Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 414 Qingshan Agricultural Sales and Service Center in Quancheng

Chapter 414 Qingshan Agricultural Sales and Service Center in Quancheng

Zhao Qingshan raised a finger and stared at Han Li with a surprised expression.

"Once, have to wait another year?"

Seeing her husband's funny expression, Han Li laughed out loud, then covered her mouth and said, "Who can blame this?"

"No, how do you...?"

Zhao Qingshan pointed at Han Li's abdomen with a look of disbelief.

"You don't want this child, we can destroy it."

Hearing his wife speak like this, Zhao Qingshan stared at him, and said with a tiger face: "What are you talking about, the child is here to go to his mother and father, what right do we have to say no to it? No, this child Being born is just like Chengqian giving birth to a younger brother and sister as playmates."

"It's easy for you to say. Do you know how much we women suffer in giving birth? You say you have to give birth? What if I don't want to have a baby?"

"Okay, my little aunt, I listen to you, everything is up to you. You can give birth if you want to, and don't give birth if you don't want to. Isn't it good to listen to you?" Zhao Qingshan stroked Han Li's cheeks flatteringly. abdomen.

But at this time Liu Zhao opened the door, and Zhao Qingshan let go of his hands in a hurry.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

After drinking two sips of mineral water, Han Li has recovered a lot of physical strength, then took the towel handed over by Liu Zhao, wiped her mouth, then looked at Zhao Qingshan and said, "Husband, how about we go on the road?"

Zhao Qingshan held Han Li's hand and asked tenderly, "Are you feeling better?"

Seeing Han Li nodded, Zhao Qingshan said to Liu Zhao who was still standing outside the car: "Drive."

After Liu Zhao got into the car, he followed Zhao Qingshan's instructions and drove very steadily, no longer frequently overtaking.

With their cars and Liu Zhao's driving skills, overtaking is not difficult at all.

Now running on the highway, there are not many cars of the same level as the Audi A6.

Besides, Zhao Qingshan and the others took the road from Luzhong to Quancheng. People in these two places have a lot of money, but there are not many super rich people who can make the Forbes list.

In the entire Qilu Province, Yanhai City must be the place with the most millionaires. In 2018, in Yanhai City, there were [-] super-rich people whose personal wealth could rank among the top [-] in the country.

As for the entire Luzhong City, there are only two of them.

Of course, Zhao Qingshan's current wealth definitely wouldn't be able to enter that list, because his current wealth, if stocks are not counted, would still be negative on the books.

His bank debts are simply too much.

If stocks are counted, Zhao Qingshan's current wealth is hard to squeeze into the Forbes rich list.

In 2006, the richest individual in Luzhong City should be Boss Wang of Taidong Iron and Steel Plant, and his wealth did not reach 2006 million in [-].

Eight hundred million is the minimum standard for entering the Forbes list in 2006.

In fact, there are not many super-big bosses in Quancheng. In 2018, there were only two super-rich people who were ranked among the top [-] in the country.

However, Zhao Qingshan has reason to believe that in the near future, his wealth will not only be listed in Qilu Province, but also in the whole country.

In 2006, if you look at the Forbes rankings, Boss Huang ranked No. 2, selling electrical appliances, and No. [-] was engaged in real estate. Then, among the top ten, almost all of them were involved real estate.

It can be said that at that time, our economy still walked on multiple legs, unlike later, when it became real estate, it jumped on one leg.

Liu Zhao drove Zhao Qingshan and Han Li to Quancheng.

After getting off the expressway and coming to Jingshi Road, Zhao Qingshan asked, "Honey, why don't we find a place to rest first?"

Zhao Qingshan bought a house in Taishan, and every time he went to Taishan City, he would live in the house bought in Taishan, and he felt very convenient.Now he felt that it was necessary to buy a house in Quancheng.

After all, in 2006, when housing prices started to rise, it was very appropriate to buy a house at this time.

When he came to Quancheng this time, Zhao Qingshan also had an idea of ​​buying a house, and then discussed it with Han Li.

As for Han Li, she felt that spending so much money to buy a house would be a bit wasteful.

Tell her about real estate speculation, she still won't understand it now.

Among the richest billionaires in the country, 15.00% are professional real estate speculators, which is a bit too much.

Professional real estate speculators and price hikes are actually of little benefit to the society. However, it is a joke that such a group of people who get something for nothing live a life of luxury all day long.

Of course, Zhao Qingshan has a memory that is more than ten years ahead, and he knows very well that buying a house in 2006 will not suffer a loss, so naturally he will not let go of the opportunity in front of him.

However, Han Li shook her head and said, "No, let's go to the sales and service center in Quancheng first."

After confinement, Han Li has actively participated in the operation and management of Qingshan Agriculture. She is now the manager of the financial department.

The financial department of a large company is very busy. There are many financial transactions, bills and receipts every day, which need to be handled by people.

When Han Li gave birth to Zhao Chengqian, she didn't delay her study of accounting and had already obtained an accounting certificate.

Although compared to the college students recruited by Zhao Qingshan, the professional quality is definitely not good, but being able to understand the report and point out some problems is enough to be a financial manager.

Besides, it depends on man's effort, and Han Li's professional ability will gradually improve.

At the beginning, Han Li objected to using all newcomers in Quancheng, but Zhao Qingshan was firm in this matter, and other people's objections would not have much effect.

Now that the sales and service center in Quancheng has been established, Han Li is also very concerned about the operation of the whole process of the sales and service center.

"Liu Zhao, go to the sales service center."

Liu Zhao nodded in agreement, and then drove west along Jingshi Road.

Jingshi Road in 2006 was so wide at the time, and there were not many cars on the road, and it was not as comfortable as racing on Jingshi Road on the highway.However, what everyone didn't expect was that within a few years, Jingshi Road in Quancheng would be as busy as the New Year's Fair in the countryside.

Qingshan Agriculture’s sales and service center for Qishan Fried Chicken and Phoenix Chicken Soup in Quancheng is located not far from the Daming Lake and on the edge of Quancheng Square in a three-storey, 340-square-meter gatehouse. The rent is 5 yuan a year. .Zhao Qingshan signed a contract with the landlord for 50 years, and the rent was negotiated every three years.

Because there was no traffic jam, Zhao Qingshan and the others quickly arrived at the door of the sales service center. The three of them saw that it was really lively here.

(End of this chapter)

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