Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 430 Honeymoon Trip

Chapter 430 Honeymoon Trip
On the second day of Zhao Qingshan and Han Li's wedding, early in the morning, Zhang Huifen arranged for Liu Zhao and Shen Cong to come and clean the urinal.

The urinal and sweeping the floor are also a custom of getting married in the local rural areas of Luzhong.

And they are all very particular, there are rhetoric when carrying the urinal and sweeping the floor, such as "one sweep for gold, two for silver, three for sweeping a cornucopia" and other auspicious words.

What does "cornucopia" mean?It is to hope that the couple's children and grandchildren will be full of wealth and auspiciousness.

Of course, now it's family planning, and it doesn't matter what children and grandchildren are all over the house.

After getting up, the next step is Shangxi Tomb.

The so-called Shangxi Tomb means that the married couple should pay homage to their grandparents or parents on the second day of their marriage, and then pay homage to their grandparents on the third day of their marriage. a ceremony.

What does this mean? It means talking to the old people who have passed away, telling them that there is a future at home, so that they can rest assured.

The central Lu area pays special attention to ghosts and gods. Most places in the country hardly pay attention to the Ghost Festival. However, in the rural areas of Luzhong, Mount Tai, and Quancheng, this festival is very important, just like the New Year.

As for things like marriage, it is not surprising that in the rural areas of central Lu, it is necessary to say hello to the ancestors.

According to the usual customs, after two days after the wedding ceremony, the bride will have a return ceremony, and the groom will send the bride back to her natal home for two days, and then the groom will prepare gifts and go to the bride’s home accompanied by the elders Take the bride back, so that the whole wedding ceremony is officially completed.

The old wedding customs are cumbersome and time-consuming. The whole wedding is busy, and it takes at least a week.

However, as the pace of life of modern people is getting faster and faster, the original cumbersome rituals are gradually simplified. For example, the ritual of returning to the door, after the 90s, it is very rare.

Tossing and tossing for several days in a row, everyone can't afford to delay. In the age when everything is about money, delaying making money is a big deal, so everyone is happy to make it easy.

Here Zhao Qingshan and Han Li are busy going through the procedures according to the ancient traditional customs, while on the other hand, Li Qing has already arranged all the procedures for Zhao Qingshan and Han Li to go to the Maldives for their honeymoon, including air tickets, agency and island selection The work is done.

In this way, on March 2006, 3, the Gregorian calendar's Women's Day, Liu Zhao drove Zhao Qingshan, Han Li, and Li Qing to Yaoqiang Airport in Quancheng, and boarded a plane to Male.

The three of them got on the plane at ten o'clock in the morning, then changed planes in Shanghai, and then flew directly to Male, which lasted a total of [-] hours.

Both Han Li and Li Qing were flying for the first time, and it was obvious that they were very excited.

In Zhao Qingshan's previous life, he often had to fly on business trips, so he didn't think it was very new.

In 2006, the price of a one-way air ticket to Male was more than 4000 yuan, and the round-trip was more than 8000 yuan. The air ticket for three people cost more than 8 yuan.Of course, Zhao Qingshan sat in first class.

Coupled with the expenses in Male, the honeymoon cost at least 30 yuan, and everyone spent more than [-] yuan.

The three bought adjacent seats, Zhao Qingshan was by the window, Han Li was inside, and Li Qing sat opposite.

After boarding the plane, it didn't take long to start eating lunch.

Zhao Qingshan and Li Qing both ordered chicken rice, while Han Li ordered pork rice.

The journey was long, at first Li Qing and Han Li were full of energy, chatting and laughing, but when the plane took off, the plane was very bumpy, Zhao Qingshan saw the timid Han Li holding his hand tightly, and then suddenly asked inappropriately Sentence: "Husband, is this plane safe?"

Zhao Qingshan knew that Han Li felt that the plane was too turbulent. Fortunately, the first-class cabin had a lot of space and the turbulence was acceptable. If he sat in the economy class near the engine, his head would probably explode right now.

"Rest assured, among all the means of transportation, airplanes are the safest."

There is a small coffee table between Zhao Qingshan and Li Qing, which is more convenient for eating and drinking tea.

After lunch, the three of Zhao Qingshan drank tea for a while, and then Zhao Qingshan taught them to turn on the massage function on the seat, and the two of them felt comfortable for a while.

Flying from Quancheng Airport to Shanghai's airport, we took a small plane. After arriving at Shanghai's airport, everyone changed to a large plane.

There were only the three of them in the first-class cabin flying from Quancheng to Magic City, and then on the big plane flying from Magic City to Male, the first-class cabin was almost full.

Because all the itineraries and plans were arranged by Li Qing, Zhao Qingshan and Han Li had nothing to do on this honeymoon trip.

Li Qing did a lot of work in the early stage, contacting agents, choosing islands and so on.

As for things like finding an exclusive agent, it is really disappointing to encounter a liar.

Everyone is going abroad for the first time, so they are more careful in all aspects.

After the three of them had dinner, they began to fall asleep on the plane, and when they woke up again, they had already left the country.

After the three of them got off the plane in Malé, the capital of the Maldives, Li Qing immediately contacted the agency to take the cameraman, translator, tour guide and others, and then everyone took the seaplane and went straight to the island where the hotel was booked.

According to Zhao Qingshan's request, Li Qing was not afraid of spending money. The hotel room she booked was more than [-] square meters, which is not very luxurious in Maldives. The price for one night was [-], and there was no problem for three people to live there.

Li Qing booked a room for ten days, and the room fee alone was about 15.

Of course, after arriving at the seven-star hotel in Maldives, I didn’t know what the world of the rich is. The most expensive submarine house here costs [-] yuan per night.

With Zhao Qingshan's current spending power, it is still a bit of pressure to accept it.

Sunshine, sand, beauty, surfing...

The honeymoon trip of Zhao Qingshan and Han Li kept laughing. After spending ten happy days on the island, under the guidance of the tour guide, the three of them went to the duty-free shop in Male and spent 10,000+ to buy Some messy things.

Zhao Qingshan felt very satisfied with the whole honeymoon trip, especially seeing his wife Han Li having such a good time, and even said that she almost forgot about her son, and looked so happy that she was so happy that it was a waste of money. I am not wronged.

On the island, what impressed Zhao Qingshan the most was not the coconuts on the beach, but the price of a handful of lettuce, which could reach four catties of chicken, which made him feel incredible.

How to put it, chicken is more nutritious than lettuce, it's really bullying.

We feed chickens with lettuce in the countryside, but lettuce is more expensive than chicken here, Zhao Qingshan shook his head.

After returning from the honeymoon, everything returned to calm, and Zhao Qingshan had a new plan next.

(End of this chapter)

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