Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 295 Eating at Taishan Restaurant

Chapter 295 Eating at Taishan Restaurant

The three of them finished eating durians at the general's tomb, threw the dregs into the trash can like thieves, and then escaped.

Tiantian was tired, so the three of them went back to Zhao Qihang's house, and Tiantian fell asleep in the guest bedroom arranged by Qiao Yaling just now.

As for Zhao Qingshan, he was bored watching TV with his uncle in the living room.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, Zhao Qihang called Zhang Facai and asked where they were now.

Zhang Facai told Zhao Qihang that they were in his house now, and then Zhao Qihang asked them to drive to the entrance of the Women's Hospital and pick up his wife, and pick him up at the entrance of the People's Hospital, and then we all went to eat together.

Tiantian in the guest bedroom got up when she heard the phone call outside, but she didn't actually fall asleep.

Just changed places, Tiantian is still not used to the environment here, so she didn't fall asleep at all.

So the three of them locked the door. After getting in the car, they first went to the gate of the Women's Hospital to pick up Qiao Yaling, and then came to the gate of the People's Hospital.

Tian Tian sat on the co-pilot, and the three people in the back didn't seem crowded, after all, the space of the A6 was quite large.

"Where shall we eat?"

In the evening, Zhao Qihang and the others had more time, and then asked.

"Old Zhao, why don't we go to Taishan Restaurant, last time I ate their food was pretty good."

Zhao Qihang nodded, and then said to Zhao Qingshan: "Xiao Zhao, go south along the road."

This Taishan Hotel was also a landmark building in Taishan City. It was built in 1975, but it was demolished in 2018.Back then, many state leaders and foreign political and business officials who came to climb Mount Tai also came to Taishan Restaurant for dinner.

Taishan City, in the entire Qilu Province, was considered a prefecture-level city with good economic development, but it gradually declined later.

Of course, there are complex factors in economic development, and it is also one-sided to simply rule on policies and governments.Taishan City does not have a strong pillar enterprise, and it is far behind the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant in Luzhong City, let alone Daocheng, Quancheng, and Yancheng.

The group came to Taishan Hotel, looking at the somewhat traditional layout of the hotel, Zhao Qingshan felt a lot of emotion.

When I was a teenager, I used to envy this restaurant at the entrance, but I was discouraged when I considered the price of consumption inside. Now, I don’t think much about the price when I choose a dining place, but I feel that this is the same here.

This also corresponds to the saying, what you can't get is always the best, but once you get it, you find that he is not as good as you imagined, and you feel a little bit disappointed.

The same is true in life, maybe happiness only exists in the process of pursuing happiness.

Dinner was ordered by Zhao Qihang, because an old classmate came, Director Zhao was very generous, ordered a table of dishes, and also ordered two bottles of red wine.

During dinner, everyone discussed the next step about the arrangements for the sweet girl.

Qiao Yaling said: "It's okay for the children and adults. The next step is to wait until you go back and come back in about a week before the expected date of delivery. Anyway, it's still far away from the expected date of delivery. Don't worry."

The reason why Zhao Qingshan came to Taishan City was not because he was worried about having a baby, but because Miss Tiantian had a big belly, and it would be inconvenient for her to show up in Fenghuangling Village or Bianjiaquan Village.

However, since she is pregnant, it is not good to stay at home all the time, so Zhao Qingshan thought about changing the environment, let Tiantian live here in Taishan City first, and give birth directly in the Maternity Hospital when the due date is due , and then confinement.

When we were at the General’s Mausoleum just now, Zhao Qingshan was discussing with Tiantian, or he could just buy a house here, bring Zhao Qingshan’s mother or Tiantian’s mother here, and hire a nanny Waiting, waiting here for delivery.

"Auntie, it's like this. When we come this time, we want to live here in Taishan City. After all, the environment in Taishan City is much better than that in Luzhong City."

This is also a fact. There are no heavy industrial enterprises in Taishan City. It is a tourist city with a very high rate of urban greening and the air in the city is particularly fresh.Moreover, at the foot of Mount Tai, there is a sanatorium for retired cadres and military leaders. It can be seen that the environment of Mount Tai is indeed very satisfactory.

Waiting for delivery in Mount Tai is much better than waiting for delivery in Luzhong City.

In Luzhong City, especially Laigang County, the environment is not very good because of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant.Especially around the coking plant, if you walk through that place in summer, the smell is really too exciting.

However, after hearing what Zhao Qingshan said, Qiao Yaling's face became a little embarrassed, and she glanced at her husband Zhao Qihang.

Zhao Qihang also murmured in his heart: Why are these two still here?Even if I have a good relationship with your uncle, you can't put your nose on your face, what's the point of staying here?

But, if it is said that Zhao Qingshan and the others insist on staying at Zhao Qihang's house and awaiting delivery, Zhao Qihang is a bit repulsive from the bottom of his heart, but he will never refuse.

Zhao Qihang knew that his wife was looking at him, but he deliberately looked at Zhao Qingshan, and persuaded him: "Son, eat more, the food here is very safe, and the state leaders also eat here when they come."

Zhang Facai asked timidly, "Isn't it expensive?"

Zhao Qihang waved his hands again and again: "It's okay, Big Brother finally came here, why don't I let you have a good meal?"

Qiao Yaling's face was a little embarrassed, but she still tried her best to smile, and then said to Zhao Qingshan: "Here, Xiao Zhao, I have to tell you, usually you and Uncle Zhao are busy at work, maybe I can't take care of you. ah."

When Zhao Qihang heard this, he turned around and glared at his wife angrily: "What are you talking about? My old classmate's nephew is my nephew, and he is at my home as if he were at home. You can rest assured and go back after confinement is over." that is!"

Qiao Yaling was very surprised. You must know that her husband has never been so angry with her. How could it be like this today?


Seeing that Aunt Zhao's face was a bit ugly, Zhao Qingshan hurriedly said: "Oh Aunt, it's like this, I don't live in your house, I want to live in my company first, and then in the community around the Women's Hospital Buy a house, and then live in the bought house, and then it will be closer to you, and it will be more convenient for you to trouble you with some things."

Hearing what the other party said, the stone hanging in Qiao Yaling's heart fell to the ground, and her face looked better.

However, she still has a lot of questions, including Zhao Qihang also has some questions, the company?buy house?What's going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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