Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 435 Han Sanshan's Longing

Chapter 435 Han Sanshan's Longing
Han Sanshan is confused, why only discuss this matter with me?
And Zhao Qingshan simply took Han Sanshan's hand, pressed it on his thigh, and said: "Old Han, you are my thigh, and whether my Qingshan Group can develop in the next step depends entirely on you. "

Hearing Zhao Qingshan's words, Han Sanshan shuddered, his eyes looked into Zhao Qingshan's eyes, he burst out laughing suddenly, and said: "You boy, did you put medicine in the tea?"

Zhao Qingshan frowned, pushed Han Sanshan's hand away, and said with a laugh: "Third brother, what are you kidding? Hahahaha!"

Han Sanshan stopped laughing, then looked at Zhao Qingshan, and said with a serious face: "Mr. Zhao, what do you mean, the higher-ups have basically agreed to your intention?"


Hearing Han Sanshan's direct question, Zhao Qingshan was still unprepared, so he hurriedly said, "Ah, that's just a nod."

Han Sanshan nodded and frowned. After a minute, he pointed to the map and said, "Just do it!"

Zhao Qingshan also nodded sharply: "Just do it!"

"In that case, what job does Mr. Zhao plan to arrange for me next?"

"How about I be the chairman and you the general manager?"

Han Sanshan didn't say anything, but frowned and thought about it, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Zhao intends to establish a joint-stock system?"

Zhao Qingshan also frowned and asked, "Do you want shares?"

Han Sanshan answered very simply: "I don't want to."

In fact, Zhao Qingshan's question was redundant, and Han Sanshan's answer was also redundant.

Who has a grudge against money?

Zhao Qingshan didn't want to give Han Sanshan any shares, and of course Han Sanshan knew this.However, Han Sanshan asked about the shareholding system, which clearly has an idea.

However, Zhao Qingshan nodded pretending not to understand, and then said to Han Sanshan: "It's like this. Those who engage in the joint-stock system are mostly because they are not strong enough to ask others for help, and then the next book is to control the company. It is also a troublesome thing." Didn’t we already calculate it just now? The investment in Zhaizi Huangzhuang will only be 47 billion in the next step, and the investment in Lianhuashan will not be much, only four hundred million, adding up to 51 billion. Maybe not so much. Of course, even a little bit more, it doesn't matter to me."

In fact, Zhao Qingshan knew from the very beginning that Han Sanshan must have ambitions, otherwise he would not have become the first private company owner to go public in Luzhong City.

And the reason why he was so happy to agree to follow him at the beginning was because the conditions he gave were too generous, and he no longer had any reason to refuse.

Many people who look like they have no ambitions on the surface are not like that.

And many people who shout slogans loudly all day long are often dwarfs who act.

Hearing Han Sanshan's question about the shareholding system just now, Zhao Qingshan felt a little suspicious in his heart.

In this world, because everyone values ​​money too much, only simple-minded people can talk about loyalty. Telling loyalty to a smart person has the same effect as telling him a joke.

Han Sanshan is a smart man.

Yes, if you give Han Sanshan the benefits he feels satisfied, he will definitely work hard for you, and then give you a higher return.Then, if he has his own ideas and wants to do something, it will be difficult for you to win over him with money.

Ideal is a terrible thing, especially when you see hope.

What Zhao Qingshan said just now was very relaxed, but Han Sanshan heard it like a thunderbolt.

51 billion, Mr. Zhao said it so easily!
"Mr. Zhao, do you really have so much money?"

"Old Han, are the police here to check the household registration?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant..."

"Then you doubt me?"

"Mr. Zhao, then I don't know how to do it anymore. We have been brothers for many years, and I work for you again. I doubt what you are doing? But... there is something I really want to tell you... ..."

Han Sanshan seemed to be making a decision, and then Zhao Qingshan saw it, he frowned, looked at Han Sanshan sincerely and said: "Don't worry about money, I want to hear your real thoughts first."

Although Han Sanshan has his own ideas, he is still a person with relatively high morals. Although he said that he would not do this or that for the sake of loyalty to Zhao Qingshan, but he said what he should say in order not to violate his conscience. , I still want to say: "Actually, I think that our company has developed to the present level, which is already very good. Then it is imperative to expand the production scale, but there is a saying that the ship is in trouble After we expand the scale of production, maybe the profit may not be as good as our current flexible operation.”

"You're telling the truth, go ahead."

"I must tell you about Mr. Zhao. I talked to two people from listed companies in Taishan City. They said that we rely on year-to-year operations to make money. The money comes too slowly. , it’s better to make the company bigger first, and then go public directly after meeting the listing requirements, and everyone will be billionaires at that time.”

In Zhao Qingshan's previous life, Han Sanshan was the owner of the first listed private company in Luzhong City. Unexpectedly, Zhao Qingshan was reborn. This idea once again grew in his mind.


"Yes, let me do the math for you. Let's occupy the land in Zhaizi Township and Huangzhuang Township according to what you said just now, and then the next step is to attract venture capital, insurance funds, and brokers. Give the government land transfer fees, and then give them directly in the form of shares. In this way, this 50 billion investment may not cost 25 billion, and you will still be the chairman, holding 50.00 %[-] stock, and from top to bottom, there are employees holding shares, and executives holding shares, everyone has shares. With shares, everyone is motivated, and then in the next step, everyone works hard, The benefits of our company will definitely improve. When the benefits come up, we will easily meet the listing conditions. At that time, we will be such a big company that we won’t be able to make a profit of one billion yuan a year.”

Han Sanshan took a sip of water, paused, and then continued: "A profit of one billion a year, even if our company has a total of one billion shares, the profit per share is one yuan. Then Mr. Zhao, you hold 1000 million shares, I can also hold 1000 to 2000 shares. Then when our company goes public, our cost per share is only a little over two yuan, do you know how much we can sell after the listing?"

Zhao Qingshan pretended not to know and shook his head.

"After the listing, the price-earnings ratio will be more than 30 times. At that time, our stock will rise to more than 30 yuan a share. Mr. Zhao, the 1000 million shares in your hand can be sold for 150 billion directly, and the 1000 million shares in my hand. It can also be sold for [-] million!"

It can be seen that Han Sanshan is looking forward to that day.

No way, by 2006, the stock market was heating up, no wonder Han Sanshan thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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