that the county could carry out the next step of work smoothly.

The county animal husbandry bureau's requirement for township animal husbandry stations is that each township must support ten chicken farmers that produce more than [-] chickens a year.

The township didn't know that the total allocated by the higher-ups was 200 million, and they were so happy to get 20 in their hands. As for supporting ten farmers, it was not too difficult in the whole township.

There are several chicken raising households in each township, and then encouraging a few households is enough.As for the subsidy, it must be greatly discounted if it can be distributed to farmers.

As for the 100 million yuan in the county, it will definitely not reach the farmers.

In this way, the county can get 100 million funds for its own use, and at the same time it can support [-] farmers, and they will be praised when they report to the city.

He Zhongheng approached Wang Hua, the director of the County Animal Husbandry Bureau. After explaining his intentions, Wang Hua told He Zhongheng that the support funds had been sent to the village and asked him to find the director of the village animal husbandry station.

Zhaizi Township Animal Husbandry Station is located in Zhaizi Village, three houses next to the former old supply and marketing cooperative.The station master's surname is Cao, and his name is Cao Liangqing. He is a middle-aged man with a medium build and a solid build. He has a small crew cut and speaks Mandarin. He is actually from Huangzhuang Township, Laigang County.

When He Zhongheng found Cao Liangqing, he was treating a villager's sheep.

After Cao Liangqing brought the medicine for the sheep to the farmers, He Zhongheng explained his reason for coming, and then Cao Liangqing let He Zhongheng into his office.

Stationmaster Cao asked He Zhongheng to look at the document first, which said that the subsidy was 600 to 4 per household.The subsidy is 4 for every [-] square meters of chicken greenhouses, at least two [-] square meters of chicken greenhouses are built, and the upper limit is [-].You can build more greenhouses, but there will be no subsidy for more than [-] greenhouses.The document was offset printed and the paper was quite thin. He Zhongheng didn't realize that the official seal under the document was actually the Township Animal Husbandry Station.In other words, this file is not the red-headed file above at all.

How could the common people know so much? After receiving the documents, He Zhongheng frowned: "Station Master Cao, the subsidy of Zhao Qingshan's family in our village seems to be much more than this."

Cao Liangqing didn't blush, and said to He Zhongheng with an expressionless face: "Oh, it was the original policy, and now it is the current policy. This policy must be changed. It is impossible to say that it will continue like this, right? And wait After this period of time, if you build a chicken shed in the future, there will definitely be no subsidy for a penny. You have also read the documents. If you want to, you can write an application and hurry up to go home and build the chicken coop. The chicken coop After it's built, tell me again, I'll go over and check it out, and if it works, I'll give you the subsidy. But, this greenhouse must be built according to the requirements of the document."

Although the subsidy has been reduced, the standard for building greenhouses has not been lowered at all.

He Zhongheng said: Anyway, raising chickens is so easy to make money, even if there is no subsidy, this chicken shed has to be built.

Thinking of this, He Zhongheng nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, after passing this village, there will be no more shops here, Station Master Cao, I will apply."

Cao Liangqing took out a piece of letter paper and asked He Zhongheng to write an application with his address, name and ID number on it.

After the application was completed, He Zhongheng took out two boxes of Taishan cigarettes from his arms and stuffed them into Cao Liangqing's pocket.When Cao Liangqing saw it, he hurriedly pretended to be panic-stricken and shied away.

"What are you doing?"

"Let others see the joke, put it away quickly, there is nothing."

A smile finally appeared on Cao Liangqing's face at this moment: "Then go back and build the chicken coop. This policy will definitely not last long. After the Chinese New Year, this policy will definitely come to an end."

When He Zhongheng heard this, he hurried home to find the construction team, while Cao Liangqing heaved a sigh of relief and said to himself: Finally, we have gathered 10 chicken farmers.

(End of this chapter)

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