Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 436 The Blueprint of Qingshan Group

Chapter 436 The Blueprint of Qingshan Group

"I'll give you three hundred million!"

Seeing Han Sanshan's desire for wealth, Zhao Qingshan said very boldly.

After hearing Zhao Qingshan's words, Han Sanshan was taken aback.

In 2006, 3 million, what concept?
Boss Huang, who sells electrical appliances, ranked first on the Forbes Rich List this year, and a total of 362 people are eligible to be on the Forbes China Rich List. The standard for the list is 8 million yuan.

In this era, assets worth hundreds of millions are enough to spend several lifetimes.

"What? What?"

"So, Lao Han, work hard for me. Next year, my Tsingshan Group will be established. I will give you 1000 million annual salary. If you start working from now until you retire at the age of 60, I will give you [-] million."

Although it is said that Zhao Qingshan is just playing with concepts, the annual salary of 1000 million is really too tempting for Han Sanshan.

Looking at the entire Laigang County, how many people can earn 1000 million a year.

Han Sanshan is almost 40 years old. You asked him to start a business now. At this age, he has to weigh the pros and cons and seriously consider it.

Unless forced to, at Han Sanshan's age, very few people are willing to give up what is in front of them and start from scratch.

Zhao Qingshan knew this very well, just like boiling a frog in warm water, he trapped Han Sanshan firmly under his hands.

On the one hand, Han Sanshan is capable, he can help him manage the company well, on the other hand, Han Sanshan is related, with him around, many things can be easily resolved.

Why was Han Sanshan the boss of the first listed private company in Luzhong City back then?In fact, it is not only his ability, but more importantly, his network.

Under the same conditions, both Company A and Company B want to go public, and either company can go public, so at this time, subjective factors often play a decisive role.

We often have this kind of situation. It is difficult to measure who is better than whom, but subjective things are easy to make decisions.

By 2006, the profit of the Agricultural University Company would be 1000 million, but now Zhao Qingshan's annual salary for Han Sanshan is 1000 million.

Han Sanshan smiled unnaturally, and then looked at Zhao Qingshan: "Mr. Zhao, you are not joking."

If it is the first time for someone who is in contact with Zhao Qingshan, after hearing what Zhao Qingshan said, they will feel that this person is bragging and joking, but those who have been in contact with him many times will find that Zhao Qingshan sounds like It's a bragging, but it's all come true.

He said that more than 50 billion yuan is a trivial matter, so it is not unusual to have a salary of more than 1000 million yuan a year.

But, where did Mr. Zhao come up with five billion?Han Sanshan was puzzled.

"Nonsense, Lao Han, you've been with me for so long, do you think I'm a joker?"

"That's not true, that's not true, then, Mr. Zhao, if that's the case... All right, just tell me what you have to do."

As long as the money is in place, the subordinates will naturally be happy to serve him, Zhao Qingshan knows this very well.

Next, after Zhao Qingshan established the Qingshan Group, the scale of the company was much larger than before, and the next step of management became more difficult, so it was imperative to raise the salaries of the managers.

According to Zhao Qingshan's own plan, Han Sanshan will be the general manager of Qingshan Group in the next step, and he will be the chairman.

The annual salary of the general manager is 1000 million, so the income of other people, such as Liu Yutang and Liu Wendong, how to arrange and the salary must be carefully considered.

"Since this is the case, I want to ask you, if we buy the entire stockade and Huangzhuang, how can we plan and arrange it properly?"

For the specific planning of the factory area, it is necessary to find a special design company to do it. However, the general blueprint at the beginning must be understood by the investor, otherwise the design company has no design direction and ideas.

Han Sanshan was also unambiguous, stood up, and walked straight to the map of Laigang County hanging on the wall.

"Mr. Zhao, let's see, next step, our Tsingshan Group will be in this area, a strip-shaped factory area, and then we will build walls around it."

Zhao Qingshan casually picked up a scratcher next to it, and drew a circle according to the place Zhao Qingshan planned to contract.

Then, Han Sanshan pointed at the location of Fenghuangling Village, and said: "Our headquarters is here, and the office building of the head office is considered reasonable now. There is no need to build a new building. Then here, our side There is a white-feathered chicken breeding base in China, with an annual slaughter of 1200 million broilers. This scale, as I said just now, is too small. The scale of our company will only be 3 million broilers and 1 million native chickens. It's reasonable."

Then Han Sanshan frowned, paused, and then said: "The Phoenix chicken base is on the side of Lianhua Mountain, and you are contracted with Boss Huang on the side of Lianhua Mountain, so it cannot be included in our factory area, so Phoenix Chicken management..."

"Let Liu Liang take care of the Phoenix Chicken."

Han Sanshan nodded: "Since Liu Liang is allowed to manage the entire Phoenix Chicken in Lianhua Mountain, then our Phoenix Chicken Breeding Base on Nanshan Mountain also needs to be dismantled."


"We raise broiler chickens and native roosters on a large scale, and then there must be breeder chickens. After the end, we must strengthen the greening of the factory area. And we have to rear them in partitions. The partitions are separated by green belts, and there is a broiler breeding base and a broiler chicken breeding base. The native cock breeding bases are adjacent, and it cannot be the same two broiler breeding bases and two native cock breeding bases adjacent to each other."

"And why is this?"

"Our factory area is narrow and long, which is not suitable for building a large-scale breeding base. We can only build a breeding base with a maximum annual output of 5000 million broilers. In this area, this area, and this area, we can build a breeding base that can produce 5000 million broilers every year. .Then here, this piece, this piece, this piece, can build a breeding base with an annual output of 3000 million broilers."

After talking about broilers, Han Sanshan scratched his head, and then continued: "This is the green belt. The area of ​​these three forests is about 1000 times that of Dongling. Each forest can produce more than 500 million chickens a year." Native rooster breeding base. Then here, here, here, and here, you can build a breeding base that produces [-] million native roosters a year.”

Han Sanshan was a little tired from speaking, drank his saliva, then came to the edge of the map, continued to scratch his finger and said: "There is a green belt here, here, here, and here, all these places need Plant green belts. I think poplars are fine for green belt trees. Poplars grow fast and have tall trunks that can provide shade. And after ten years, these poplars can also become useful, and they can be sold for a fortune.”

Han Sanshan analyzed clearly and logically, and Zhao Qingshan nodded repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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