Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 96 Do Three Things Well This Year

Chapter 96 Do Three Things Well This Year

Zhao Qingshan who came back to Dongling Chicken Farm from Ma Jinchang's house was in a good mood. Charity is something that many kind people like to do. People like Grandet, a miser, are definitely not the same kind of people as Zhao Qingshan.

On the side of the chicken farm, Zhao Qingshan has a new plan next.

Now the entire Dongling Apple Orchard is owned by Zhao Qingshan alone, and now he raises a batch of 22 chickens every ten days, almost occupying a large chicken shed.Now there are only eight chicken sheds in Dongling, which is obviously not enough.According to the plan, Zhao Qingshan needs [-] batches of chickens, which means [-] chicken sheds, so another [-] chicken sheds need to be built.

This project is not small, and it is much more expensive than the few tile-roofed houses in Suishi Ridge.

To build a chicken shed with an area of ​​2003 square meters, in 2, it cost about 22 to 40 yuan to build a [-]-square-meter chicken shed, so it would cost about [-] yuan to build another [-] chicken sheds. Of which, the wages and materials cost each accounted for half.

If all these tasks were done by Liu Yutang's construction team, it would take six months to complete the work, and in winter, there will be a severe freeze, and there will be no construction for another two months, so we can only count on Liu Yutang. Yutang's words will definitely delay time.

Zhao Qingshan's idea is to finish building the chicken shed on the side of the apple orchard before the winter freezes this year.

After the greenhouse was built, he planned to build some barbed wire to divide the entire apple orchard into [-] small yards, each with a chicken shed and several apple trees.The chickens in each small yard are hatched at the same time, and then raised together, and then sold together.

It is best not to mix chickens of different ages, otherwise the older chickens will definitely bully the younger chickens.

Also, now the entire apple orchard is owned by Zhao Qingshan, the original walls built by the contractors of the apple orchard are definitely useless, and there are even some delays, so all those old courtyard walls have to be removed After that, a taller courtyard wall will be built outside the entire apple orchard to block those weasels, foxes, snakes and other guys that are more harmful to the chickens.

The project of repairing the wall and erecting barbed wire is not small. Zhao Qingshan asked Liu Yutang to budget for himself, and it would cost about 30 yuan.

The total cost of building a greenhouse and repairing fences and barbed wire is almost 70.

At the same time, Zhao Qingshan also thought about repairing the dirt road leading to the village into asphalt and connecting it with the section of Fangjiazhuang Village before the winter freezes. After the road is repaired, he can also buy a car by the end of the year.

Zhao Qingshan planned to build from the entrance of the north gate of Lianhua Mountain to the head of Fangjiazhuang Village and connect it with the asphalt road there. He measured it on a motorcycle, and it was a total of 4.5 kilometers, and then repaired it into a five-meter-wide asphalt road. If you go by road, it will cost about 50.

Dazhai Village, Fangjiazhuang Village, Qingquanling Village, and Shijiayu Village were the first villages in Zhaizi Township to have asphalt roads, and the roads built in these three villages at the beginning were built by raising funds from the people.

But the other villages in Zhaizi Township were much poorer than those four villages, and the people were unwilling to raise funds, so in 2003, they still took dirt roads.

Although it is said that there is a policy of connecting every village in the province, the people in the province who are responsible for implementing this policy are too busy, so they weighed it and issued a policy. Rich people can advance their own funds to build roads. Ask the government for money.

Of course, if you want to build roads, you have to notify the government in advance, otherwise it will be troublesome when you need money for road repairs in the next step.

It will take about 120 million yuan to complete these three things, and now I have about 200 million yuan in addition to the [-] million left over to raise chickens, so it is more than enough.

At that time, the 120 million will be spent, and there will be 180 million idle funds left, and then I will buy a car by myself.

In 2003, the domestic private car market had begun to heat up slowly, and the price of private cars has become more and more affordable from the original high.

Zhao Qingshan felt uneasy if he didn't spend all the money in his hand.

Anyway, when the loan is repaid in June next year, I only need to pay back the interest, and I don't have to worry about anything at all.

Next year will be 2004, and the next year will be 2005, and you can buy stocks. Now Zhao Qingshan's biggest goal is to expand his own business first, increase investment in fixed assets, and not be afraid of bank loans.

As long as you make your business bigger, you can get more loans from the bank in the next step, and then you can invest more money in the stock market in 2005, and then you can escape from the stock market in 2007. Take out more money, and then the next step can be transferred to a large number of rural land to raise a larger number of chickens.

This is Zhao Qingshan's plan for the next four or five years. It is very simple, but also very realistic.

He needs money, a lot of money, and money is a tool for him to realize his ideals in life.

Liu Yuren and Liu Tao have already been busy at the chicken farm. The chicken farm will increase in the next step. It is definitely not enough to count on them alone. It seems that they need to recruit some more employees.

Fortunately, not long after, my two cousins, Jianxin and Jianzhong, came to help feed the chickens from the construction site at Suishi Ridge.

On the construction site on the other side of the broken stone ridge, as long as Cui Honghan and his wife are needed, on the other side of the construction site, Cui Honghan only needs to help out, and Zhao Qingshan's second aunt's job is to boil water for the workers to drink.

Building is hard work, sweating a lot, and drinking a lot of water. It is necessary to ensure an adequate supply of boiled water.

The work of feeding the chickens in the morning was completed, and then Zhao Qingshan led everyone to start tearing down the fence.At the beginning, the contractors of the apple orchard used local bluestones to build the fence, and the demolished bluestones can be used as building materials for the next step to build the outer fence, which also saves a lot of expenses.

After huffing and wheezing, they had to work for a while, sweating all over, and then Zhao Qingshan, Liu Tao, Cui Jianxin and Cui Jianzhong gathered around a bluestone board to drink tea and chat.

After drinking tea for a while, the whole body was clear, and the strength was restored, and then they went to work again.

Zhao Qingshan and Cui Jianxin were in charge of demolition, while Liu Tao and Cui Jianzhong were in charge of transporting the dismantled stones to the periphery of the apple orchard with a trolley. Everyone worked together and talked and laughed.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Zhao Qingshan's mother, Zhang Huifen, brought lunch with a burden, and then everyone gathered around to eat.

After lunch, four young men of about the same age surrounded Zhao Qingshan's computer and watched Zhao Qingshan play games.

Zhao Qingshan was tired after playing for a while, so he asked Liu Tao, who had learned from him to become a game master, to play big stories for him, while he lay down on the sofa outside and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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