The rise of the prince

Chapter 101 Math Problem

Chapter 101 Math Problem
"When you play chess, you play chess. You even told me the way of a gentleman." Li Ye complained. It is true that the ancients played chess with courtesy and humility, and they would not stalk and kill them all. of.

Wei Yubai sighed and said with a smile: "I even forgot that the son is not a gentleman."

"It's good that you know." Li Ye asked Yue'er to pour tea, and then said: "Come to my yard to eat hot pot tomorrow night, and call your brother too."

"Hot pot, is it cooked in a cauldron?" Wei Yubai asked curiously.

"It's almost the same, but there are differences. I prepared it carefully." Li Ye said mysteriously. In fact, the way of eating hot pot has existed as early as the Sui Dynasty or even before, because it is nothing more than eating while cooking, and the most accustomed It is cooked in a small cauldron, so Wei Yubai said it was cooked in a cauldron.

But it is different from later generations, and there is no way to eat hot pot. The essence of real hot pot lies in two, one is the soup, and the other is the copper pot that heats up quickly.

"The little girl will wait and see." She clasped her fists and was not polite at all.

After a while, it was Yue'er's turn, and Qiu'er was also happy to rush over with that kind of notebook: "My son, I'm done, please help me to read!"

She has already learned ternary linear equations, and the problems Li Ye gave her are some problems that require solutions to binary equations, and some that require ternary solutions.

Li Ye took it over to take a look, and couldn't help but boast: "Teach you a few more days, I'm afraid you will surpass me." Although I have been praised many times, I still can't bear to say Qiu'er in front of so many people. I blushed.

"Sister Qiu'er is of course smart." Yue'er said as a matter of course while holding her arm.

Wei Yubai stretched out his hand and said, "Show me what questions I'm looking at."

Li Ye handed her the bound book, and took a look at the weird symbols mixed with it: "What is this?"

"Forget it, let me read it to you." Li Ye took the notebook back: "Today there are chickens and rabbits in the same cage. There are 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. How many are the chickens and rabbits?" This is the famous chicken and rabbits in the same cage. problem.

"What do you mean?" Wei Yubai asked.

Li Ye shook his head. Hearing her words, he knew that she was not proficient in mathematics, and at the same time, the depth of thinking was far inferior to Qiu'er.

It is one thing to be able to write and understand, but another thing to be able to use it. The most common problem for beginners in mathematics is that they can calculate a bunch of numbers and symbols, but when faced with practical problems, such as some application problems, problems in life Sometimes you can't understand it at all, and you can't apply it. This is a common phenomenon.

The reason for this kind of problem lies in poor comprehension ability and insufficient depth of thinking, and depth of thinking is an important criterion for measuring IQ, so Qiuer, who has never been in contact with it before, can apply it to the application after learning to solve the ternary equation for the first time. The person who solves the problem can be called a genius.

"It probably means that there are a group of chickens and a group of rabbits in the same cage. Each chicken has two legs, and each rabbit has four legs. From the bottom, there are 94 feet in total, and from the top, there are 35 heads in total. , How many chickens and rabbits are there in your cage." Li Ye said.

Yue'er's head grew dizzy when she heard this, and she grabbed the corner of her clothes and said, "Your Majesty is always asking silly questions. Chickens and rabbits look different, and idiots can recognize them. If you count them to 35, you can't recognize them if you look seriously. Why bother?"

Li Ye and Wei Yubai were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other and laughed.

Yue'er became anxious: "What are you laughing at, this is already boring."

"Hahaha, little girl, this is not boring!" Someone interrupted loudly at this moment, and when everyone turned around, it turned out to be a slightly fat old man in fine clothes. came in.

"The question about chickens and rabbits comes from the "Sun Tzu's Mathematical Classics". The solution is to subtract the number of heads from the number of feet to get the number of rabbits. Therefore, there are twelve rabbits and twenty-three chickens. I don't know if the old man is right." The fat man laughed. Hehe said.

"Of course." Li Ye nodded. He was just a little surprised that there were still people interested in mathematics: "Qiu'er, Yue'er, and Yubai, go to the room and get some mats." Li Ye ordered, this time Since the old man is interested in mathematics, he is also interested. In this era, there are many people talking about poetry, but not many people talking about mathematics.

At this time, De Gong also walked past with a smile, and Gillian hid behind him.

"I didn't expect you to study the art of planning, I came to the right place today." He pointed to the old man beside him: "This is Mr. Tang, the envoy of the Department of Household Department of the Dynasty. The person is Li Xingzhou, the son of Prince Xiao."

The old man hurriedly saluted, and Li Ye also stood up and bowed. The scene was like that of the Song Dynasty. There was a Hubu under the Zhongshu, but it was not comparable to this one. The Hubu Division was much higher than the Hubu of the six Sui and Tang Dynasties. , one of the three divisions, Li Ye didn't dare to be negligent, but he didn't expect that one of the court's giants, the Household Envoy, was actually a smiling old man.

After a while, everyone sat down, and the shy Gillian was still standing there with her head bowed. Li Ye waved and patted the cushion beside him: "Come here and show me."

Seeing that Grandpa didn't object, Gillian blushed and didn't dare to look up, but she obediently went over and sat down, and cooked wine with Yue'er.

"Can you show me the question book of the sons and daughters? It seems that the question of the chicken and the rabbit is a little easier." Old man Tang stroked his beard and said complacently. He was very proud of solving the problem of chickens and rabbits in the same cage at once. Can show their knowledge.

Li Ye smiled. He also wanted to see the level of mathematics in this world. After all, the third division is also called "Jianxing", and mathematics must not be bad, so he said: "Let me read it to you, Mr. Tang."

"It's so good." The fat old man cupped his hands confidently, but Degong shook his head aside, this kind-hearted old guy forgot his business again.

Li Ye began to make a question: "Today, two people, A and B, are walking towards each other 36 miles apart, and the walking speed has been kept at the same speed. If A walks two hours before B, then they meet two and a half hours after B starts. If B If A travels two hours earlier than A, then they meet three hours after A departs, how many miles do A and B travel each hour?"

As soon as the question came up, all the people present except Qiu'er had a confused expression on their faces. Is this also a calculated question?

Just now with a smile on his face, Tang Zhouwei, who was full of confidence, suddenly became serious, muttering to himself and then said: "Give me the pen and paper." Wei Yubai handed him the pen and paper, and the old man began to write and draw on it stand up.

Degong took the tea offered by Yue'er and frowned: "Could it be possible to solve such problems by planning?"

Tang Zhou muttered for a long time to frown, writing and drawing for a while before saying: "The first time A's journey of four and a half hours plus B's journey of two and a half hours totaled 36 miles, the second time B's journey of five hours plus The three-hour journey of Shangjia is 36 miles, if you give me two hours, I will be able to figure it out!"

Li Ye nodded secretly. The old man's quick conversion of a specific problem into a mathematical problem shows his solid foundation. Unfortunately, the solution method is still at the stage of guessing and deriving. In this way, the binary equation can still be guessed. What if it is ternary?
So Li Ye went on to ask: "If there are 650 people in the Xiang army of a certain state, there are three types of horse soldiers, infantry sword and shield players, and infantry bow and crossbowmen. Most of the hands are completed, may I ask how many are there in the horse army, the sword and shield hand, and the bow and crossbow hand?"

This time Tang Zhouwei was completely stunned.
(End of this chapter)

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