Chapter 367
The birth of Zhao Chengqian brought endless joy to Zhao Qingshan's family.

Everyone in the family revolves around Tiantian's mother and son. However, because Tiantian and Zhao Qingshan haven't received their marriage certificate yet, many things that will happen next cannot be done with great fanfare.

Zhao Qingshan and Tiantian were not able to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate until after the Chinese New Year was over in 2006. At that time, their son Zhao Chengqian was already seven or eight months old.

Fortunately, Zhao Qingshan found an acquaintance from the Women's Hospital, otherwise it would be more troublesome to vaccinate children born out of wedlock.

In this way, Zhao Qingshan and Tiantian discussed that the child will be raised here in Taishan City, anyway, there is a house here, and it is quite spacious.Then after we get married next year, we will move back to Fenghuang Ridge to hold a wedding in such a beautiful way.

Everyone can't drink Zhao Chengqian's full moon wine, but when it comes to the first birthday wine, it must be a big deal.

Because of the natural birth, Tiantian only stayed in the hospital for five days before she was discharged and came to her home at the foot of Mount Tai.

After all, Tiantian is young, and her body has recovered very quickly. It has only been a few days, and she already looks very good.

There are too many people here to wait on the confinement, and things are too busy at Fenghuangling after it is over, so since Zhao Qingshan was discharged from the hospital, Zhao Qingshan started to drive back to Fenghuangling Village early every morning, and then in the afternoon , and then come back to Taishan City.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye. This morning, after Zhao Qingshan returned to Fenghuangling Village, he just returned to Dongling from the No. [-] breeding area, and then habitually turned on the computer.

For this period of time, Zhao Qingshan would turn on the computer every day to see how many points the A-share market was at.

Although I can't remember the specific trend of the market in my impression, I remember two important points very clearly, that is, the market fell to 2005 points in 998, and then rose to 2007 points in 6124. Over [-] points.

As long as these two points are clearly memorized, it will be much easier to trade stocks next.

Then he turned on the computer and found that the price of A shares had reached around 1000 points, and began to oscillate repeatedly.And looking at individual stocks, it is even more bleak.

Zhao Qingshan looked at the date and found that it was June 2005, 6, so he thought to himself: "I want to buy 6 million yuan in stocks, and the 5 point seems to be just two days away, or, Start buying now."

Zhao Qingshan still has some understanding of stock trading, because in his previous life, he also participated in the big bull market in 2006 and 2007, and he also tasted the big bear market that fell from 6124 points to 1664 points after the end.Later, A shares rebounded from 1664 points to 3478 points, then fell from 3478 points to 1849 points after a long bear market, and then quickly rebounded from 1849 points to 5178 points.Zhao Qingshan is very familiar with the specific points of these waves of bull-bear transitions.

In his previous life, Zhao Qingshan graduated from university in 2006. At that time, it happened to be a bull market, and all the people speculated in stocks, and they had to queue up to open an account at a securities company.So Zhao Qingshan also plunged into the stock market.

At the very beginning, Zhao Qingshan didn't know anything about stocks at all, and what stocks to buy basically depended on fate, picking and choosing, and finally bought it with a flick of his hand.Later, he became obsessed with this thing and studied it all day long.

However, when I started buying blindly, I could occasionally make money, but after studying this thing all day long, I never made money.

Some people say that making money in stocks is inversely proportional to academic qualifications. I don’t know if this is true.

According to the memory of his previous life, Zhao Qingshan picked out the star stocks in the super bull market in 2006 and 2007.

The first star stock in the big bull market in 2006 and 2007 must be China Shipbuilding.

Of course, on June 2005, 6, this stock was still called Hudong Heavy Machinery.

Zhao Qingshan saw that the price of this stock today was only more than 7700 yuan, and the current share capital of this stock is only more than [-] million shares.

If a stockholder holds more than 5.00% or equal to 5.00% of the outstanding shares of a stock, it is called placarding.If that's the case, then you have to report to the Securities Regulatory Commission, there must be a lock-up period, you can't buy or sell anything casually, it's troublesome anyway, so Zhao Qingshan doesn't plan to raise a card.

7700% of the 5.00 million shares is a little more than 385 million shares, that is to say, Zhao Qingshan bought 385 million shares without raising his cards just now.

As for 385 million shares, one share only costs 9 yuan, which is just a little more than 3465 million.

And Zhao Qingshan knew that this stock, which was later renamed China Shipbuilding, would definitely rise to 300 yuan a share.

At that time, my own 3465 million will become more than 11 billion.

Excited about this.

After opening Hudong Heavy Machinery, seeing the heavy selling, Zhao Qingshan quietly placed a buy order for 100 million shares below.

When the market is falling, it is easiest to open a position, because no one else wants the stocks in their hands.

After placing the buy order for 100 million shares, Zhao Qingshan went to the living room and turned on the TV to watch TV for a while.Then, no one came to bother him all morning. When it was eleven o'clock, Zhao Qingshan suddenly remembered the buying order he had placed, so he hurriedly looked at it, and found that it had already been sold.

It even goes so far as to say that the current price of Hudong Heavy Machinery is much lower than what Zhao Qingshan just traded for.

Then Zhao Qingshan didn't say anything, and immediately started to mobilize funds to eat goods.

When I got the price I wanted to open a position again, I saw that the position had reached 385 million shares, and then immediately stopped the operation of this stock.

Zhao Qingshan knew that even if he bought it with his eyes closed at this time, it would be very difficult to lose money.Besides, I still know a lot of star stocks.

Hudong Heavy Machinery finished building a position, spending a total of 3465 million, and then Zhao Qingshan began to build a position in Suning Electric, a big bull stock.

It cost Zhao Qingshan another 5000 million to build a warehouse for Suning Appliance.

Zhao Qingshan opened other stocks to look, and found that the transactions of most of the stocks were very poor, and even said that some stocks did not have a single transaction for half an hour.

The more the situation is like this, the more Zhao Qingshan knows that this is a great opportunity to make money.

When everyone is crazily buying stocks, sell the stocks, and when everyone is crazily selling stocks, buy stocks. This kind of operation will never lose money.

If it is in a bull market, if you want to take [-] million to build a position, I am afraid that you will not be able to complete it in less than ten trading days.

However, in this kind of big bear market, it only took one day for Zhao Qingshan to exchange all [-] million funds into stocks.

In the afternoon, seeing that the market index finally reached 998 points, Zhao Qingshan clapped his hands with a smile, and said to himself: "From now on, there will be no shortage of money to spend."

(End of this chapter)

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