Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 406 I'm Actually Mrs. Zhao

Chapter 406 I'm Actually Mrs. Zhao
After returning home, Zhao Qingshan did not go to He Hui to tell He Hui about today's situation, but planned to ask Han Li to tell He Hui about the situation.

In this way, He Hui felt that it was Zhao Qingshan's wife, He Hui, who helped her. Perhaps, many misunderstandings would be eliminated.

Zhao Qingshan didn't know that He Hui liked him, but it was He Hui's attitude towards him now that Zhao Qingshan thought it was beautiful, but it was not worth mentioning at all.

When she was among the best in her academic performance, He Hui liked herself, but after she failed the college entrance examination, He Hui's attitude towards herself changed subtly.

Now that he has become a well-known farmer entrepreneur in the entire Luzhong City, He Hui actually broke up with Sun Fangjian, and then began to express his affection for him frequently, which made Zhao Qingshan feel very uncomfortable.

Han Li deliberately put on all the jewelry she bought today, and then came to He Zhongheng's house in a gorgeous designer dress.

It's still winter vacation, and He Hui is still at home.There are still more than ten days before the start of school, and because it will be the second semester of the senior year, the courses in the school are very easy throughout the second semester of the senior year, and only the final graduation practice and graduation thesis defense are left. So He Hui doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go to school now.

Besides, since breaking up with Sun Fangjian, He Hui really didn't want to go back to school one day sooner.

He Hui looked at the strange girl who came to her door in surprise, and then Shen Yue'e immediately stood up from the sofa and greeted her with a smile on her face.

"Oh, this, isn't this Miss Tiantian? Come in, come in. He Hui, this is Miss Tiantian, Qingshan's girlfriend."

The villagers of Fenghuangling Village all knew Zhao Qingshan's wife Han Li, but He Hui didn't have a deep impression on her even though she said she met Tiantian once in Quancheng.

Or, she didn't recognize Tiantian on purpose, which made Tiantian very upset.

During the two consecutive years of winter and summer vacations, because she and Sun Fangjian were still in love, she didn't stay at home for a few days in total. They used the excuse of going to school to study, and then went to Quancheng early to talk to Sun Fangjian. Love is gone.

Girls in love have negative IQs, and boys like girls for that.

Of course, once the girl regains her senses, love will go away.

"Aunt He, I'm here to tell you something."

After sitting on the sofa, Han Li smiled at He Hui and nodded, then looked at Shen Yue'e and said.

He Zhongheng took He Cong away to relatives, and there were only He Hui and Shen Yue'e in the house.

While peeling an apple for Han Li, Shen Yuee asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Sweet girl."

"About your daughter, my husband and I went to the No. [-] Middle School to ask about it. Principal Wang, for my husband's sake, said that he asked your daughter to communicate with him with her resume and see the situation. Principal Wang said, For the sake of my husband, he will try his best to help. As for whether your daughter can seize this opportunity, it depends on your daughter's performance."

After finishing speaking, Han Li stood up with a smile, then glanced at He Hui again, and finally looked at Shen Yue'e and said, "Aunt He, don't worry about it, I'll leave after I say this."

Then, Han Li walked straight to the door.

He Hui seemed to be a little stimulated, she didn't speak, she was frowning and thinking about something.

And Shen Yue'e followed up in a panic, and continued to say: "Thank you so much, I said Miss Tiantian, why don't you even drink your saliva?"

"Stop drinking, oh yes, Aunt He, don't call me Tiantian girl in the future, I have already obtained a certificate with my husband today."

After speaking, Han Li turned her buttocks and went downstairs.

Shen Yue'e frowned, feeling weird, she turned her head and entered the room, saw her daughter He Hui angry, she shook her head and said, "Hey, I really have to thank Qing Shan very much."

However, what made Shen Yue'e feel a little puzzled was that He Hui said angrily: "What's the big deal, isn't it just finding a wealthy husband? No matter how rich she is, she is not a college student!"

"Hey, let me say He Hui, what kind of anger are you making? It's a good fate for someone to marry a rich husband. Why do you still have an opinion?"

"Mom, I just can't understand her domineering look."

Shen Yuee sighed, and said: "Hey, what you said made me want to say a few words about you. You were the one Qingshan liked at the beginning. If you had agreed to follow Qingshan back then, now those jingling jewelry, But it's all yours."

When He Hui heard this, she gritted her teeth even more angrily.

"Well, I didn't know Qingshan was so good at the beginning. If I had..."

He Hui felt that it was meaningless to say such things now, so she stood up and went into her room.

"He Hui, Qingshan's wife told you just now that if you have nothing to do tomorrow, go to No. [-] Middle School early to talk to the principal, and say that Qingshan introduced you. You will definitely be able to do this job."

Hearing that there was no reply in the room, Shen Yue'e shook her head and walked away, going to do her own housework.

While busy with housework, Shen Yue'e was thinking about her next plan.

Daughter, I must get it back.

My son has already started high school, and his academic performance is a mess. Whether it is going to technical school or repeating the next step, he is more worried.

Compared with his son, his daughter is much better, and the next step is to count on his daughter.

The daughter returned to work in Laigang County, and the next step is not only to take care of her old couple, but also to help take care of her son He Cong.

Therefore, Shen Yue'e and He Zhongheng's determination was very firm, that is, He Hui must be allowed to come back to work.

At the beginning, He Hui was thinking about taking the postgraduate entrance examination, because she had broken up with her boyfriend Sun Fangjian because of the postgraduate entrance examination, and now after the ideological work during the Chinese New Year, she finally said that the idea of ​​letting He Hui come back to work has been worked out.

Now Zhao Qingshan helped to connect with Principal Wang of the No. [-] Middle School, and then the next step of finding a job has become a big prospect.

By 2006, the entry of new teachers in high school did not pass the exam, but through simple interviews and lectures at job fairs. In the end, the principal of the high school and the director of the Education Bureau were basically able to recruit the new teachers. It's fixed.

Because there are too many human factors in it, so to say, fairness can only be said to be thought about.

In fact, Zhao Qingshan spent 10 yuan, plus a word, as long as He Hui is willing, it is already a certainty to enter the fourth middle school.

(End of this chapter)

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