Chapter 294

After Qiao Yaling returned home, Zhao Qingshan and the others stopped for a while, drank some water, and then followed her to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Then, Qiao Yaling led Tiantian to the green light all the way, without queuing up, and went through a series of pregnancy tests.

Among them, in the Doppler ultrasound room, Qiao Yaling asked the doctor a few words in a low voice, then pulled Zhao Qingshan aside with a smile, and whispered to him: "80.00% is a boy, but it is not very sure, after all There are also many inspection errors, and you have to be mentally prepared to be a girl."

Zhao Qingshan nodded again and again: "Thank you so much, we are happy for boys and girls, so we will mainly prepare boys' names now."

"The girl's name should also be prepared. After all, the color ultrasound is not [-]% accurate. I have to tell you this clearly. Since you want this child, you must pay attention to the nutrition and exercise of the pregnant woman. The child's condition is generally Yes, but your daughter-in-law is too thin and your child is underweight, so you must eat more nutritious foods such as meat and eggs."

As soon as he heard that the child was thinner, Zhao Qingshan became a little anxious, frowned and hurriedly said: "My wife is always afraid of being fat, hey..."

"It doesn't matter, it's all within the normal range. Just now your daughter-in-law followed suit and she's tired. You can take her back to my house to rest. I have two surgery appointments in the afternoon, so I won't be with you for now." , Tomorrow, Uncle Zhao and I will take a day off to accompany you to Mount Tai.”

Zhao Qingshan heard that Qiao Yaling had an operation in the afternoon, so he hurriedly said: "Auntie, go quickly, we can arrange it by ourselves in the afternoon."

Then Qiao Yaling said a few more words to Zhang Facai and Tiantian, and hurried to the obstetrics and gynecology operating room in the surgery building.

Coming out of Taishan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Zhao Qingshan asked Tiantian, "What do you want to eat?"

Although Tiantian's belly is not too conspicuous, she has already gained more than ten catties. However, the little girl is always worried about getting fat, so she always controls her diet.

In this case, it is not good for the growth and development of the child.

Qiao Yaling's worry was not unreasonable, so Zhao Qingshan decided to persuade Tiantian to eat more.

Tiantian really opened her mouth this time, she thought for a while and said, "I want to eat durian."

Zhang Facai next to him blinked and blinked: "What is durian?"

Zhao Qingshan suddenly remembered that he had never eaten durian in his previous life, but he had heard that it smelled stinky and tasted delicious, so he said with a smile: "It's a delicious fruit, let's drive around and see See where there are durians."

Then, Zhao Qingshan asked Tiantian and Zhang Facai to wait at the gate of the Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, while he ran back to the community where Zhao Qihang lived, and drove the car out.

The three of them drove all the way and found a fruit supermarket. They went in and asked, and there were durians, but the price was very expensive, more than ten yuan a catty.Zhao Qingshan picked a big one and spent more than 140 yuan.

After buying the fruit, Zhang Facai, who had never eaten this kind of fruit, smelled it in his arms, covered his nose with the smell, and said repeatedly: "It's broken, my nephew is broken."

The salesperson on the side covered his mouth and smiled, while Zhao Qingshan hurriedly said, "Uncle, this is the taste of durian, it's not bad."

Tian Tian also smiled and said, "Uncle, this is good, it's really not bad."

The salesperson also poked his head, and said to Zhang Facai, "Uncle, don't worry, the fruits in our store are all fresh, and there is no quality problem."

Zhao Qingshan picked up some oranges, bananas, apples and other fruits, carried a big bag, then checked out and walked out of the fruit shop.

Zhang Facai has been holding the sticky durian, smelling it from time to time, thinking to himself: How can such a stinky thing taste good?
Zhao Qingshan didn't dare to bring durian back to Zhao Qihang's house, if this stuff was eaten at home, there would be a foul smell in the house for a long time, it was really unbearable.

After getting in the car, Zhao Qingshan said: "Let's go to the general's cemetery."

Because of Zhao Qihang's presence in Taishan City, Zhang Facai has been to Taishan City many times, and he has also played around in Taishan City with Zhao Qihang's company, so he knows something about Taishan City.

Taishan City, built because of Mount Tai, is located at the foot of Mount Tai and is a famous tourist city.

However, there are many mountains around Mount Tai, and Taishan City was built on the mountain. The city is long and narrow, and the roads are criss-cross.

Zhao Qingshan also has a good understanding of Taishan City. He has visited Taishan several times, and he has been to Taishan, Dai Temple, Bixia Temple, General Mausoleum and so on.

When Zhang Facai heard that his nephew was going to take him to the general's mausoleum, he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, let's go to the general's mausoleum now. There is an old fortune-teller in front of the mausoleum. He is quite accurate in his speech. We can go there now. Asking him to calculate whether the child in the niece's womb is a boy or a girl can also support the hospital's conclusion."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he felt that he should go to the general's tomb.

This general's mausoleum is the mausoleum of a general surnamed Feng who disarmed and returned to the field during the Republic of China. General Feng left many traces on Mount Tai, and this mausoleum is now a tourist attraction.In addition, at the foot of Mount Tai, there is a school funded by the general, which is still named after the general in later generations.

I drove all the way to the general's mausoleum, and then I looked up, and saw the old man with a stall in front of the mausoleum, wearing a gray cloth coat, and he looked a bit like a traditional craftsman.

Tiantian was a little tired, and she had to climb the steps before the face-watcher, so Zhao Qingshan took Tiantian's arm and walked up.

"What do you want to ask?"

Just as Zhao Qingshan approached, he saw a red cloth in front of the old man, with gossip on it, banknotes, boxes and baskets, and some things that he couldn't name.

"I want to ask Master, is my daughter-in-law's belly badly male or female?"

With a smile on his face, the old man muttered: "The secret of heaven must not be revealed."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he immediately took out 100 yuan, placed it gently under the small stone slab with the red cloth on it, and said, "Thank you, Master."

When the fortune teller saw it, he immediately became a little excited, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, thank you, please let this girl shake the divination."

Tiantian listened, took the hexagram bucket, and then shook it like a joke, and after a while, two hexagram sticks fell out, Zhao Qingshan picked it up and handed it to the master.

"Lucky dragons get water and good luck. I can't help but feel happy. Everything is going well, and the fortune will gradually increase in the future."

"Brother, girl, this hexagram is really good."

Zhao Qingshan said in his heart that I gave you 100 yuan, and asked you a man and woman, but you said it.

"Master, is my wife pregnant with a boy or a girl?"

"There are words in the hexagrams, all wishes come true, that is to say, if you want a boy, be a boy, and if you want a girl, be a girl."

Tiantian became happy when she heard it, but Zhao Qingshan seemed a little depressed, and the old man didn't say anything after spending 100 yuan in vain.

Reluctantly saying goodbye to the old man, the three of them came to a corner of the square, took out the durian and ate it. The taste was so refreshing that people around them all looked sideways, which made the three of them feel embarrassed.

Durian is delicious, really delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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