Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 407 The Master of Ceremonies at the Wedding

Chapter 407 The Master of Ceremonies at the Wedding

At the door of the principal's office of Luzhong No. 1 Middle School, a tall girl with hot waves stood there hesitantly for a full minute.

With a backpack on her back and her arms folded across her chest, she looked young and shy.

However, in the end, the girl mustered up the courage to knock on the door of the principal's office.

"Please come in!"

Hearing someone let in, she hurriedly straightened her hair, and then turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

"Hello, Principal Wang."

After entering the door, she bowed at the door to Principal Wang Hua whose desk was inside, and then walked forward with a smile on her face.

Principal Wang nodded slightly, wondering what this girl was doing here.

"My name is He Hui, and I am a student who graduated from our No. [-] Middle School. I graduated from Qilu Normal University this year, and I want to come here for a consultation. Does our school recruit people?"

"Oh, you are He Hui. Zhao Qingshan has already told me about your situation. So, have you brought your resume?"

When He Hui heard this, she hurriedly said: "Bring it here." After speaking, He Hui hurriedly took out a job application resume from her backpack, and handed it to Wang Hua respectfully.

After receiving the resume, Wang Hua immediately read it.

"84 years."

"Yes, the year 84 is a rat."

"Young, who studies educational technology."

Then at this point, Wang Hua looked up and saw that He Hui was still standing, so he hurriedly said, "Little He, sit down for a while?"

Seeing Principal Wang looking at the resume seriously, He Hui retreated to the sofa next to her and sat down gently.

"Excellent. In this way, we will go to your school to participate in the job fair on the [-]th of the first month, and then you will sign up on the spot. After you go back, you should prepare for the lecture, and we will grade it according to the situation of the lecture. Although I really want to I'll help you, but if I don't perform well at that time, it's hard for me to say anything else." "You are very good and excellent, as long as you prepare carefully, you will be fine."

Principal Wang gave He Hui a few words of encouragement at last, and then sent him away.

Before He Hui came, Zhao Qingshan had already deposited 10 yuan into the school's special financial account for school celebrations.

Zhao Qingshan donated 10 yuan to the school just now, and then came to Laigang County TV Station to discuss with the director about his wedding planning next month.

"Mr. Zhao, although you said that you want to use our equipment and personnel, I definitely have nothing to say, but what I am worried about is that our hosts may not be good enough. When you have such a big scene, if you can't hold the scene What should I do? How about I contact the city TV station for you?"

However, Zhao Qingshan waved his hands again and again and said: "No, just Zhang Wei in your stage is more than enough to officiate my wedding."

Fang Jing, the director of Laigang TV Station, waved her hands in fright when she heard this: "No, no, Mr. Zhao, I don't know others, but I must know Xiao Zhang. Speaking of which, Xiao Zhang and I have some distant relatives, he He is a videographer, and he has only been in Taiwan for more than a year. He is young and has little experience, so I can't afford to ask him to screw you up."

Zhao Qingshan got married on the sixth day of next month, and then came to Laigang County TV Station, intending to ask the TV station to arrange more cameras and cameras, and then let professional editors make a wonderful wedding video.

The Zhang Wei mentioned by Zhao Qingshan, by 2008, was already a popular wedding host in Luzhong City, and later opened a wedding planning shop, earning a lot of money.

Of course, Fang Jing, the director of Laigang County TV Station, definitely didn't know about these things.

"How about you bring me Zhang Wei from your station, and I'll talk to him."

Fang Jing thought for a while and said, "Alright."

After a while, Fang Jing sent someone to find the young photographer Zhang Wei in the stage.

That Zhang Wei was very young, about the same age as Zhao Qingshan, with good eyesight, he recognized Zhao Qingshan at a glance.

"Oh, oh, director, this, such a big boss, is he here to look for me? Oh, oh, what an honor."

Zhang Wei rubbed his hands on his clothes as he walked forward, and then walked up to Zhao Qingshan, holding Zhao Qingshan's hand with both hands as if showing his true feelings, and then nodded tremblingly.

"Mr. Zhao, I told you that I, Zhang Wei, major in photography. If you ask him to preside over your wedding, I'm afraid it will embarrass him. You have seen it too. I can make jokes about this photo of mine. If you talk about it Seriously, I'll be your wedding officiant, I'm afraid it's..."

Fang Jing was also concerned about the face of her subordinates, she spoke halfway, and then stopped.

However, Zhao Qingshan didn't listen to this at all, but looked at Zhang Wei and said: "I'm getting married on the sixth day of the second lunar month, you should think about it and help me plan the wedding more lively."

When Zhang Wei heard this, he looked back at Fang Jing and asked, "Is it public work or private work?"

It can be seen that although Fang Jing is Zhang Wei's superior, but in front of the leader, Zhang Wei is not stage fright at all, on the contrary, he is very excited.

This kind of mentality and personality is really what an excellent wedding master of ceremonies should possess.

"Why do you still work privately? What's the difference?" Fang Jing frowned and asked Zhang Wei.

"Of course there is a difference." Zhang Wei said with a serious face.

"What's the difference?" Zhao Qingshan was also quite interested.

"What does Gonghuo say?" Fang Jing asked.

"I can't do public work."

Zhang Wei's expression was a little funny, making Zhao Qingshan next to him just want to laugh, but he liked Zhang Wei even more.

"What about private work?" Fang Jing asked, frowning.

"Are you kidding me, Director Fang, are you testing me and wanting to fire me while we're at work?"

"I don't accept private work now, if I want to accept it, I have to wait until after get off work."

"You, you, Zhang Wei, are you trying to piss me off?" It was obvious that Fang Jing didn't understand humor at all, which made her subordinates a little embarrassed.

"Get out of here!" Fang Jinghu said with a face.

"Okay!" Zhang Wei was shameless enough.

"Hey, Zhang Wei, wait a minute, I'll offer 20, you plan it out for me, are you willing to accept it?"

20 is definitely not a small amount, completely moved Zhang Wei, he really trembled this time.

He looked at Fang Jing carefully, and then asked in a low voice: "Really?"

"you ask me?"

"Zhang Wei, you know me, you should know my worth, and you should also know that it shouldn't be too much for me to spend 20 yuan for wedding planning, right?"

"It's not too much, it's not too much, I'll take your job! Oh yes, Director Fang, I've made up my mind, I'm going to resign."

Both Fang Jing and Zhao Qingshan were surprised.


"You are too casual, but I like it."

(End of this chapter)

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