Chapter 37

The news that Zhao's chicken farm made a lot of money spread throughout the mountain circle overnight, 14, in this day and age, it may not be earned in a lifetime.

You know, in 2002, the per capita annual income in urban areas was no more than 7000 yuan, while the per capita income in rural areas was only more than 2000 yuan.

Calculated in rural areas, the per capita income is 6000 yuan, and the annual income of a family of three is more than 2000 yuan. If you can get 14 yuan a year after deducting various expenses, it will take 70 years to save [-] yuan.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. On the one hand, Zhao Qingshan’s chickens have made a lot of money, but on the other hand, He Zhongheng’s chickens have lost money!
With such a good market, and the recycling contract He Zhongheng signed with the Agricultural University Company is not low, it should not lose money.

But, to be honest, He Zhongheng is not good at raising chickens at all.

When feeding the chickens, he thought it would be okay to delay the feeding for ten, twenty, ten minutes, but in fact, if the water and feed were added one minute late, something serious might happen.

On the second day after Zhao Qingshan had finished walking, he was riding a motorcycle in the morning, and Zhao Zhijiang was sitting behind the motorcycle. Zhao Zhijiang was carrying a yellow canvas bag with 22 yuan in cash in it.

Even after deducting the money owed to the construction team, Zhao Qingshan now has a net worth of more than 15.

From September in the Gregorian calendar to the end of November in the Gregorian calendar, in less than three months, Zhao Qingshan's net worth went from zero to 15.

Not only were others convinced, but even Zhao Zhijiang and his wife were convinced.

But there is one person who is not convinced, he is He Zhongheng, he has nothing but envy and jealousy towards Zhao Qingshan.

In addition to leaving some liquid cash, Zhao Qingshan deposited 22 yuan in the Zhaizi Township Rural Credit Cooperative.

This is a huge sum of money, usually people with thousands of dollars in their hands would go to the bank to deposit it, and suddenly such a rich man appeared, the bank president was also very excited, and hurriedly inquired about it and chatted with Zhao Qingshan .

Zhao Qingshan intends to make friends with people in the financial system. In the next step, if he wants to develop faster, he must deal with them.

At noon, Director Yan of the Rural Credit Cooperative in Zhaizi Township had a meal together, and when he returned home in the afternoon, it was almost three o'clock.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Zhao Qingshan saw He Zhongheng coming out of his house in a hurry, and said anxiously with a mournful face: "Oh, Qingshan, you are back, come and see what happened to my chickens, what happened to the chickens in that scene?" It's too permeable."

He Zhongheng was followed by Zhao Qingshan's mother, Zhang Huifen, who frowned and added, "Shanzi, the chicken in your Uncle He's house has been poisoned by an evil spirit."

While Zhao Qingshan was busy pushing the motorcycle into the shed at the door, he asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Zhijiang on the side also anxiously comforted his buddies: "Don't worry, Zhongheng, let's go and see what's going on."

"Brother Zhijiang, my chickens are dying one by one. They weigh more than two catties. In less than 20 days, they will be slaughtered to make money. Now, I have the heart to die now. !"

Seeing that He Zhongheng was really in a hurry, Zhao Qingshan hurriedly said to his father: "Dad, you and I, Uncle He, go back first, and I will be there later."

The sky was overcast, and the three workers hired by Zhao Qingshan's family, Ma Jinchang, Liu Yuren and Liu Tao, were busy, going in and out of the chicken coop, transporting the chicken manure out of the chicken coop, and piled it on the wasteland at the foot of the mountain , waiting for Zhao Qingshan to contact the buyer to sell it.

Zhao Zhijiang anxiously followed He Zhongheng to their chicken coop, and then Zhao Qingshan went into the house and folded the savings to a safe place.

"Mom, when did Uncle He come to our house?"

"I've been here several times in a row, and I'm so anxious."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, then hurried out of the courtyard gate, and walked down the road to the apple orchard contracted by He Zhongheng's family.

In the courtyard where the He family entered, Zhao Qingshan saw traces of burnt paper on the ground. It seemed that He Zhongheng had indeed entrusted the treatment of his chicken casualties to ghosts and gods.

Walking inside, Zhao Qingshan saw Liu Liang, a hired worker of He Zhongheng's family, pushing a small cart with a bucket full of dead chickens, and the whole bucket was heavily stained with blood, which fell to the ground along the bucket , the scene was just like cleaning the battlefield after a big battle.

"Is it chicken pecking anus?"

What kind of chicken disease will make chickens kill each other?
Suddenly, Zhao Qingshan had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Sure enough, when he arrived at He Zhongheng's chicken coop, Zhao Qingshan saw it and understood that it was indeed the chicken pecking at the anus.

Chicken anus pecking is a bloody chicken disease. There are many causes of this chicken disease.Light, nutrition, temperature, humidity, density, etc. all have a certain relationship.

When the disease occurs, the chicks peck each other’s buttocks, and some chicks’ buttocks are pecked and bleed, and then other chicks are more excited to peck the bleeding chicken, and finally tear the chicken’s intestines Come out and die.

This chicken disease must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a lot of casualties.

"When did you first find out about this?"

Zhao Qingshan frowned and asked.

While crying, Shen Yue'e picked out the dead chickens in the flock, and replied: "It's been a few days, and it hasn't been too bad. I don't know what happened today, but all the chickens stopped eating. pecking ass."

Shen Ying cried and said, "Sister, did we offend the mountain god? Why, how could this happen?"

Shen Chuanhe was smoking while frowning, standing behind Zhao Zhijiang and He Zhongheng.

He Zhongheng raised his head, and the tears that were about to flow flowed back again.

"Maybe, this is life."

"Uncle He, this is a chicken disease. It has nothing to do with the mountain god. I read it in a book. It is called chicken pecking anus. It will cause some casualties, but if it is treated early, the problem will not be serious. You have delayed it here. I don't think the casualties are serious." It’s small, but it may not be out of control. In this way, I will drive you in a tricycle. Let’s go to the Zhaizi Animal Husbandry Station to find a doctor and let him tell us what to do. It’s not too late. Hurry up and catch some sick chickens , I'm going to drive now."

"What? Is this a chicken disease? Okay, Shanzi, I'll listen to you, you go quickly."

As if he had grasped a life-saving straw, He Zhongheng happily followed Zhao Qingshan's instructions.

In fact, Zhao Qingshan also read some methods to treat chicken pecking anus, but those methods from his own mouth may not be believed by many people, so it is best to find a professional.At the same time, I need to get some chicken medicine, and I have to go to the Zhaizi Township Animal Husbandry Station.

(End of this chapter)

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