Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 27 A little embarrassing

Chapter 27 A little embarrassing

The news of the second batch of chickens at Zhao Qingshan's house obviously attracted a lot of attention from the news that He Zhongheng's family was going to build a chicken farm. A booster.

Who doesn't want to make more money, with more money, delicious food and spicy food, big fish and big meat, you can eat whatever you want, wear gold and silver, buy whatever famous brand, and color TV, refrigerator and washing machine, all of which don't require money.

But how to make money?Now Zhao Zhijiang and He Zhongheng are giving you the answer.

The colorful new life stimulates the consumption desire of the common people. As many things as there are things you want to buy, you have to spend as much money as you want.

To put it bluntly, the importance of money has increasingly surpassed other elements of life.

In 2002, only half of the peasant households in Fenghuangling Village renovated their old houses and lived in tile-roofed houses.And even those who live in tile-roofed houses, there are not many that do not cause famine.

In 2002, it cost about 3 yuan to build a five-room tile-roofed house.

This amount of money is not a small amount for ordinary people.

In fact, most of the common people still live in old earthen houses.

There is no harm without comparison, and the comparison between peers in the same village is even more powerful.

Zhao Zhijiang made money, Liu Yuren didn't have much idea, but He Zhongheng couldn't bear it.

Zhao Zhijiang, Liu Yuren, Liu Yutang, and He Zhongheng are the same age. There are more than 200 people in Fenghuangling Village. They give birth to one or two children every year, and sometimes there is no child born in a year.

It is normal for peers to compare and compete with each other.

He Zhongheng and Zhao Zhijiang got married in the same year, and He Hui and Zhao Qingshan were born in the same year. Speaking of which, the relationship between the two families has always been good.

Zhao Zhijiang and Zhang Huifen did not object to Zhao Qingshan's proposal to subsidize He Hui's education.

Now, chicken sheds suddenly started to be built in the apple orchard of He Zhongheng's family, which made Zhang Huifen unhappy.Especially in Zhao's Chicken Farm, where the chicks had just been raised, everyone worked very hard, and Zhang Huifen became even more angry.

What also made Zhao Zhijiang feel aggravated was that He Zhongheng didn't dare to say anything about running a chicken farm.

In fact, He Zhongheng was a little hesitant about setting up a chicken farm. In fact, he also felt that he would run a chicken farm and was worried that he would be opposed by Zhao Zhijiang.After all, peers are enemies, and everyone knows this.

In order to start this chicken farm, Shen Yuee went back to her natal family and borrowed 5 yuan, and then He Zhongheng borrowed [-] yuan from his three older sisters' homes before he dared to start working.

It's been four days since work started, and He Zhongheng hasn't come to Zhao's house, and Zhao Zhijiang hasn't been to He's house either.

Seeing that it would be difficult for the two friends who had a good relationship to meet next time, Zhao Qingshan was anxious, so he and Liu Tao teamed up to trap a hare on the mountain, let his mother stew it, and said to call He Zhongheng came over to drink.

In fact, from Zhao's chicken farm, He Zhongheng could be seen working on his own construction site.

However, when Zhang Huifen heard this, she immediately became unhappy: "Why did you call him here? You are an ungrateful thing, I get angry when I see him."

Zhao Zhijiang sat on the side, frowning, not speaking.

Zhao Qingshan said with a smile: "Mom, why are you so angry? Uncle He didn't offend you too much?"

"Haven't offended me much? Shanzi, are you stupid? Their family will also raise chickens in the future. Isn't this stealing business from us?"

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he waved his hands again and again: "Mom, you're wrong. There is a huge market for white-feathered chickens. Uncle He raises so many chickens that he can't steal our business."

"Even if he can't steal our business, if he builds a chicken farm, what's the point if he doesn't come and talk to us?" Zhao Zhijiang also had an opinion.

According to what Zhao Zhijiang thought in his mind, his family first started raising chickens in Fenghuangling Village. If other farmers want to raise chickens, come and ask him how to raise hair, that is respect for him.

As for He Zhongheng, he is still one of his best friends, and it is reasonable for him to be so angry now that he is like this.

"Dad, we have just learned how to raise them. What experience do you have? What do people ask us? Wouldn't it be better for Uncle He to ask someone with experience? Besides, it's not like you don't know Uncle He's temper. Just be narrow-minded, let him ask you, you wait until the year of the monkey. It’s not Dad, don’t you plan to ask me to ask Uncle He to drink? Mom, hurry up and stew the rabbit meat. Rabbit meat stewed radish, It's delicious."

"Okay, I'll go, I'll go, Shanzi, when did you start to like eating?"

Zhao Qingshan said in his heart, I never put too much thought into eating, but I really don't want to have any troubles with anyone in the village.

"Go ahead, I'd like to see what Uncle He has to say."

Zhao Qingshan walked out of his own apple orchard and came to He's apple orchard.

When he appeared in the apple orchard of He Zhongheng's home, he saw that He Zhongheng was still a little embarrassed. After all, he probably felt that he had done something wrong.

I usually don't look up and look down, but in the future, I will be neighbors and colleagues who raise chickens. If we don't establish a good relationship, it will be bad for everyone.

"Uncle He, are you busy?"

"Shanzi, you guys should be busier."

The construction team that He Zhongheng invited also belonged to Liu Yutang, and now Liu Yutang is leading his men to work.

The head contractor of the construction team in the mountain village is proficient in all aspects of construction, and he can handle things such as building walls, plastering, hanging tiles and installing beams.

"Uncle He, come to our house for a drink at noon. My house has a big stewed rabbit. Liu Tao and I went to the mountain to catch it. It weighs about four and a half catties."

"Ah, that is quite a big rabbit. It is really rare to grow so big in the wild."

"You must go, Uncle He."

"Okay, definitely go." He Zhongheng happily agreed.

"Where's Uncle Yutang?"

"That's not over there."

"Uncle Yutang, go to our house for a drink with Uncle He at noon! You must go, if you don't go, I will call again!"

"Okay, go back and tell your dad to prepare two more bottles of wine. Your family has made a lot of money, so you have to invite me! Hahaha!"

Hearing that the Zhao family wanted to buy him a drink, Liu Yutang seemed very happy.

"Uncle, I still have a lot of things to do over there. I'll go back first. You guys go up after work at noon. My mother is already stewing rabbit meat."

He Zhongheng nodded and watched Zhao Qingshan go back to his apple orchard and into the chicken shed.

At this time, Liu Yutang passed by He Zhongheng, and joked with a smile: "Brother, when you get rich, you must be like Zhijiang, treat the brothers to a drink."

"That's for sure. When the time comes, I'll invite you to a restaurant in the city."

He Zhongheng stared, showing that he was more generous than Zhao Zhijiang.

(End of this chapter)

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