Chapter 36
After the beginning of winter, the weather gets colder day by day.

While staring at the market price, and at the same time staring at the white feather chickens in the chicken farm, Zhao Qingshan was worried.

As the saying goes, "Family wealth is ten thousand, hairy ones don't count." Don't look at how much money these white-feathered chickens can make, but it's really not the moment to exchange money, and no one has any idea.

Maybe when the weather turns cold and the bird flu hits overnight, the 1 white-feathered chickens will be wiped out within three days.

Three days later, during the Xiaoxue solar term, Zhao Qingshan contacted several buyers of white-feathered chickens and prepared to sell them.And this price is naturally much higher than the contract chicken.

To be honest, Zhao Qingshan had a good time catching up, and the price they agreed upon verbally was no less than three yuan and five catties.

The feed is still fifty cents a catty, and the ratio of meat to feed can even reach 1:2 this time, and the survival rate is also normal, 90.00%.

What makes people especially happy about this batch of chickens is that the chicks are not only cheap, but also of good quality. The chicks cost 1 cents each, which is almost the same as picking them up for nothing.The chicklings on Zhao Qingshan cost [-] cents each, while those on He Zhongheng cost more than one yuan.Zhao Qingshan saved a small [-] yuan just for the chicks.

In this way, for Zhao Qingshan's 1 chickens, the cost of chicklings is 2400 yuan, the cost of feed is more than 6 yuan, and the cost of other labor, vaccines and medicines is less than 5000 yuan.And this batch of chickens is estimated to sell for more than 21 points.

What kind of concept is this? For this batch of chickens, Zhao Qingshan's gross profit can be around 14.

This is a huge sum of money, and it has never been possible to make so much money in 45 days in the history of Fenghuangling Village.

Not only Zhao Qingshan's family was happy, but also Ma Jinchang, Liu Yuren and Liu Tao.

In the evening, Zhao Qingshan's family looked at the weather forecast with trepidation, and found that there was no sign of snow in the past week, and they felt at ease.

If the Zhao family is most worried now, it must be snowing. Once it snows, the trucks transporting chickens will not be able to get in, and their chickens will not be sold. Then my busy forty days will be in vain.

You must know that if the chickens in the chicken coop are raised for one more day, there will be one more day of risk, and it will also increase the cost of feed.

Another two days have passed, and tomorrow night is the day to go chicken.

Zhao Qingshan called the bosses who bought the chickens again to determine how many chickens the bosses bought and how many chicken catching workers they needed to find.Finally, the price was negotiated. The price of the chicken tomorrow night is three yuan and sixty cents, the highest price in history.

In fact, even in 2018, the price of white feather chickens sometimes dropped to four or five yuan a catty.

The price of white feather chickens and live chickens has fluctuated, but the fluctuation range is relatively small compared with the price fluctuations of chicks.

The price of white-feathered chicken fry fluctuates greatly. When it is expensive, the price of a chicken fry can reach five or six yuan, while when it is cheap, it is only two or three cents.Even sometimes, the chicks hatched in the hatchery are not cared about, and they are directly crushed and made into feed.

The chickens will be gone tomorrow, and today we must confirm who will catch the chickens tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Zhao Qingshan urged his father to walk around the village, and notified those who caught chickens for his family last time, and asked them if they had the time to go to their house to earn some money tomorrow. a dollar.

A total of forty people came to their family last time, and they were divided into four groups to catch chickens for them.Each of these forty people earned an average of 30 yuan in the end, and they were all quite happy.

After all, in 2002, the daily salary was only 20 yuan, and the monthly salary of government employees was only 800 yuan.

Most of the people who earned [-] yuan last time were happy to come, and Zhao Qingshan was relieved.

In fact, these chickens can be caught by 20 people, so as long as most people agree to come, the Zhao family will feel relieved.

After confirming the person who caught the chicken, Zhao Qingshan rode his motorcycle again, went to talk to his uncle and aunt, and invited them both over.

My uncle, Zhang Facai, has nothing to do since his son got married, and just stays idle at home every day.Calling him over, on the one hand, can let him help my family tomorrow, on the other hand, it can also give him some benefits, and give him some benefits.

When the chicken was gone last time, almost all the villagers in Fenghuangling Village came to watch the excitement, there were so many people, and some of the poorer quality even secretly carried Zhao Qingshan's chicken back to their home.So this time, Zhao Qingshan asked Zhang Facai to come over and give Zhang Changsan an eye, helping to watch those people with poor quality.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Stealing is a hobby of some people, and every village has this.

Not to mention ordinary people, even teachers, they should be a group of relatively high-quality people, but the actual situation sometimes makes people feel helpless.

Zhao Qingshan has a geography teacher. It is said that he has no hobbies. The biggest hobby is riding a motorcycle at night, touching the entrance of any village, stealing a chicken, touching a dog, and then going back to the school dormitory to cook and eat. .

The quality of such people is low, but it is a pity that they may be able to do some good things in other areas.As for the sneaky geography teacher, he also sponsored two students from poor families. He would help the old woman cross the road, fetch water for the widow, and so on.

Anyway, Zhao Qingshan feels that in this world, there is no absolute good person, and there is no absolute bad person, so we can only look at it dialectically.

Days passed like years, and finally came the day of Xiaoxue solar terms in 2002. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the bosses of the three broiler processing factories in southern Thailand came to Zhao Qingshan's house under the leadership of Zhao Qingshan. Chicken truck.

As soon as it got dark, everyone started to get busy, catching chickens, loading cars, shouting, dogs barking, children crying, warblers singing, and whistles flying.

The three bosses loaded the trucks in three ways, and even the workers brought by the boss ran directly to the chicken coop to catch the chickens.

After a lot of busy work, all the 1 chickens got into the boss's car.Then, Zhao Qingshan followed the front chicken truck to the side of National Highway 205 to look for a weighing scale.Behind the car, Sun Hongtai, the biggest boss in southern Tainan, followed in a white Xiali car.The other two bosses Cui Chuanmao and Tian Maohai stayed on the mountain, waiting for Zhao Qingshan to go back and settle accounts with them.

After passing the scales, Zhao Qingshan took the tickets issued on the scales, got into Sun Hongtai's car and went back to the mountain to settle accounts, while the chicken transporter drove to Tainan City.

These chickens will be slaughtered in the slaughterhouse, divided, packaged, and then shipped to supermarkets in Quancheng, Daocheng, Haigang, Kyoto and other cities for sale.

Returning home with the issued tickets, Zhao Qingshan's family was overwhelmed with excitement. The income from this batch of chicken feathers was 14 yuan!
(End of this chapter)

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