Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 50 The Happy Event in Fenghuangling Village

Chapter 50 The Happy Event in Fenghuangling Village
The nearest rural market to Fenghuangling Village is Damiao Village Market. There are hawkers who buy Chinese medicinal materials in the market, and they collect all kinds of Chinese medicinal materials.

Honeysuckle is a common herbal medicine in the mountains near Fenghuangling Village. The local people also pick it from the mountains and sell it to drug dealers after drying.

After contracting the entire [-]-acre apple orchard, Zhao Qingshan did not rush into the project.Of course, the project he plans to take on must be raising chickens.

Think about it, the chickens scattered all over the mountains and fields, running in the [-]-acre apple orchard, that scene is so exciting.

The price of honeysuckle has been rising, and Zhao Zhijiang and Zhang Huifen feel itchy for the increase.

The 10 yuan honeysuckle was worth 20 yuan after a few months, and then less than a week later, the value of these honeysuckle flowers reached 30 yuan.

Zhang Huifen anxiously urged Zhao Qingshan to sell honeysuckle, but her son smiled slightly and shook his head slightly.

The price of honeysuckle rose day by day. Until the end of June, the purchase price of honeysuckle in Damiao Village Market had reached 260 yuan per kilogram.

Zhao Qingshan knew that by July, when SARS was over, the price of honeysuckle would drop precipitously, so his honeysuckle was about to be sold.

So, Zhao Qingshan hired a truck and took his own honeysuckle to Pingba County Honeysuckle Trading Center.

When I came to Pingba and asked, the purchase price of honeysuckle was already 300 yuan per kilogram.At the beginning, Zhao Qingshan bought the stored goods at a price of 25 yuan per kilogram. By this time, he had already obtained 11 times the income.His 10 yuan has now become 120 million.

Zhao Qingshan didn't hesitate, and immediately sold all his honeysuckle.

During this period of time, the honeysuckle was very popular, and basically there was no stock in hand. After seeing the goods, the medicinal material dealers did not hesitate, and several big honeysuckle medicinal dealers took all the goods in Zhao Qingshan's hands.

After transferring the payment to their bank accounts, Zhao Qingshan, Zhao Zhijiang and Liu Tao hurried back to Fenghuangling Village.

The next day, Zhao Qingshan went to the Rural Credit Cooperative to check his account funds, and then made an appointment to withdraw 98 yuan tomorrow.

Back in Fenghuangling Village, Zhao Qingshan came to the office of the village committee and told the village head that the next notice was coming, so the village head yelled in the loudspeaker that the contractors who signed the contract with Zhao Qingshan should come to the village committee tomorrow. The office receives money.

When the loudspeaker shouted, the entire Fenghuangling Village immediately exploded.

There are only 72 households in Fenghuangling Village, and 10 households have contracted apple orchards in Dongling. Now these 10 households will soon become 10 yuan households.

Only a few years have passed since the glorious era of 10 yuan households, and there are not many households with 84 yuan in hand, looking at the entire Zhaizi Township.But now, anyone who contracted the Dongling Apple Orchard in 10 will soon become a household with [-] yuan.

Those who have contracted the apple orchard are naturally happy, and those who have not contracted it, besides envy and envy, are still envious.

Apart from Zhao Qingshan and He Zhongheng, the apple orchard contractors also included Wei Zaizhong, Liu Yujiang, Liu Hongwei, Liu Honghan, Liu Zhi, Cao Mingren, Cao Mingtang and Su Youliang.Most of these contracting households are five or sixty years old and their families are in difficulty.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Qingshan's words made these contractors rich all of a sudden.

There are policy propagandas that allow some people to get rich first, and then get rich first and then get rich later.However, for those people who got rich, Zhao Qingshan really didn't see that they had any idea of ​​driving everyone to become rich together.But now, Zhao Qingshan is rich, but he has personally practiced this idea.

The whole village was discussing about Zhao Qingshan's distribution of money to everyone tomorrow, but none of them dared to go to Zhao Qingshan's house to find out the situation.

Now, it can be said that in the eyes of the common people, the status of the Zhao family in Fenghuangling Village has suddenly reached at least the top three.

Speaking of 2002, the most outstanding person in Fenghuangling Village must be the village head Liu Mingcai.

It is said that a good person cannot be the village head, but this Liu Mingcai is definitely a ruthless character in Fenghuangling Village.It is said that when he was young, he walked through Qingshiguan with a money box on his shoulders, and encountered three strong men blocking the way. As a result, he took out a knife and stabbed two of them to death, and the third was so frightened that he wet his pants.Later, the police investigated and said it was self-defense, so they let him back.

Now Liu Ming is only in his sixties. Although his physical strength is not as good as that of young people, he is very shrewd. In addition, he has been the village chief for 30 to [-] years, and he can enjoy himself from top to bottom.In addition, the security team that Liu Mingcai organized in the village was actually his personal armed force. If anyone offended him, he would drag the security team to trouble him.

Under Liu Mingcai, in Fenghuangling Village, Liu Yutang can be considered a figure.With a construction team of 30 people in his hand, he builds houses for others in all directions. He is well-informed and earns a small 10 yuan a year.

Once upon a time, these two were high-ranking figures. When walking in Fenghuangling Village, others would greet them with respect.

And if anyone in the village has something they can't handle, they will ask them for advice and help.

But now, Zhao Qingshan and his son have already begun to be compared with these two.

Early the next morning, the village committee compound was full of people.

The people who came were all carrying a bag, and it was obvious that they were here to get money.

The village chief was also very happy. When Zhao Qingshan came yesterday, he brought him two Taishan cigarettes, two bottles of Moutai, and two packs of Longjing tea. He is very happy to serve the Zhao family at the moment.

Zhao Zhijiang came to the village committee compound with a smile on his face around nine o'clock.

As soon as he appeared at the gate of the village committee, Liu Mingcai, who was sitting in the office, immediately stood up, strode out to welcome him, waved his hands and shouted loudly, "Zhijiang, come and drink tea."

When the apple orchard contractors came, Liu Mingcai sent his accountant, Sun Wei, to make tea for everyone, but how dare the villagers drink tea with the village chief.

According to Zhuang Lin Zhuang Township, Zhao Zhijiang should call Liu Mingcai his uncle. He shook hands with the village chief with a smile: "Uncle, why are you so polite to me? gone."

"Hahaha, you're here, of course I'm going to greet you at the door, hahaha."

The original Zhao Zhijiang, when he saw the village chief, was so frightened that he didn't even dare to breathe, but now, he shook hands with him and started laughing and talking. I have to say that the economic foundation also determines a person's attitude and ability to speak and do things.

(End of this chapter)

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