Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 388 Successful Surgery

Chapter 388 Successful Surgery
After Zhao Qingshan persuaded Li Hua's second uncle and second aunt to agree to perform surgery on Li Hua, then on the same day, with the help of Zhao Qihang, he contacted the experts from the Imperial Capital River Crab Hospital. Zhao Qingshan personally drove Li Hua and his second uncle to the Imperial Capital River Crab Hospital.

The operation was arranged three days later, and then Li Hua was arranged to be admitted to the hospital.

After Li Hua was hospitalized, his second uncle accompanied him, and then Zhao Qingshan found two 24-hour escorts through Zhao Qihang's students.

All the expenses were borne by Zhao Qingshan, including the operation fee, escort fee and so on.

After making arrangements here, the company still had work to do, so Zhao Qingshan left 1 yuan in pocket money for Li Hua's second uncle, and returned to Taishan City by himself.

After arriving in Taishan City, Zhao Qingshan went to the house to say hello, and then came to Zhao Qihang again.

"Uncle Zhao, all the patients have been arranged to be hospitalized, and they will have surgery the day after tomorrow."

Zhao Qihang held the thermos cup and said with a smile: "That's good, my student, don't worry, his level is much higher than mine."

Zhao Qingshan also said with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, look, your student has helped me so much, he said it's inconvenient for me to invite him to dinner, how about I give him something?"

Zhao Qihang frowned seriously, thought carefully, and then said: "No need, I understand this student, if you give him a card or something, he will get angry instead."

Although it is said that many doctors have such shady scenes, Zhao Qingshan believes that there are still a majority of truly sunny and kind people.

"Then, if I don't express it, it's not a problem in my heart."

Zhao Qihang smiled, took a sip of water, put down the water glass, and said: "It just so happens that the day after the surgery on your relationship is completed, I'm going to the Imperial Capital for a meeting. If you feel embarrassed, please Let's have a meal together."

"Oh, Uncle Zhao, are you really going to the meeting, or are you going here just for my business?"

"Why am I lying to you? I really went to the meeting. If I didn't go to the meeting, I wouldn't say that I went to find my students for a meal. Just about this matter, if I make a call, he will definitely take care of it." well done."

Zhao Qingshan nodded again and again: "That is, that is, the most important thing about this matter is that Uncle Zhao has the most face, hahahaha, I should thank Uncle Zhao the most."

While talking, Zhao Qingshan took out a red pencil case from his pocket, and put his hand on Zhao Qihang's desk.

"What is this?" Zhao Qihang glanced at it, frowned, and asked with a serious face.

"Uncle Zhao, you need a pen."

A fountain pen Zhao Qingshan understates is actually a Parker gold pen worth 1888 yuan.

"You boy, isn't it cheap?"

Zhao Qihang opened the pencil case, held it in his hand and played with it.

"Not expensive, less than two thousand."

When Zhao Qihang heard it, he smiled and said: "That is, I will accept this you give me. If you give me something else, I don't want it, and if someone else gives it to me, I don't want it. Okay, then I will accept it. But let's say it again. , When I went to the imperial capital for dinner that day, I didn't treat guests, the food over there is very expensive, and I can't afford it with my salary."

"Hahahaha, Uncle Zhao, count on me. As long as it costs money, you can come to me. Problems that can be solved by money are actually nothing. The problem is that there are many things that are not about money at all. .”

Zhao Qingshan chatted with Zhao Qihang for a while, and then he expressed his gratitude. In the evening, Zhao Qingshan accompanied Zhao Qihang for a meal, and then went to the villa at the foot of Mount Tai to stay for the night.

In the evening, Zhao Qingshan talked with his parents and wife about the company's recent situation. Everyone was surprised by the speed of the company's development.At the same time, the great changes in Fenghuangling Village also made Zhao Zhijiang and his wife full of curiosity.

However, for the Chinese New Year this year, Zhao Qingshan arranged for him and his father to celebrate the New Year at Fenghuangling Village, and after finishing his mother, wife and children, they will all celebrate the New Year at the villa at the foot of Mount Tai.

Then after the Chinese New Year, and the spring of the new year, after I and Han Li got the marriage certificate, I lived in Fenghuangling Village in a fair and honest way, and then I paid the family planning fine, and the child's household registration was dropped. After that, no one should try to embarrass themselves.

Zhao Qingshan intends to pay the family planning fine, but he does not intend to pay more. His own budget is 3 to [-] yuan.

The next day, Zhao Qingshan came to the Agricultural University Company. Han Sanshan had already made a plan to invest in Xiling, Xiaomiao Village. Then Zhao Qingshan asked Han Sanshan to arrange a team of three people, and then brought his five hundred Wan, came to the government of Aishan Sub-district Office.

Because there is a special green channel in the county, all the procedures were completed quickly, and then Ma Weimin arranged for someone to come to Xiaomiao Village, contacted the village, and directly started the settlement of ground attachments and land contracting.

The head of Xiaomiao Village had no doubts when he saw that it was an investor from Taishan City, and cooperated with the work in great pain.Besides, the leader of the office supervised this matter, and he didn't dare to make trouble.

The work of Xiling in Xiaomiao Village is proceeding step by step. The next step is to build chicken greenhouses, and then the next step is to start construction after the greenhouses are completed.

Seeing that it was time for Li Hua's surgery, Zhao Qingshan hastily arranged the affairs of Fenghuangling Village, and then drove straight to the imperial capital.

During this period, he saw Li Qing many times, but he didn't mention anything about operating on her brother.

Li Hua's operation is not difficult, he is very suitable for the operation to treat epilepsy, and he is of the right age, recovering well after the operation, and there is a great possibility that there will be no sequelae.

The entire operation lasted for more than two hours. Finally, Zhao Qihang's students told Zhao Qingshan that the operation was very successful and all the epileptic areas were cleaned up.

Li Hua hadn't recovered yet, so he was transferred to the intensive care ward, and everyone couldn't see him for the time being, and he could only be transferred to the general ward after the 24-hour observation period was over.

However, Zhao Qihang's student had instructed the nurse to report to the family as soon as possible, so his second uncle could also know about Li Hua's situation.

Because Zhao Qingshan will have dinner with Zhao Qihang and his students tomorrow, so he did not return to Taishan City that night.

To go back to Taishan City, he also had to take a plane. Money was not the reason, the main reason was that the flight was inconvenient.

Every time the nurse came out, Li Hua's second uncle would ask about his nephew's situation, and all he got was good news, which made everyone very pleased.

(End of this chapter)

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