Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 49 Contracting out the entire apple orchard

Chapter 49 Contracting out the entire apple orchard

The news that Zhao Zhijiang's son, Zhao Qingshan, had signed a loan contract with his neighbor He Zhongheng spread quickly in the village.

Everyone thinks Zhao Qingshan is stupid?
No matter how you look at this loan contract, he, Zhao Qingshan, can't get anything cheap.

The apple orchard in Fenghuangling Village was contracted relatively early, around 1984. The 300-acre apple orchard was paid 50 yuan at one time, and the contract stated 2034 years.In other words, this contract will not expire until [-].

Now, 300 yuan has suddenly become [-] yuan, which is also a great temptation for other contractors.

So, next, the other apple orchard contractors in the village sent someone to Zhao Qingshan's house to inquire if he would like to buy their apple orchard too.

What was the concept of 10 yuan in 2002?
If a 60-year-old couple has 10 yuan in their hands, they can retire directly.With the purchasing power of RMB in 2002, a 60-year-old couple can spend 4000 yuan a year to be very rich, and then spend 10 yuan for 25 years.Not to mention, the interest rate can be increased in the bank.

Among the apple orchard contractors in Fenghuangling Village, by 2002, the youngest He Zhongheng was already 43 years old. After all, it had been 1984 years since the contract started in 18, and the oldest contractor was already over 60 years old. .

Seeing that the ad that he advertised for free had achieved results, Zhao Qingshan decided to close the network.

He wants to subcontract the entire apple orchard, with a total of [-] mu of apple orchards. After the next step of the wild rooster breeding experiment is successful, a large-scale mixed breeding of apples and native cocks can be carried out.

The planting and breeding industries must adopt large-scale farming in order to make a lot of money, and there is no profit in small businesses.

In this way, Zhao Qingshan talked to the village chief, and then signed a contract with the other eight apple orchard contractors in the village. Afterwards, the entire apple orchard became Zhao Qingshan's family.

The 90-acre apple orchard only costs 32 yuan in total, and Zhao Qingshan has the right to use it for 2002 years. It has to be said that in [-], it was not cheap.

But if you look at the problem from the perspective of development, the money is too cheap.

The contract was signed, and it stated that by mid-July 2003, Zhao Qingshan would hand over 10 yuan per household as a subcontracting fee to the apple orchard contractors in the village at one time.

In fact, the original 300 mu of mountain land belonged to Ma Jinchang's family.The ancestors of the Ma family were engaged in the cloth business, and after earning money, they returned to their hometown and bought thousands of acres of land. They had real estate from Fenghuangling Village to Damiao Village. However, after the land reform, their family owned everything. there is none left.

But now, Ma Jinchang, a descendant of the Ma family, has become a migrant worker in these places.

Zhao Qingshan has no money now, and he will have to wait until the end of June to sell the honeysuckle before he has enough money to pay the subcontract fee to everyone.

In 2002, in Zhaizi Village with relatively good economic conditions, the annual land contract price was generally one to three yuan per square meter, depending on the location.In other words, if Zhao Qingshan contracted a total of 20 mu of mountain land, it would be the cheapest in Zhaizi Village, and the annual contract fee would be [-] yuan.However, in remote mountain villages, the contract fee is much cheaper.

Generally speaking, the original contractors felt that they had gained a lot of money, but Zhao Qingshan himself did not feel that he was at a disadvantage.

Besides, He Zhongheng, after Zhao Qingshan lent him 2 yuan, he immediately repaid the money owed to the Agricultural University Company, and then went on to buy a batch of chickens.

This time, he paid more attention to raising chickens than last time.Moreover, this time he fired Liu Liang, who had been very irresponsible in his work, and asked Shen Yinglai to help take care of his son at home, while the couple on the chicken farm, together with his uncle, had a lot of experience. Lean on.

I have to say that with the lessons learned from the last failure, this time He Zhongheng's chickens are really good.

However, when the chicks were all grown up and about to be ready for slaughter, they ran into big trouble.

That day, He Zhongheng came to Zhao Qingshan's house, looking very happy.

"Oh, Shanzi, Uncle's batch of chickens is going to make a lot of money. Your 2 yuan will not only be returned to you by Uncle, but also the money you lent your sister Xiaohui to go to school may also be returned. is you."

Seeing He Zhongheng coming to his house full of confidence, Zhao Qingshan shook his head lightly, and then said: "Uncle, I'm afraid, you have to prepare to sell your chicken shed and apple orchard to me."

"What's the matter?"

"You haven't paid attention to the live chicken market of white-feathered chickens recently, have you? Not only are the prices cheap, but you can't sell them at all."

It is now April of 2003, and it was the time when SARS was raging.Now the entrances of all villages are guarded by people. If anyone goes out and returns to the village, he must first come for disinfection and then take his temperature. If the temperature exceeds 4 degrees, he will be sent to the township health center without further ado. went.

"Market? Shanzi, are you confused? I raise contract chickens, which have nothing to do with the market."

Zhao Qingshan shook his head, sighed, and said, "Uncle, you have to read the contract carefully when you sign the contract. Besides, if you really make money, I don't want my 2 yuan."

Looking at Zhao Qingshan's expression, he didn't seem to be alarmist, He Zhongheng frowned, and then said: "Shanzi, you want me to go back and read the contract?"

"Go and see."

After hearing Zhao Qingshan's words, He Zhongheng returned home, then hurriedly dug out the contract from his wife's bedside cabinet, and started to study it quickly.

Finally, in the several-page contract, he saw a clause that said, "If the market price is lower than 30.00% of the recovery price, then Party A will not be responsible for recycling the white-feathered chickens raised by Party B, and Party B needs to pay for the chicks. , vaccine payment, chicken medicine payment and feed payment shall be settled to Party A within three months of the original live chicken recovery time."

He Zhongheng looked at the contract repeatedly, and finally gritted his teeth in hatred and said to himself: "Bastard! The Agricultural University Company is playing me! Zhao Qingshan knew that there was something tricky in this contract, but he didn't tell me in advance. He was making it clear. Let me get hooked!"

However, with a glimmer of hope, He Zhongheng still called the Agricultural University Company.After some inquiry, the other party told him that his company would not take back these batches of live chickens according to the contract, and asked him to handle them by himself.

If the chickens were sold to the Agricultural University at the price specified in the contract, He Zhongheng’s chickens could earn 3 yuan. However, if he sold them to chicken dealers in the market, he would not only lose money, but also pay at least [-] yuan in net compensation. .

However, the chickens have grown to this age, and they can no longer continue to be raised, so He Zhongheng can only say that he will lose money and sell the chickens.

In this way, the apple orchard and chicken farm of He Zhongheng's family also became Zhao Qingshan's.

(End of this chapter)

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