Mountain Village Chicken Tycoon

Chapter 97 Say hello to the village

Chapter 97 Say hello to the village

At the level of the township government, Zhao Qingshan has already established a relationship.

When Liu Wendong was surrendered last time, Zhao Qingshan moved Han Sanshan out, and then had contacts with the top leaders of the Water Conservancy Bureau, the Zhaizi Township Government, and the Zhaizi Township Police Station.

After getting acquainted, we will walk around during the New Year and holidays, give some holiday gifts, and become friends in the next step.

Luzhong City was originally a sub-prefecture-level provincial county, and then it was managed by the prefecture-level city Taishan City.Later, in 1991, Luzhong was withdrawn from the county and designated as a city, and it was upgraded to a prefecture-level city.

The administrative level of Central Shandong has been raised by one level, and then there are many leadership vacancies in various departments. During the 1991 years from 2006 to 15, the transfer of leading cadres within Central Shandong was very frequent.

Take the head of the current Zhaizi Township government as an example. By 2006, Zhaizi Township and Chengzipo Township merged to form the Aishan Sub-district Office, and then the two sets of leadership groups were merged and adjusted, and some were evenly transferred to other departments. , There are also those who have become deputy counties from Zheng Ke Ti level.

In 2003, the mayor of Zhaizi Township, surnamed Qin, was a middle-aged man in his 40s and a regular member of the army.Last week, Zhao Qingshan just sent two boxes of high-quality moon cakes and two bottles of Wuliangye to the mayor of Qin, so it must be easy to talk to him at this time.

Zhao Qingshan found the head of Qin, and when the head of Qin saw Zhao Qingshan coming, he immediately let him into his office enthusiastically.

Compared with other wealthy towns, the office conditions of the head of Qin Township are a bit harsh and simple. This is the objective situation of Zhaizi Township.A desk with a worn paint surface, an office chair with a detachable seat, and a long wooden sofa and a coffee table in the office.

Within the scope of Zhaizi Township, the office of the head of Zhaizi Village is also higher than that of the head of Qin.

"Xiao Zhao, why are you free to come to my place today?"

Mayor Qin arranged for Xiao Cao in the office to make a cup of tea for Zhao Qingshan and serve it to him.

Zhao Qingshan knew Xiao Cao. The other party was a female college student who had just graduated. She wore fashionable clothes and had many pimples on her face, but her facial features were quite good-looking.He smiled and nodded at Xiao Cao, and then Xiao Cao nodded with a smile and went out.

Xiao Cao is one of the four subordinates of Zhang Gang, the director of the township office. He was selected by the leader to work in the office as soon as he graduated, which shows that the leader attaches great importance to Xiao Cao.

If you want to have a good relationship with the township, the most critical person is the director of the office and the driver of the township head.

There is a folk saying that if you want to be a good leader, you have to control three "chickens". If you control the three "chickens", then the leader will have no problems.Which three "chickens"?The first "chicken" is the driver. The leader's personal driver knows exactly what the leader did, who he met, and what gifts he received, so this person must be managed well; the second "chicken" The "chicken" is the accountant, so the importance of this character goes without saying; and the third "chicken" is the little thing on the leader. If something goes wrong with that little thing, it will be a big trouble.

Now, Zhao Qingshan has a very good relationship with Zhang Gang, the director of the township government office. As for the reason for the good relationship between the two, it must be because Zhao Qingshan invited Zhang Gang to dinner several times in Ruishan Restaurant.

Han Sanshan has a very good relationship with the township, so it is very easy to call the people from the township mansion when he is invited to dinner.

Xiao Cao walked out, and then Zhao Qingshan looked at the mayor Qin who was sitting on the office chair with a smile and said, "Just what I told you last time, shall we say hello to the Highway Bureau, and then I have tarred the dirt road from Fangjiazhuang Village to the foot of Lianhua Mountain, what do you think, Chief Qin?"

"People spend money to build roads. They build roads for generations to come. What they build is roads that benefit the people. Such ordinary people, such entrepreneurs, and such big chicken farmers, I, Qin Xuefeng, have a hundred supporters! Xiao Zhao, When are you going to fix it?"

"If you are free, we have greeted the Highway Bureau, and then I will start repairing it. I am still waiting. The road is repaired. I bought a good car a few years ago, and I will celebrate it during the Chinese New Year!"

"Hahahaha, okay, Xiao Zhao, I happen to have nothing else to do today, so let's go now."

Zhao Qingshan came to the village on a motorcycle, and Qin Xuefeng's car was a Santana. In the 90s, the price of a Santana was 30 to 2003. In [-], a car was still a luxury.

The style of a soldier is fierce and popular, and he will do what he says, so Qin Xuefeng arranged for a driver to drive the car, and drove Zhao Qingshan and himself to the county road bureau.

I heard that there are villagers who want to pay for road construction, and there are policies in this regard, and the Highway Bureau naturally has no other opinions.

The leader of the Highway Bureau and Qin Xuefeng also knew each other, and after they met and introduced, Zhao Qingshan insisted on having a treat at noon.

Coincidentally, Zhao Jun, the director of the Highway Bureau, also had skills, and when he heard that this young boss who was planning to pay for road repairs insisted on asking for a table at Xinxing Building, he happily agreed.

In 2003, Xinxing Building must be regarded as the most upscale hotel in Laigang County.It is not cheap to have a meal here, the minimum standard is 38 yuan per person.You know, at this time, the standard of two chickens and two fishes for a wedding banquet for a table of ten people in village restaurants in rural areas is only 120 yuan.And like in Gangdu Hotel, the standard of wedding banquet is only 180 yuan, 220 yuan and 260 yuan.In Xinxing Building, the minimum standard for ten people is 380 yuan.

This is only for the cost of food, and another two bottles of Moutai will cost another 500 yuan.

When we come to Xinxing Building, if we drink Erguotou Laobaigan, it will definitely not be a good time.

Zhao Qingshan is not short of money, although it is said that the money is in the bank, but he does not feel bad about spending it.

After the matter was settled, a group of seven or eight people came to Xinxing Building, which was the most luxurious hotel in Laigang County at that time.

Then Zhao Qingshan directly asked for a private room, did not order food, and directly ordered 88 standard, and also ordered four bottles of Moutai.

The price of Moutai rose to 98 yuan a bottle in 320, and then fell all the way to less than 2001 yuan a bottle in 200.In the past two years, the price of Moutai has risen again. By 2003, the price had returned to 280 yuan a bottle.Four bottles of Moutai, that's more than 1000, plus two boxes of Zhonghua cigarettes and vegetable money, this meal, Zhao Qingshan has to pay almost one or two thousand.

However, Zhao Qingshan is very happy. Being able to associate with these people, he will definitely get a lot of benefits in the future, at least when he has something to do, he will not have so many troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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