Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 434 Conspiracy

Chapter 434 Conspiracy
Zhao Qingshan stood up, walked to the map of Laigang County with his hands behind his back, looked at the map, and did not speak for a minute.

Han Sanshan frowned. He was guessing what Mr. Zhao was thinking. Could it be that Mr. Zhao had something to tell him?

Mr. Zhao stared at the map and didn't speak. What exactly was he trying to imply to himself?

Han Sanshan didn't guess what Mr. Zhao was thinking, so he frowned for a while and asked directly, "Mr. Zhao, why are you staring at the map of Laigang County?"

At this time, Zhao Qingshan turned around while nodding his head, raised his finger and pointed to the map behind, and said, "Old Han, let me ask you a question, do you think we will divide the original Zhaizi Township and the current Huangzhuang Township The relevant land is all contracted, and then the flat land will be built into a breeding base for white-feathered chickens, and the mountainous area will be built into a breeding base for native chickens. How many chickens can be raised, how many people are needed, and how much investment do you think?"

Hearing this, Han Sanshan suddenly realized that what Mr. Zhao had always wanted to talk about was this matter.

Based on the Agricultural University Company, based on the land of the original Zhaizi Township and the current Huangzhuang Township in the south of Laigang County, a modern, large-scale, intensive and systematic industrialization of modern scientific chicken breeding bases will be established. , has always been a strong desire in Zhao Qingshan's heart.

The biggest obstacle to the realization of this wish is probably money.

It's great to have money. Most people's ideals are related to money. If you have money, you can realize your ideals in life.

However, many times, when you really achieve this ideal, you will often find that this ideal is not so attractive, and it is not what you want.

When you can't get something all the time, you will feel that he is perfect.

It's like a boy chasing a girl. When a boy chases her, he always thinks she is so beautiful and attractive, but when he catches her, he will find that she is not good here and has shortcomings there.

Zhao Qingshan does not have enough money now, or the money in his hands is not suitable for realizing his ideals, he is waiting.

Waiting is painful, but fortunately Zhao Qingshan can do many other things while waiting.

He brought Han Sanshan here to prepare for the establishment of the next plan to build Qingshan Group.

Han Sanshan frowned and thought about it, and then said very clearly: "Mr. Zhao, the area of ​​Yuanzhaizi Township, plus Huangzhuang about 100 square kilometers, and I think the population should be more than 5. Phoenix Ling Village has the smallest population and land area in these two townships, and the average population and land area of ​​each village in the two townships is about eight times. There are 14 natural villages in Laozhaizi Township, and 17 natural villages in Huangzhuang Township. There are 31 natural villages. When we invested in Fenghuangling Village, there were 208 people, including resettlement, etc., and the total cost was 600 million, right?"

Zhao Qingshan nodded and said: "More than 600 million."

"That is to say, 600 million, multiplied by eight, and then multiplied by 31, is almost the investment amount for this big event. About 15 billion."

Zhao Qingshan's eyes widened, and he looked at Han Sanshan in surprise: "With 15 billion, I can start raising chickens?"

"Mr. Zhao, listen to me and continue."

Han Sanshan took a sip of tea, then looked at the map of Laigang County and continued: "For 15 billion, basically all the common people and their land can be transferred to ours, and then the land and other procedures can also be handled. Okay, but the next step is to invest in the factory building! The money invested in the factory building is the big one. We have now built a white-feathered chicken breeding base with an annual slaughter of 200 million chickens in Nanpo. The next step is to build a three-year slaughter chicken. A white-feather chicken breeding base with about [-] million white-feather chickens is more reasonable."

When Zhao Qingshan heard this, he immediately frowned, and then asked: "Oh? Why don't you build more? Could it be that the whole land can raise so many white-feathered chickens at most?"

"That's not true, Mr. Zhao. If we build chicken coops in every corner of this land, I dare not say that there are too many. This land can produce more than 28 billion a year. However, the problem is that we have The broiler chicken market that can be developed is estimated to be only 15 million. What's more, the land was approved for 30 billion, and the villagers have settled down. Next, building a factory and buying equipment will cost a lot of money We all know how much the Nanpo Broiler Breeding Base invested, and the entire Laozhaizi Township and Jiahuangzhuang Township will invest at least [-] billion yuan in the construction of broiler chicken houses."

Han Sanshan's analysis is not much different from Zhao Qingshan's previous investigation results, and then he nodded and said: "That's true, plus the investment of local roosters, and an increase of one or two hundred million, such a large-scale investment, really It's frightening."

To be honest, Han Sanshan was also looking forward to his boss doing a big job.

"But, this is 50 billion less. Are you really planning to get a loan for the project?"

Zhao Qingshan waved his hand and said: "No, I will have so much money next year. By the way, since we will start breeding next year, we will mention this big, and your breeder factory has also made preparations. The first step is to buy more ancestral breeders, first of all, we must ensure that we have enough for ourselves."

"Yes, Mr. Zhao really has this idea. Chicken seedlings, chicken feed, chicken medicine, etc. have to be considered and prepared."

"Old Han, I asked you to come here today. I really want to discuss this matter with you. However, the next step is to establish the Qingshan Group here. Your Agricultural University Company will be used as the blueprint for the establishment of the group company. What do you want? Transferred back from Taishan City, do you have any comments?"

"Mr. Zhao, I'll work for you wherever I go. I have no objection."

"That's good, but this matter is complicated. We have to think carefully about the various problems that may be encountered in the next step, and then we can handle this matter well. Now the work of our village's new rural construction It has become a pilot project in the whole city, and I have also become the name that the leaders often mention when they report their work. Then, in the next step, I will give him the whole Zhaizi Township and Huangzhuang Township to build a new countryside according to the idea of ​​building a new countryside. At the government level, it will definitely support it.”

"Mr. Zhao, based on your current relationship with the government, they have no reason not to support it. However, I'm afraid that when we carry out demolition, the people below will ask for a lot of money and become a nail-biter."

Zhao Qingshan nodded, then looked towards the door, then leaned close to Han Sanshan's ear, and whispered: "This matter is only known to us for the time being, so please don't mention it to others."

When Han Sanshan heard this, he nodded repeatedly and frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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