Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 429 Counting Money in the Bridal Chamber

Chapter 429 Counting Money in the Bridal Chamber
Looking at the dowry piled up like a hill in the room, Zhao Qingshan sighed helplessly, and then said: "My wife, you said that your family has so much dowry, it's because our house is big, if it's a small family , I can’t let go of this dowry alone.”

Han Li put the money on the bed at this moment, bundled up piles of money, and placed them in a haphazard manner on the bed.

Among the money, some were the dowry brought by Han Li, some were the red envelopes received from parents and elders when they worshiped heaven and earth, and some were received as part of the money.

In Han Li's dowry, 38 yuan in cash alone filled a plate, and there were 1000 to 5 bags in addition. In each bag, about [-] yuan was pressed, which is another [-] yuan. .In addition, when he was at Han Li's house in Bianjiaquan Village, Zhao Qingshan also received [-] red envelopes from Han Li's parents.

Han Li brought a total of more than 45 yuan. Compared with Zhao Qingshan's engagement gifts and wedding red envelopes, it was already a lot of money.

In addition, Zhao Qingshan's parents gave Han Li a red envelope of 12 yuan per person, which is [-] yuan, plus the red envelopes given by other relatives add up to [-] yuan.

Zhao Qingshan set up 120 tables in the Xinxing Building, and all the guests came with gifts. The boss of the Luzhong Iron and Steel Plant paid the most with 200 yuan, and the other people also gave 900 yuan at least.For those who were not present, Zhao Qingshan received a total of more than 49 gifts at the wedding, and received a total of [-] yuan in gifts.

At the wedding banquet, Zhao Qingshan ordered 980 dishes, including sea cucumber and abalone. In addition, the white wine was a bottle of Yanghe blue classic with more than 120 yuan, the red wine was a bottle of Changyu dry red wine with more than 80 yuan, and the cigarettes were sold in a box of 998 yuan. Eight Yuxi.In this way, at the end of a table, drink four bottles of white wine and four bottles of red wine, smoke two packs of cigarettes, and give each person a small gift bag when they leave at the end. The gift bag contains a bottle of blue classic, a bottle of Changyu dry red and a Yuxi.After all, the cost of a banquet for ten people is 14 for vegetables, 1700 for 14 bottles of white wine, 1100 for 1800 bottles of red wine, about 5600 for ten bars plus two boxes of Yuxi, and the total is more than [-].

The banquet alone will cost more than 67 in total.

However, as for the money for the banquet, Zhao Qingshan will arrange for the company's funds to settle the bill, and now the gifts received are all Han Li's private money.

Just now Zhao Qingshan complained that Han Li's dowry was too much to put down, and then Han Li was counting the money, which disturbed her thoughts, and she forgot to count the money, so she raised her head and said in disbelief: "Husband, you still don't know what to do?" Blame me, your family has [-] wedding cars, if we don't prepare more dowry, and the wedding car is empty later, is it shameful for our family or your family?"

"Why, your family and ours have become a family, and it's a piece of shame. Hey, let me say, can you count your money?"

When Zhao Qingshan was not familiar with Han Li at the beginning, when he first met Han Li, he thought she was very gentle, cute and good-tempered, but as they became more and more familiar, they became a family now. He realized that the situation was not what he thought at all.

Han Li looks very gentle on the outside, but if she is really angered, she will be more angry than anyone else.Fortunately, she is not easily annoyed.

"Why can't you count, don't disturb me, I'll finish counting right away."

So Zhao Qingshan sat aside, smoking a cigarette, smiling and watching his wife counting seriously.

In fact, Zhao Qingshan had roughly estimated the amount of money on the bed, which was about [-] million.

Zhao Qingshan likes this number very much, one hundred and eight is an auspicious number.

Serious women are the prettiest. Seeing his wife earnestly counting the money and smoking the unfinished cigarettes brought home after opening the package at the wedding banquet, Zhao Qingshan felt very moved in his heart.

A happy marriage is the greatest happiness in life, and now, he feels that he is having such happiness.

Although my wife can't say how beautiful she is, she just looks comfortable and pleasing to the eye.In addition, I trust my wife, she loves me.

Han Li's social circle is very small, and Zhao Qingshan, who is small and standing on a high place, can clearly see the people she knows at a glance.

In high school, Han Li was a very quiet and obedient girl. Although there would be love letters from boys, Han Li was so nervous that she threw them into the trash can.

Han Li counted, then suddenly raised her head, opened her mouth and looked at Zhao Qingshan with a surprised expression on her face.

"Are you done counting?"

"Husband, the total is 880 yuan!"

Zhao Qingshan was also very surprised. Why is this number so posted?
"Great, [-]! Be sure to post a post! Wife, this number is good, this number is too auspicious, just wait, my wife, I will take a photo for you, and you must commemorate it .”

Looking at Han Li who was so excited and smiling, Zhao Qingshan felt the need to record this moment.

The cameraman during the day was busy until four o'clock in the afternoon before leaving with the gift bag given by Zhao Qingshan. Now that Zhao Qingshan entered the bridal chamber at night, he definitely couldn't find someone else to take pictures. He could only say that he came by himself.

Although there is a popular saying in the countryside that there is a bridal chamber, sometimes it is so fierce that the bride and groom are not allowed to sleep all night.

However, at Zhao Qingshan's level, no one would dare to make trouble.

Besides, Han Li was pregnant again, and Zhao Qingshan didn't allow others to make too much noise.

Zhao Qingshan took a photo of Han Li with his mobile phone, and then opened it for Han Li to admire. Suddenly he frowned, then shook his head and said: "The pixels are still too low, let Liu Zhao buy a better camera some time. Use it when we go out to play."

Zhao Qingshan and Han Li discussed that after the wedding in their hometown, they would go to the Maldives for their honeymoon, and the trip would last for ten days and half a month.

Newlyweds and honeymoons must find a place to enjoy life.

Thinking of going out for a long time, Han Li frowned: "Hey, I don't know how Cheng Qian is at home after we've been out for so long?"

"Let his grandparents take it, don't you feel relieved? Besides, when we were at home, didn't his grandparents spend a lot of time with him? If you want to go out to play, don't think about this and that, have fun My heart aches and I have to go out for a while, and don't blame me for getting married and not finding a place to spend my honeymoon in the future."

Zhao Qingshan thought of his previous life, that fat Han Li often complained about himself, even when he got married, he didn't go out on a trip or anything.

Hey, in my previous life I was poor and had no money, even if it was my wish to visit the Great Wall in the imperial capital, I couldn't satisfy my wife.

Is a penny a hero? Rich people will never realize it.

(End of this chapter)

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