Chapter 100

In the small pavilion in the garden of Xiangfu, Mingde just listened to his son Wang Guanhe's report on the purchase of new year's goods in the mansion, while Gillian sat quietly and made tea for his grandfather and second uncle.

"Father, I don't think there will be as many firecrackers this year as last year. After all, the children are not here. The sixth brother wrote a letter saying that he can come back on the fifth day of the lunar new year, but I don't know if the eldest brother can come back." Wang Guanhe asked.

De Gong shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work, Jiangzhou is located in Guannan, and if the water falls to Guanbei, he needs to be dispatched by Ningjiang Prefecture. What happened in Guanbei this autumn, he is busy at this time, and I'm afraid he won't be able to come back this year. "

Wang Guanhe nodded: "So that's why my father let Gillian come to the capital. It's good, otherwise there will be no one in the New Year and it will not be lively at all."

De Gong said: "There are other considerations for letting A-Jiao come. What you said is not bad. If you hear the firecrackers ringing, it's okay to buy less, but you still have to have ancient rituals."

Wang Guanhe nodded, took notes, and then asked his relatives what to give and which mansions needed special attention.

Degong knew that his son was not involved in the government, and he didn't know many things, so he didn't feel embarrassed, so he said directly: "The relatives and colleagues in the court are as usual, and there are some in-laws who have to prepare important gifts, and the tomb government don't send them .”

Wang Guanhe was taken aback for a moment: "General Ke Zhong is ranked with his father in the court, why?"

"Just write it down. The emperor doesn't want me to give it to you. You're not interested in telling you these things." De Gong said, and then he seemed to suddenly think of something: "A few days ago, I submitted a letter, and the emperor was full of praise after reading it." , Highly praised the words of the world, the important principles of political governance, and gave me a hundred gold, a pair of emeralds as you wish."

"Congratulations, father." Wang Guanhe said happily.

Degong laughed: "I'm just borrowing the words of others, and it's really indebted to me."

Wang Guanhe nodded: "Since this is the case, why don't father prepare a great gift, such a great kindness should be thanked."

"Well, that's fine, just prepare a hundred pieces of gold, a pair of Ruyi, and ten bolts of brocade." Degong said, Wang Guanhe quickly wrote down. At this time, Gillian made tea and brought it over to grandpa and second uncle.

As he was talking, Degong seemed to think of something, and then he smiled and said: "Add another twenty catties of Meiyuan wine, and last time Quan'er brought me two sets of good Ru kiln porcelain utensils from Ruzhou last time, and I will also pack one set. .”

Wang Guanhe was taken aback, Ru kiln fine porcelain, that is his father's treasure, he did not expect to give this as a gift, it seems that the relationship between his father and this friend is extraordinary.

"After packing it up, send it to Prince Xiao's Mansion."

"Well, eh?" Wang Guanhe was taken aback: "What did father say?"

"Prince Xiao's Mansion."

"Prince Xiao's Mansion? Prince Xiao's Mansion" he was stunned. Isn't the owner of Prince Xiao's Mansion Li Xingzhou!
Then Li Xingzhou is a big disaster in Kyoto. Although he made the amazing work "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden" in the plum garden that day, even he loved it, but in all likelihood, he did it on behalf of the rich and powerful. It's not a big deal, he naturally understands much more in such a position.

Just when he was about to say something, Duke De interrupted him: "Just do what you want, and send it to Prince Xiao's mansion on the first day of the Lunar New Year, as a father, you have your own considerations."

"The child understands."

Just as the family was still discussing making up for the omission, the servants came to report in a hurry, saying that it was Tang Zhou, the envoy of the Department of Household Department, who asked to see him.

"Father, Gillian and I should avoid it first." Wang Guanhe cupped his hands and said.

This Department of Household Affairs is not the household department under Zhongshu Province, which is in name only. In the Jing Dynasty, the two mansions and three divisions jointly governed state affairs.The three divisions are called "Jiangsu", namely Duzhi, Yantie, and Hubu. They are in charge of the country's finances and have a high status.

Tang Zhouwei is the envoy of the Ministry of Household Affairs, the second-rank official of the imperial court, and it is not good for him to talk to his father while others are present.

But Degong smiled and said: "It's okay, it's Tang Zhouwei who came here."

After a while, a slightly fat old man rushed in with small steps and hurried in. When he met him, he bowed and said: "I have seen Mr. Ming De, and I have seen this lord."

This startled Wang Guanhe who was at the side, how could this person be so casual, he hurriedly replied in panic: "Don't dare, my nephew dares to be an uncle with such a great gift, it's really a shame."

Degong pointed at Wang Guanhe with a smile and said, "This is the second son in the family."

Tang Zhouwei realized that he was not an adult: "It turns out that he is a good nephew, don't worry about it, don't worry about it, don't take it to heart."

Wang Guanhe froze on the spot, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Over there, Tang Zhou started to complain because he held Degong's hands: "President Wang, you must save me this time, you must save me. I think about it, only you can save me in this world."

"You tell me first, let me listen, and then we'll see if we can save you." De Gong stroked his beard and said, "A-Jiao, pour tea for your Grandpa Tang."

A-Jiao just handed over the fragrant tea, he took it and drank it all in one gulp, just stood there and started talking in a hurry
Time passed by, and under Tang Zhouwei's narration, everyone probably understood the ins and outs of the matter.

De Gong frowned and said: "I think it is likely that you are undisciplined and unpretentious, so the people below are not afraid that you will cause today's disaster. If the reports from various places were submitted to the Department of Household Affairs half a month earlier, how could it be so?"

Tang Zhou is more than 50 years old, with a mournful face like a child, and the flesh on his face is wrinkled into a ball: "I don't know, I just treat them better on weekdays, but now I am off the chain. Degong, you must save me!" , there are not many people who are proficient in planning in the Department of Household Affairs, and Wang Xiang used to be in charge of the department of transfer department, so he must know many people who are proficient in planning."

De Gong shook his head helplessly: "Don't even think about it. The people who were in the household department at the time are either promoted or become officials in various places. Many of them have passed away and are still there."

"Ah!" Tang Zhouwei slumped on the chair and said with a mournful face, "Tomorrow is the deadline His Majesty gave me, so I am doomed. The crime of dereliction of duty is at least dismissal and exile!"

People in their 50s cry as soon as they say they cry, and they can't stop crying once they cry, and they can't hold back.

Degong shook his head helplessly: "It's only your fault for pampering your subordinates and being too lax. You can go beg His Majesty again, and His Majesty is not." Speaking of this, Degong was stunned, suddenly remembered someone, and then raised his head to think for a while: " can still save this matter."

Hearing this, Tang Youwei stopped crying and jumped up from the stone bench: "Really, Mr. De, please don't lie to me!"

"I have a friend who thinks quickly and works eclecticly. If he does, maybe he can really think of something for you."

Tang Zhouwei immediately knelt down with a plop: "Your Majesty saved me, you must save me. If I keep my job as envoy of the Ministry of Household Affairs this time, I will do whatever it takes!"

"Heh." De Gong glanced at him and said: "Get up, I don't know you yet, if this happens, you're afraid that you won't recognize me if you pass by the house."

Tang Zhou laughed a few times in embarrassment and stood up: "How could it be?"

De Gong shook his head and smiled: "This matter is just a dead horse as a living horse doctor, I don't know if it will be successful, but there is a chance, and you are begging the wrong person, you should not beg the old man, but my granddaughter Gillian. "As he spoke, he pointed to the dumbfounded Gillian.

(End of this chapter)

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