Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 364 Sweet Birth

Chapter 364 Sweet Birth
The official feeding of chickens in the No. [-] breeding area of ​​the first phase of the white-feathered chicken breeding base on the south slope of Fenghuangling Village announced that Zhao Qingshan's investment has finally begun to see returns.

The project design of this phase of the project is 700 million. At the beginning, Zhao Qingshan designed the project to be so large, naturally it was for the purpose of borrowing from the bank, but this first phase of the project also invested more than 1000 million.

A batch of chickens breeds 20 white-feathered chickens. Regardless of whether the market is good or bad, like Zhao Qingshan's current situation, Zhao Qingshan will definitely not lose money raising chickens.

The chicks are owned by the company, the feed is owned by the company, and the technicians who raise the chickens also follow up and guide the whole process, and the broilers are also processed in their own slaughterhouses after they are slaughtered.

At the same time, the market for broiler chickens is very good now. In 2005, broiler chickens will definitely be a profitable business.

If the market is hot enough, Zhao Qingshan will earn about 12 yuan after a white-feathered chicken is finally processed and sold in a slaughterhouse.Among them, the breeder farm can get a profit of one yuan, the feed factory can get a profit of four yuan, the vaccine and chicken medicine side can get a profit of one yuan, the slaughtering and processing factory can get a profit of one yuan, and the chicken farm can get a profit of one yuan. You can get about five yuan in profit on this side of the market.

Even when the market is bad, the white feather chickens raised by Zhao Qingshan can definitely earn a profit of more than five yuan per chicken.

On a long-term average, the white-feathered chickens raised by Zhao Qingshan can make a profit of about [-] yuan after processing with a set of dragon procedures.

In other words, Zhao Qingshan's profit from breeding a batch of 20 white-feathered chickens is 200 million.

If you raise six batches of chickens a year, you can earn 200 million.

The initial investment of more than 1000 million yuan only took about a year to fully earn back.

The biggest significance of Zhao Qingshan's acquisition of Nongda Company is that it can create a relatively complete industrial chain, an industrial chain that makes money by raising chickens.

And next, when he finds that the time is right, he will continue to extend and build this industrial chain.

After Zhao Qingshan and Li Qing came out of No. [-] breeding area, Zhao Qingshan was thinking about how to persuade Li Qing to resign from the government and join his company, when his phone rang.

"Son, come quickly, your wife is about to give birth."

Zhao Qingshan glanced at Li Qing next to him, and said quickly: "Okay, I'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Qingshan pulled Li Qing's arm anxiously with his hand, and then said: "You can take care of my family here, I have to go out for a few days and can't come back!"

Once Zhao Qingshan left, the flowers in the house had to be watered and the sanitation had to be cleaned. Otherwise, when his parents came back from Mount Tai, the house would be full of dust, which would be ridiculous.

Zhao Qingshan hurriedly spoke to Li Qing, and did not give Liu Yutang and others a few words, and then hurriedly drove straight to Taishan City Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Zhao Qingshan went directly to the delivery room on the fourth floor of the Women's Hospital. He saw his parents, Tiantian's mother and second aunt were there, but he didn't see Liu Zhao.

"Qingshan is here." Tiantian's mother was the first to see Zhao Qingshan, and hurriedly sat up from the bench near the door.

"Mom, sit down, where's Tiantian?"

"Son, your daughter-in-law has been in for more than an hour. I was in a hurry to sign just now, and your mother helped me sign."

In fact, to be honest, although Zhao Qingshan is the father of Tiantian's child, legally speaking, he is not qualified to sign when Tiantian enters the delivery room, but Tiantian's mother is.

"I've been in for an hour? Caesarean section?"

"It's not a caesarean section. The doctor said that all four fingers have been opened. It's best to have a natural delivery."

Zhao Qingshan was anxious, walking back and forth outside the delivery room.

After walking back and forth a few times, he walked to the door of the delivery room and lay down on the crack of the door to look inside.However, the gap in the door is so small that it is impossible to see what is inside.

"Why don't you come out?" Zhao Qingshan said anxiously to himself while walking.

It can be seen that his parents also looked anxious, but Tiantian's mother seemed very calm.

"What's the big deal, which woman doesn't have children, Qingshan, don't worry, just sit and wait."

Zhao Qingshan looked at his mother-in-law, and then Zhao Qingshan was a little dissatisfied, thinking that your daughter is suffering inside, why are you, a mother, still indifferent?

"Mom, isn't it particularly hard to have a baby?"

"That's right. When I was born Tiantian, she tossed me for more than three hours and almost killed me."


"Which one is Han Li's family?"

At this moment, Zhao Qingshan heard that the door of the delivery room seemed to be opened behind him, and then there was a word, he turned around quickly, saw a female doctor standing there, and hurriedly greeted her.

"I am I am, I am sweet mother."

However, unexpectedly, Tiantian's mother was faster, and she had already run ahead of her at this time.

"I'm a sweet husband."

"I gave birth to a boy, he weighed about two pounds, and the mother and child are safe. I will go to the ward in 10 minutes. Let someone else go to the delivery room."

After speaking, the doctor turned around and went back.

"Quick, what, what, let's give the doctor red eggs."

There is a custom in the central Shandong area, after giving birth to a child, boil eggs and wipe the red with red paper, and give them to others to eat eggs to celebrate.

Zhao Zhijiang and Zhang Huifen were overjoyed, and suddenly remembered that they didn't give others red eggs just now.

After hearing Zhao Zhijiang's words, Zhang Huifen complained, "I'm in such a hurry, how can I prepare some red eggs. By the way, when Liu Zhao comes back with the milk powder, hurry up and go back and boil the eggs."

Zhao Qingshan looked at his father worriedly: "Dad, can you do it?"

"Your father knows everything, but he doesn't do much."

Zhao Qingshan looked back at his mother-in-law, and said: "How about this, mom, you and my mom are waiting here, let's go down and clean up."

Tiantian's mother also had a happy face, she nodded again and again, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay!"

Tiantian had already booked a single room through her relationship. Although it was more expensive, Zhao Qingshan didn't care about money at all.

After Zhao Qingshan, Zhao Zhijiang, and Tiantian's second aunt came to the ward, they were busy making the bed.The bed was made quickly, and then the three of them had nothing to do. At this time, Liu Zhao came in with a box of milk powder, and Zhao Zhijiang immediately asked him to take him home to cook eggs.

Because it was a normal delivery, after Tiantian was pushed from the stretcher into the ward, she didn't need to ask others to help her to the hospital bed. She only needed someone to help her get off the stretcher, and then slowly climbed onto the bed by herself.

If it was a caesarean section, three young and strong young men had to be found to help lift it to the hospital bed.And usually it is the husband of the mother who lifts the buttocks, and the other two people, one lifts the head and the other lifts the legs.

Giving birth to a woman is indeed a very difficult task.

(End of this chapter)

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