Chapter 35
The He family's 4-day-old epidemic prevention ended, and it was already ten o'clock at night. Cao Xicai and the others couldn't leave, so they could only stay at He Zhongheng's house for one night.

He Zhongheng saw that he had been away from the chicken farm for less than two days, and then it was messed up. In addition, Cao Xicai reminded him to manage it carefully. He was afraid that if the chickens were infected with the disease, the chicken farm would be built The money won't come, and the Agricultural University has to pay a sum of money, so I didn't care about the cold and discomfort that night, so I decided to stay at the chicken farm here in Dongling.

At the chicken farm, I used to let my three employees take turns to be on duty at night, but now it seems impossible, so He Zhongheng and his wife discussed, the three employees asked them to do more work during the day, and then they had to do things by themselves at night up.

He Zhongheng wanted to stay on the mountain, and then Shen Chuanhe went home, but Shen Ying did not go home.

Since He Zhongheng was going to be at the chicken farm, Shen Ying definitely couldn't stay with him, and could only let Shen Yue'e spend the night at the chicken farm.After that, He Cong had to take care of her at home, so Shen Ying could only stay and go to her sister's house to take care of her nephew.

However, He Zhongheng had to take Cao Xicai and the others back to their own house in the village, because Cao Xicai and the others did not know the way.

After sending Cao Xicai home, He Zhongheng went back to the chicken farm.

"Brother Cao, where are we?"

Cao Xicai is the technician in charge of the Luzhong City side of the Agricultural University Company. He has two subordinates, one named Luan Yiming and the other named Ge Fuhai.

Luan Yiming is a young man who pays special attention to hygiene, while Ge Fuhai is a bit scruffy. Both of them are college students who just graduated from Agricultural University this year.

College students who study agriculture don't have many opportunities to stay in the city, and those who can enter agricultural companies like them are considered pretty good.Of course, it can only be relatively good.

Cao Xicai glanced at the bed at the east end of the main room, and said with a smile, "Isn't that a bed?"

Ge Fuhai said with a smile, "I'll be on the floor, and you guys will sleep on the bed."

There were two quilts on the chair beside the bed. Before leaving, He Zhongheng told Cao Xicai that they could make the floor if they felt crowded.

After finishing speaking, Ge Fuhai spread out the bedding, put down his clothes, and started snoring within 2 minutes.

"Hey, brother Cao, he's also playing the floor, hey."

It is hard work to do their job, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and there are no hotels to live in, so they can only live in the farmers' homes.And the farmers have worked very hard on the chicken farm alone, so how much effort is there to take care of them.

Luan Yiming could not understand Ge Fuhai's slovenliness.

Ge Fuhai was already asleep, while Luan Yiming frowned and found two thermos bottles, but when he mentioned it, he found that there was no water at all.

"Brother Cao, this place doesn't even have any hot water, how can you wash your feet?"

However, Cao Xicai didn't like Luan Yiming who was too fastidious.

Cao Xicai encountered many situations where there was no hot water to wash your feet. While making the bed, he said, "Either you wash it with cold water, or don't wash it at all."

"Washing your feet in cold water is bad for your health. How can you fall asleep if you don't wash your feet? No, I'll find a kettle to boil some water. I can't sleep without washing my feet."

After making the bed, Cao Xi was about to go to bed. He yawned and said, "If you can't sleep, it means you're not sleepy."

Luan Yiming flashlighted to the patio outside to find a kettle to boil water. Cao Xi, who was just about to go to bed, heard footsteps behind him. It was Luan Yiming, but when he looked back, it turned out to be the pretty one hired by the He family. hired labor.

"You are here too?" Cao Xicai was surprised.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce you, He Zhongheng is my brother-in-law."

Shen Ying's hair is as simple as a bun, and is wrapped around a net scarf.It was an October weather, and the night was slowly getting cooler. She was wearing clothes, revealing her red thermal underwear, and the tight underwear presented her almost perfect figure in front of Cao Xicai.

Shen Ying was holding a thermos bottle in his hand, and placed it in the middle of the main room, and did not walk in front of Cao Xicai again.Because, she was afraid that if she walked any further, the other person's staring eyes at her would make her dizzy and flushed.

"There is only a half thermos bottle left. If you want to drink, you can only drink cold water."

"I'm not thirsty."

Looking at the girl with a graceful figure, exuding a youthful atmosphere all over her body, the heart of the little chicken technician who has never had any love experience germinated.

"Hey, there is a thermos bottle here. I said brother, there is water in it, and it is still hot. Hahaha, don't worry, you can't wash your feet. Brother, do you want to wash your feet?"

"Leave me half!"

Cao Xicai's voice was a little trembling, but the reason for his uneasiness confused him.

"I'll keep half of it for you, so what are you doing so fiercely? It smells so good, where's the scent?"

But at this time, Shen Ying, who had returned to the back room, leaned her back against the door tightly, as if she was afraid that the three men would suddenly break in.In the room next to her, in the inner room of another suite, her nephew He Cong was already fast asleep.

At this moment, Shen Ying's mind is in a mess, she has never lost her composure in front of other men.She is a confident, even a bit conceited woman, she knows her beauty, she is confident enough to make the man she likes like her.

In her mind, it was all about him at this moment.

And in his mind, at this moment, it was all about her.

However, there is such an obvious gap between the two men and women who fell in love at first sight.

Shen Ying is a rural girl with little education. She dropped out of school after the second year of junior high school and went home to work.Although He Cong lives in the countryside for more than half of the year, he is indeed a city resident, and he is still a college student.

I believe that no one is optimistic about this relationship that is doomed before it begins.

That night, Shen Ying had a dream. She dreamed that she was married to a man from the city. She couldn't tell what she looked like, but she was so happy that she almost burst into tears all night.

Similarly, Cao Xicai also had a dream. In the dream, he married an uneducated girl from the countryside, and his parents threatened him with a knife, saying that if he had that girl, he would have no parents.He was in pain and wept bitterly, but there was nothing he could do.

After waking up the next day, Cao Xi didn't dare to see Shen Ying again early in the morning, so he hurriedly called his companions to bid farewell to He Zhongheng on Dongling Mountain, and went back to the county.

The distance of seven or eight miles, walking, is also a common situation for Cao Xicai and the others.

Walk to the county seat, come to the bus station, a few people get on the bus, and then three hours later, they will come to the dormitory of the Agricultural University Company.Taking a bath, having a meal of your choice, and then getting a good night's sleep are things they desperately hope for.

On the way back, Cao Xicai kept looking at the mountains, the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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