Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 541 Is Zhao Qingshan out of money?

Chapter 541 Is Zhao Qingshan out of money?
When Zhao Qingshan turned off his mobile phone, hid in his own house on the Quancheng side, and sold his stocks with peace of mind, the Laigang County side was in trouble.

At the construction site of Qingshan Group, the 16st of every month is the day when the project department settles the payment to the construction material suppliers. However, it is already No. [-] today, and all the material suppliers have not received the settlement payment.

On the construction site, except for the wages of the construction team workers, which are settled after the project is completed, the rest of the construction materials, transportation fees, equipment rental fees and other messy expenses are all settled on a monthly basis.The cost of this piece is several million per day.

After sixteen days of accumulation, the cost has exceeded [-] million.

Because the boss of Tsingshan Group disappeared, all kinds of rumors were abuzz.

The supplier couldn't get the payment for the goods, and some extreme yelled to sell out of the Tsingshan Group, and the construction team had no building materials, so the whole project would be delayed.

A one-day delay in the construction period would be a loss of tens of millions to Zhao Qingshan.

For a construction site that stretches for more than ten kilometers, the wages of construction workers account for a quarter of the investment, the cost of vehicles, equipment and other expenses accounts for a quarter, the cost of building materials accounts for a quarter, and the cost of demolition accounts for a quarter. , The investment in one day exceeds 400 million.

There are more than 5000 people working on the entire construction site.

However, on October 2007, 10, all the workers were listless and had no strength to work.

The complaints from the big contractors spread to the ears of the small contractors, and then the small contractors spread the gossip that the boss of Qingshan Agriculture ran away with the money to the ears of the workers, so everyone was worried that they would work for nothing this year .

Once upon a time, the difficulty of asking for wages for migrant workers has always been a major problem that plagued migrant workers.

It is very pitiful for farmers to leave their hometowns and sweat on construction sites, but in the end they cannot get wages because of various problems.

In order to ask for wages, some migrant workers jump off buildings, petition collectively, and fight with contractors. Various situations happen every year.

After the completion of many projects, Party A cannot settle the wages with the largest Party B in time, and it is naturally difficult for the small contractor to get wages from the large contractor, so many times the small contractor pays the workers wages in advance.

The exploitation of small contractors by large contractors is also quite serious, and because large-scale construction projects require construction companies with corresponding qualifications to construct, and construction companies with corresponding qualifications do not have enough construction personnel, they will only subcontract projects to The construction party that owns a cooperative relationship, and the construction party will find a smaller construction unit for various reasons, so in the end, the wages that the workers get are much less than what Party A pays, but Taking the biggest risks and doing the heaviest work.

For the entire construction project of Qingshan Group, Zhao Qingshan’s project payment was settled at 100 yuan per person per day, but when it reached the hands of the workers, it was only 35 yuan a day.

In the original village of Qingquanling Village in Yuanzhaizi Township, the demolition has been completed at this time, and then a large cold storage is planned here, and a construction team from Sichuan Province is responsible for the construction.All the workers in this construction team are from Sichuan Province. One of them, Zhang Zhenyao, received a call from his family on October 10, saying that his old father was sick and hospitalized, and he continued to raise money. , let him figure out a way.

Zhang Zhenyao is the only male in the family. He is 36 years old and his father is 71 years old. He also has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is only eight years old, and the youngest daughter is only three years old. wife to bear.

After receiving the call, Zhang Zhenyao was very anxious, and he pooled 3000 yuan with the workers, but it was not enough for the 5000 yuan that the family said, so he thought of talking to the contractor Huang Hua to discuss an advance payment.

Huang Hua and Zhang Zhenyao are from neighboring villages. He is four years older than Zhang Zhenyao and is just forty this year.

Huang Hua led [-] people on the entire Qingshan Group's project site, which was considered a medium-sized construction team.

In fact, in Qingquanling Village alone, there are three large-scale construction projects, including the super-large cold storage mainly built by Huang Hua and his construction team, there is also a slaughterhouse with a modern assembly line, and then there is an annual slaughterhouse. A breeding base for 500 million white feather chickens.

Huang Hua contracted the project from his higher-level contractors. The total contract fee was 900 million, and then it took two years to build the cold storage.

Huang Hua calculated that it would take two years to build the cold storage, the total wages of the workers would be 460 million, and he would still earn 430 million.

Of course, many times, when settling project payments, my superior contractor would always find some faults and deduct a hundred and eighty thousand.But after all, it is still very promising to earn 400 million in the past two years.

However, the entire project payment will not be transferred to my account until the project is completely completed, and in the past two years, the workers' wages will still be paid, which requires the boss to advance funds.

Those who engage in engineering are often dragged down by advance funds.

And the advance fund for this project is not a decimal, 460 million.

Zhang Zhenyao found Huang Hua, explained the situation, and saw that Huang Hua frowned.

"Boss, my family is really desperate for money, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you."

Seeing his boss frowning, Zhang Zhenyao immediately became anxious.

"Zhenyao, don't worry, I'll find a way."

Huang Hua bit the thatch root in his mouth, suddenly spat it out, and said, "Let's go, let's go find the old horse."

The old horse that Huang Hua mentioned is the owner of a leather bag company. He has some relationship with Qilu Road and Bridge Company, which directly undertook the Qingshan Group project.

All the project funds of Huang Hua and the others have to go to Lao Ma's account to get into his own account, so when Huang Hua is short of money, the first thing he thinks of is to find Lao Ma.

Of course, in the relationship of many years of cooperation, when one party finds the door, as long as it is not too difficult, everyone will find a way.

After being careful, Huang Hua called Lao Ma.

"Xiao Huang, what's the matter?"

"Can you find a way to get me some money, I don't have enough money here on the construction site, and I can't turn it around."

"It's about money. We are at Mr. Zhao's house right now. Everyone is thinking about money. If you need money, come along with us."

"Mr. Zhao's home? Where?"

"It's Zhao Qingshan, the boss of Qingshan Group. He's in Fenghuangling Village. Just climb over the hill to the south of your side, that's all."

As soon as Huang Hua heard this, he planned to take Zhang Zhenyao to try his luck.

(End of this chapter)

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