Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 542 Mr. Zhao is driving a Hummer H3 Chapter [-] Here Comes

Chapter 542 President Zhao Came Back Driving a Hummer H3

The courtyard of the two-story villa that Zhao Qingshan built for his parents was full of people from 10:16 a.m. to 04:30 p.m. on October [-].

These people speak all kinds of different accents, speaking anxious or angry words, and the focus of most people's discussions is money.

"We all have families and mouths, and we all have to eat. Even if Mr. Zhao has no money, he can't hide from people."

"I see, this person can't be very happy. If he doesn't have diamonds, don't take on porcelain work."

"I don't think Mr. Zhao is a big talker."

"What do you know, young people are easy to talk big, how old is Mr. Zhao?"

In the living room of Zhao Zhijiang's house, several heavyweights sat on the sofa. Zhao Zhijiang frowned and waited on him carefully.

Which weight figures?

There are people in the government, Zhang Chao specially ordered a deputy county magistrate to come over, saying that he would also see Zhao Qingshan today.

There are those in the bank, Zhao Qingshan has already borrowed more than 35 billion from the bank, and the president of the bank who gave the loan to Zhao Qingshan couldn't sit still, and at this time they all came to Zhao's house by coincidence.

There are also construction units. These construction units are all state-owned enterprises, and the general managers are all at the administrative level. Moreover, the manager who came to Zhao's house today has a high administrative level. The highest one is the deputy department level.

Along with Zhao Zhijiang, Han Sanshan, Li Kaixing and Li Qing accompanied these big shots.

Zhou Wenliang, the deputy general manager of Qilu Road and Bridge and the project manager of Tsingshan Group, looked at Li Qing angrily and said, "As Mr. Zhao's office director, you handle the boss's schedule. You said Mr. Zhao will meet with you today , how come it’s already 04:30, and there’s no one there?”

Zhou Wenliang's assistant, Hu Yupu, a graduate of Tsinghua University, said slowly: "Nowadays, construction material suppliers are following us to ask for money. If they don't see the money today, I think this project will have to pay for it." It's going to end badly."

Hearing that the project was going to be unfinished, Ma Weimin, the executive deputy magistrate of Laigang County, was so frightened that his forehead was sweating coldly.

"Xiao Hu, look, if such a big project is really unfinished, then the sky will really fall."

The bank presidents were even more worried about the unfinished project, and said one after another.

"Director Li, whatever you say, you have to find a way to get Mr. Zhao back. If Mr. Zhao has no money, we can find a way." An Guohua and Zhao Qingshan, the presidents of the Laigang County Branch of Luzhong Commercial Bank The relationship is very close.

"Old Cao, this project is not the money at 01:30. Two or three billion yuan was thrown in, and I didn't even see a shadow. If you find Mr. Zhao, you are willing to loan him to do it again. We Don’t dare to do it.” The relationship between Zhang Jiashu and Zhao Qingshan of ICBC Laigang County Branch is relatively ordinary.

"Whether you have money or not, you have to let them see you. Old Zhao, where did your son go?"

Zhao Zhijiang frowned: "If we knew where my son went, we wouldn't be in such a hurry now."

"I don't know where it is, why don't you look for it?"

"That's right, do you actually know where it is and dare not tell me?"

"Hiding like this, how long is a way."

"I don't know if it's dead or alive. The family is really not in a hurry."

Zhao Zhijiang was already clumsy in speech, so he didn't know how to answer correctly at this time.

At this time, Zhao Qingshan's wife, Han Li, came out of the back room with her little daughter in her arms, and said with an ugly face: "My husband is very rich, but he has to go out for a few days to rest for a few days. Do you know if it's dead or alive?"

Han Li was quite angry in her tone. The branch manager of the Bank of China who was gossiping just now looked away as if nothing happened.

The air in the living room was tense, but in the yard, it was a bit noisy.

At the large-scale cold storage construction site in Qingquanling Village, the old father of migrant worker Zhang Zhenyao was sick and hospitalized, and urgently needed a deposit of 5000 yuan. Zhang Zhenyao and his workers pooled [-] yuan, and there was still [-] yuan short. There was no way, so he went to the contractor Huang Hua to find a solution .

Huang Hua also had no money, so he called Lao Ma, the manager of their superior contractor.

Lao Ma asked them to come to Zhao Qingshan's house, so the two of them climbed over the hill called Beishan by the villagers of Qingquanling Village and Nanshan by the villagers of Fenghuangling Village, and came to Zhao Qingshan's house.

The Zhao family was crowded with people, Huang Hua managed to find Lao Ma from the crowd, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on?"

"Boss Zhao has been missing for a week, and we are all waiting for him. If we don't see Mr. Zhao today, I'm afraid the whole project will be unfinished."

Huang Hua became anxious when he heard that, if the project was unfinished, there would really be nowhere to ask for the money he had advanced in the early stage.

"Why is it so unfinished? Didn't they all say Mr. Zhao is rich?"

"Everyone says they have money, but how many are really rich?"

"What should I do?"

"Wait, say that I can see Mr. Zhao sooner or later today. When Mr. Zhao comes, it will be easy to talk about. Now Mr. Zhao has borrowed more than 30 billion from the bank. If Mr. Zhao collapses, these bank presidents will They will all have to go to jail, I think as long as Mr. Zhao comes, the bank will find a way to get him money."

"But, where did Mr. Zhao go? Why can't he find it?"

"Who knows this."

The three of them were talking noisy in the courtyard and couldn't hear clearly, so they all left Zhao's courtyard and went outside.

Then at this time, Huang Hua, who had been thinking about changing his car for the past two days, saw an imposing off-road vehicle driving by on the east road, and frowned.

When Lao Ma saw Huang Hua looking into the distance, he also followed his gaze.

"Hummer H3, this car is good." Lao Ma knew cars and said immediately after seeing it.

"Old Ma, how much is this car?"

"The cheapest one is about 80-[-]."

"Hey, I don't know, it's the boss who came to ask Mr. Zhao for money."

And the Hummer H3, which hadn't been registered yet, didn't drive anywhere else, but arrived at Zhao's house, and turned around to the door of Zhao's house.

"Mr. Zhao!"

"Mr. Zhao is back!"

"It's Mr. Zhao!"

A few people at the door recognized Mr. Zhao, and when they saw that it was Zhao Qingshan who got off the car, they immediately shouted excitedly.

And this cry soon spread to the house, so everyone ran out one after another.

I saw Zhao Qingshan wearing a denim jacket, next to a domineering Hummer H3, really heroic and quite handsome.

"Mr. Zhao, you are back, we...we..."

Lao Ma and the others immediately surrounded Zhao Qingshan, and everyone was so excited that they were about to cry.

At this time, everyone realized that everyone's fate was tied to Zhao Qingshan alone.

And if something really happened to Zhao Qingshan, then everyone's sky would collapse!
(End of this chapter)

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