Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 363 Broiler Breeding Area No. 1 on South Slope

Chapter 363 Broiler Breeding Area No. [-] on South Slope
The Fenghuangling New Countryside Construction Model, along with the official residence of the people in Fenghuangling Village in the new buildings and the broadcast of the interview documentary "People's Livelihood Express" by Luzhong TV Station, declared success.

Zhao Qingshan not only received praise from the government and the common people, but also received real benefits, that is, the demolition of the old Fenghuangling village site and the ground breaking of the Qingshan slaughterhouse.

After the common people lived in the buildings, Zhao Qingshan immediately arranged and set up demolition mobilization work.

Of course, this demolition work is also part of the construction work of Fenghuangling New Village, and the villagers all understand and support it.

Because of Zhao Qingshan's absolute prestige and most of the people in the village are his employees, the demolition work was completed quickly without any resistance.

It can be said without hesitation, now, in Fenghuangling Village, Zhao Qingshan is the absolute boss, no one dares to raise any objections to what he wants to do.

The slaughterhouse and the second phase of the Nanpo Breeding Base started construction almost at the same time, and because the slaughterhouse is mainly for the construction of factories, there is no investment in machinery and equipment, so the investment in the entire slaughterhouse is only a million or so. For Zhao Qingshan Said there was not much pressure.

At the same time, with the completion of the first phase of the Nanpo White Feather Chicken Breeding Base, the training on the use of modern breeding equipment is also underway.

Zhao Qingshan built 10 chicken sheds of 20 square meters in the early stage on the south slope, so that he would need [-] white-feathered chicks for a batch of chickens.

Of course, there is no pressure for Zhao Qingshan to get chicken seedlings now. He now has Qingshan Agriculture.

The training lasted for two weeks, and on May 2005, 5, all preparations were completed, and the disinfection of the new chicken house, staff training, management rules and regulations for the chicken house and staff were all fully prepared. alright.

In this way, the Nanpo White Feather Chicken Breeding Base finally started to produce chickens.

Zhao Qingshan arranged for Liu Yutang to be in charge of the daily management of the entire Nanpo side, in fact he is the general manager.

Liu Yutang has experience in managing construction teams, so he is competent for the job.

In the early morning of the 24th, the convoy of chicklings from the Agricultural University of Taishan City drove into the gate of the No. [-] breeding area of ​​the Nanpo Breeding Base.

The Nanpo White Feather Chicken Breeding Base has a large scale. Zhao Qingshan will prepare to design and build ten breeding areas. The first phase of the project will build one breeding area, and the second phase of the project will build nine breeding areas.

In each breeding area, there are ten [-]-square-meter breeding greenhouses, each of which can breed [-] white-feathered chickens, and each greenhouse is equipped with two breeders.

In this way, in the next step, only two hundred breeders on the south slope side will be needed.

Zhao Qingshan's original reserve of breeders is no longer enough, and then Zhao Qingshan advertised on Laigang County TV Station to recruit some.

After the white-feathered chickens were transported to the gate, Liu Yutang arranged for a total of 20 chickens to be transported to the brooding chicken coop to start brooding.

The reason Zhao Qingshan divided the entire south slope into ten breeding areas was because according to the plan, for every ten chicken sheds, one brooding shed was needed.

The breeding density of the brooding chicken house is much higher than the breeding density of the formal greenhouse. After the chicks live in the brooding chicken house for a week, the preliminary epidemic prevention work is completed, and then they are dispersed into the formal breeding greenhouse and raised for another [-] days. It's time to sell.

Although this is not the first batch of broilers raised by Zhao Qingshan, it is the first time to raise such a large-scale chicken.

The scale of the brooding shed is very large, with a total area of ​​20 square meters, and [-] chicks are placed in small chicken houses divided by wooden boards in the brooding shed.

The breeding density of brooding can reach 66 per square meter, which is acceptable for brooding.

The employees were all busy, while Zhao Qingshan followed Li Qing watching what happened in front of him.

Li Qing had to write reports on a regular basis, and she had to fully understand what happened in Fenghuangling Village.

The employees hurriedly moved the chicks to the brooding hen house according to the number of [-] in each small hen house, and then began the work of selecting weak chickens.

In each batch of chicks, there must be a certain number of weak chickens.

Weak chickens should be selected as early as possible. If the weak chickens cannot be selected in time, then in a large group, the weak chickens will easily die because they cannot compete for feed and water.Putting dead chickens in large groups will breed bacteria and viruses, which will cause greater harm.

Zhao Qingshan assigned [-] official breeders to the entire No. [-] breeding area. Now these [-] breeders have transported the chicks to the small chicken house, and then picked out the weak chickens and put them in individual chickens house inside.

The wooden boards that divide the chicken house are only about [-] centimeters, so people standing in the brooding chicken house can see the situation in the whole chicken house.

20 chicks, [-] small chicken coops, and a total of [-] square meters of large brooding chicken coops, this scene is already very spectacular.

"How do you feel?"

Zhao Qingshan looked back at Li Qing with a smile on his face.

Li Qing was holding a notebook and a pen in her hand, wearing a disinfectant suit and a hair cover on her head.

"Moved? Surprised? Admired? Mr. Zhao, I just want to say one thing, you are amazing!"

"Haha, it's okay, I'll surprise you even more in the future, let's go, it's too hot in here."

There is a wall between the brooding chicken coop and the formal chicken coop in No. [-] breeding area. The walls in the entire southern slope breeding base are very high, all of which are more than [-] meters high. Except for the poplars planted around the greenhouse, other The place is all hardened with cement.

To raise chickens on a large scale, we must do a good job in the prevention and control of chicken diseases.

Poplar trees are planted because they grow tall and have dense crowns, which can provide shade in summer and cool down the chicken coop. At the same time, they can also purify the air and have a certain anti-virus effect.

However, planting poplar trees may also attract other birds to build nests on the trees, and other birds may carry chicken disease viruses, which is actually very harmful to chicken raising.

Both aspects must be considered, and nothing is perfect, it can only be considered comprehensively.

After Zhao Qingshan and Li Qing left the ultraviolet disinfection area, spray disinfection area and lime disinfection area, they finally came to the gate of No. [-] breeding area.

To enter the No. [-] breeding area, you need to go through three doors. After entering the first door, the ground is sprinkled with quicklime. After entering the door, you need to change your coat and shoes, and put on a disinfectant suit and shoe covers.

Behind the second door, spray disinfection is required on the body.

After the third door, there is ultraviolet disinfection.

When raising chickens, care must be taken, especially on a large scale.

(End of this chapter)

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