Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 356 Unspoken Rules in University

Chapter 356 Unspoken Rules in University

Both Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan have increasingly discovered that the lack of talents seriously restricts the company's development.

Participating in the college graduation job fair is an important way for Mr. Zhao and Mr. Han to acquire talents.

There is another way to obtain talents, and that is to go to other companies to poach people.

However, in Zhao Qingshan's heart, regarding the talents he has poached, he always feels that those who can be poached by himself may also be poached by other companies in the future.

So he wants to cultivate talents. The college graduates at the job fair are like pieces of rough jade, which can only become brilliant works of art after being carved by the boss.

Zhao Qingshan is happy to do this.

I heard that there was a job fair at the Provincial University of Science and Technology, but Han Sanshan and the others haven't come up with their plan yet. Besides, their company didn't recruit many graduates from the University of Science and Technology.

After all, it is an agricultural company, and the corresponding Agricultural University is their big business.

However, looking around at the campus job fair, for Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan, it can be regarded as gaining some knowledge, don't know what to do when they really participate in the job fair.

Qilu University of Science and Technology, an old brand undergraduate institution in Qilu Province, was originally located in Taishan City.

Later, the school needed to expand its campus due to its development needs, but the Taishan Municipal Government was unwilling to provide large land for HKUST. Later, HKUST simply established branch campuses in Quancheng and Daocheng.Moreover, the University of Science and Technology is gradually developing towards the island city.When the University of Science and Technology proposed to the island city government to build a campus, it received strong support.

It has to be said that the thinking of some leaders of the Taishan City Government is indeed a bit unbelievable.

HKUST's 2005 spring campus job fair was held in the school's basketball court.

A row of school student union members wearing red armbands stood at the entrance of the basketball court, responsible for checking the credentials of the personnel entering the job fair.

This job fair was sponsored by HKUST Employment Guidance Center, and they sent out invitation letters to companies that had previously recruited graduates from their school, sending out a total of thousands of invitation letters, and then came to the scene to participate in the recruitment There are more than 200 enterprises, providing more than 3000 jobs.Among them, there are mostly local enterprises in Taishan City, and there are also enterprises in Quancheng, Daocheng and other places.It is expected that the number of college graduates who will come to the job fair will reach [-] to [-], most of whom are graduates from the University of Science and Technology. In addition, there are also many graduates from other universities in Taishan City, and there will also be graduates from Quancheng and Daocheng. Fresh graduates who rushed over.

The scale of this job fair is not too large, after all, the population of Taishan City is not large, and there are not many enterprises in Taishan City.If this job fair is held in Quancheng or Daocheng, it will attract thousands of employers to participate, provide more than 2 jobs, and at the same time attract about [-] to [-] college graduates.

There are many more universities in Quancheng than in Taishan City.

Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan drove directly into the campus. In 2005, the control of cars in the school was not as strict as it is now.

After parking the car in front of the teaching building, Zhao Qingshan and Han Sanshan inquired and came to the job fair.

When Zhao Qingshan walked to the door, a member of the student union wearing a red armband stopped him and said with a smile, "Are you two senior students at our University of Science and Technology?"

When Zhao Qingshan graduated in his previous life, he had participated in several graduate job fairs, so he still understood the rules of the job fairs at this time.

"What?" Han Sanshan next to him didn't understand.

Zhao Qingshan said: "Buy tickets, right? Here are two tickets."

"Two yuan a piece."

Zhao Qingshan took out four yuan from his pocket and handed it to the members of the student union. After that, he took two rough-printed tickets and entered the job fair site.

"I still have to buy a ticket?" Han Sanshan wondered.

There was a flyer handing out near the door, and a lot of people were crowded, and when we walked inside, there was a bit of space to talk.At the door, there was so much yelling that it made people's scalps feel numb.

Zhao Qingshan smiled: "Student union, students of this school can enter for free with their student ID cards, while those from other schools have to charge. This is also a kind of local protection policy to protect students of this school."

"This receipt? It's too casual."

Ever since Han Sanshan took charge of the Agricultural University Company, Zhao Qingshan had told him many times that to manage a company well, one must pay attention to the details.If the boss pays attention to details, employees will pay attention to details.

The importance of details to an enterprise is self-evident. It is very reasonable to say that details determine success or failure.

Obviously, Han Sanshan noticed that the tickets sold by the college students in the student union at the door were very rough printed, and this would never be allowed in an event held by his company.

In fact, the University of Science and Technology College Student Employment Guidance Center sponsored this event and asked the student union to help, asking the student union to check the student ID at the door.The senior graduates of our school can enter the venue at will, while the senior graduates of other schools need to control the number of people.Then the student union members are responsible for maintaining order.

As for how to control the number of people, the teacher at the employment guidance center did not give a clear request, and then the matter of selling tickets at the entrance of the student union has been passed down.

The school definitely does not support the sale of tickets, but it also turns a blind eye to the behavior of the student union.

For a job fair, people from other schools would spend at least three to five hundred dollars, and in the end, the student union would earn eight hundred yuan, which would be considered a clear expense for the student union.

This can be regarded as the unspoken rule in the school.

"The University of Science and Technology graduates five or six thousand undergraduates a year. After this job fair, it is considered good if there are one or two thousand jobs."

Looking at the crowded scene, Zhao Qingshan sighed.

Han Sanshan also shook his head: "Hey, it's becoming more and more difficult for a college student to find a job now."

While chatting, the two had to look at the recruitment requirements written by different employers.

"On the one hand, college students can't find a job, and on the other hand, it's not easy for companies to recruit talents. Today's college students go to college for four years, and they can't learn any abilities after finishing it. When they get to the employer, they have to learn all over again." Zhao Aoyama was talking, and then stopped in front of a company.

"Hey, let me tell you, this classmate, you are really cool to talk, aren't you also here to apply for the job?"

Facing the questioning of a boy next to him wearing myopia glasses with a thick bottle bottom, Zhao Qingshan smiled without any explanation, then looked back at Han Sanshan, and continued: "On the one hand, the majors in the university are backward, The professional learning courses are backward and cannot meet the requirements of employers at all; It’s gone. If you want me to say, it doesn’t matter if you don’t get into the university. If you do well in the college entrance examination, it proves that you have a strong learning ability. After you’re done, you can directly send him a university diploma and interview for employment. I think it’s better than the current situation. Even better."

"This classmate, you can't be so absolute. There are many people who don't study hard in college, but there are also many who are motivated!"

Zhao Qingshan frowned and looked at the serious glasses man next to him, thinking: You are not finished yet.

(End of this chapter)

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