Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 389 The scale of production must continue to expand

Chapter 389 The scale of production must continue to expand
Li Hua's operation was a success, and the next step is a full recovery.

In order to help Li Hua recover and leave the hospital as soon as possible, Zhao Qingshan specially hired two 24-hour escorts from the local area, and Li Hua's second uncle is also here, so Zhao Qingshan's presence here is meaningless.

Zhao Qihang's students canceled the fees for some items of surgery because it was a matter of face. It originally cost 10,000+, but in the end it only cost more than 8 yuan.

In order to express his gratitude, Zhao Qingshan drove Zhao Qihang to the imperial capital on the second day after Li Hua's operation, and invited Zhao Qihang's students out for dinner.

Originally, Zhao Qingshan wanted to find a high-end restaurant and spend the savings of 5 to [-] yuan, but Zhao Qihang and his students directly rejected Zhao Qingshan's proposal, and chose the more distinctive imperial food instead. , eat roast duck.

After eating roast duck, Zhao Qingshan was also very emotional when he returned to the hotel.

Compared with roast chicken, roast duck is really not that famous in the history of Chinese food.

After all, our history of raising chickens is far longer than that of raising ducks. At the same time, chicken is more easily absorbed by the human body than duck meat, with more nutrition and more delicious taste.

However, the imperial capital roast duck is known all over the world, but where is the famous roast chicken?
The Mijia Roast Chicken in Luzhong City tastes good, but it is only well-known in Luzhong City. Who knows if it is out of Luzhong City?
Zhao Qingshan refused to accept it, and now the brands he is making are Phoenix Chicken Soup and Qishan Fried Chicken. However, there are still limitations in the promotion of these two dishes.

Phoenix chicken soup is expensive and only suitable for high-end consumption. Of course, the reason for this is that the cost of breeding Phoenix chicken is too high, so it must be sold at a higher price.

The oil used in Qishan Fried Chicken is peanut oil. In many parts of the country, peanut oil is not eaten as cooking oil.

I am used to eating rapeseed oil, and then eating peanut oil, the taste is weird and hard to swallow.

Of course, if you are used to eating peanut oil, if you eat rapeseed oil, you will feel that the taste is strange and difficult to swallow.

This is a matter of eating habits, but in fact, soybean oil and rapeseed oil are the most edible edible oils nationwide, accounting for 70.00% of the entire market share.As for peanut oil, it can only account for about [-]%.

Because of the ingredients, Zhao Qingshan reckoned that the Qishan Fried Chicken, which Qilu people thought was delicious, might not be so popular in other places.

Therefore, if the Qishan Fried Chicken is to be promoted nationwide in the next step, this must be considered. Then, in rapeseed oil-producing areas, rapeseed oil-fried chicken is used, and in soybean oil-producing areas, fried chicken is used. Soybean oil fried chicken, and in cottonseed oil producing areas, cottonseed oil is used to fry chicken.

In short, there is still a long way to go for Qishan Fried Chicken to be popularized.

Moreover, the ingredients of Qishan fried chicken include pepper, ginger slices, etc., which many people can't accept.

Therefore, if Qishan fried chicken is to be successfully promoted nationwide, it needs to work more on the ingredients.

There is another point that restricts the development of Qishan fried chicken, that is, the production of Qishan fried chicken is troublesome, and it is relatively difficult to carry out mass production.If mass production cannot be carried out, the cost will be very high, and if the cost is high, it will definitely affect profits and promotion.

As for roast chicken, it is less difficult to carry out mass production, which is much better than Qishan fried chicken.

Lying on the bed, Zhao Qingshan was smoking a cigarette and said to himself: "The next step is to study this roast chicken, I don't believe it will be as good as that Quanjude."

A little roast duck can be made into a billion-dollar brand by others, Zhao Qingshan thinks that he can do it too.

When Zhao Qingshan returned to Fenghuangling Village, chicken sheds had already begun to be repaired on the Xiling side of Xiaomiao Village.

The chicken shed has been repaired, and the chickens will be raised next.

Now Zhao Qingshan's supply of old local chickens to Qishan Fried Chicken Restaurant is already very tight, so it is necessary to hurry up and seek to expand production.

The construction of Xiling in Xiaomiao Village is progressing smoothly. In only half a month, more than 30 greenhouses were all built.

The situation at Xiling is similar to that at Dongling. It used to be an orchard, but it was abandoned later. Because of the lack of management, there is no economic benefit.

The strata of the two mountains are very thin, and the fruit trees planted are not very good.

In 2005, the prices of fruits and vegetables were relatively low, and there was not much money to be made.When the prices of fruits and vegetables rose, around 2008, someone first fried garlic, and the price of garlic skyrocketed, and there was a saying called "garlic, you are ruthless".After that, someone started frying ginger. The price of ginger, which was originally a few cents a catty, suddenly rose to a few yuan or even ten yuan a catty, and the saying "Jiang Youjun" appeared again.Then, one after another, the prices of fruits and vegetables also went up.

After the price of fruits and vegetables rises, fruit farmers and vegetable farmers can benefit economically and are willing to specialize in these occupations.

In 2005, among the farmers, those who really made money from agriculture were those who raised chickens and ducks to engage in aquaculture and set up greenhouses to grow off-season vegetables.

To be honest, off-season vegetables are not edible at all, and they are completely stimulated by pesticides and fertilizers.

The Agricultural University Company arranged by Zhao Qingshan requisitioned Xiling in Xiaomiao Village, built a greenhouse, and then became a new battlefield for Zhao Qingshan to raise chickens.

However, it is clear that this is not enough.

Now the fried chicken restaurant on Qishan is getting more and more popular. Of course, the main credit must be Zhao Qingshan's advertisement on the TV station.

Moreover, the altitude of Qishan is not low, and there are four cities in the surrounding area, such as Quancheng, Taishan City, Tainan City and Yiyuan City, which are only one to two hours away by car. It is a very good choice for a weekend self-driving tour.

In the next step, with the effect of Zhao Qingshan's advertisement, the number of tourists received by Qishan Mountain will explode in the future.

And the chickens in the fried chicken shop on Qishan Mountain are all supplied by Zhao Qingshan. With the business of the fried chicken shop booming, it is natural that Zhao Qingshan needs to sell more chickens.

On the other hand, after Zhao Qingshan finished processing, the Qishan fried chicken sent to major supermarkets in the province would also be sold because of advertising.

The packaged Qishan fried chicken, the next step is the highlight of Zhao Qingshan Qingshan's agricultural business development.

No more than others, Zhao Qingshan is better than Mi’s roasted chicken, who can sell hundreds of thousands of roasted chickens a year, his Qishan fried chicken has spent so much money on advertisements, can it still fail to sell? others?Besides, when it comes to taste, his Qishan Fried Chicken is absolutely delicious in the mouths of many people who have the right taste.

After contracting Xiling in Xiaomiao Village, Zhao Qingshan felt that he had to continue to expand production.

(End of this chapter)

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