The rise of the prince

Chapter 19 "The Wind and Storm on January 1th"

Chapter 19 "The Stormy Day of the Fourth of November"

The wind swept the rivers and lakes and the dark villages, and the sound of the four mountains turned over the sea.

Xi Chaihuo is soft and warm, and I can't go out with the raccoon slaves.

Stiffly lying in a lonely village, I do not mourn myself, but still think for the country to defend the wheel.

Listening to the wind and rain at night, the iron horse glares into a dream.

The two maids read and read the poem, chanting words in their mouths, and their eyes were full of little stars. Yue'er read and recited, and at this moment, the sadness at the beginning was gone, and she bouncingly said: "My son, my son, I will write this poem to you." How about sending it to Yongyue Tower, so that those talented people can learn from the gifted scholars."

Qiu'er even said that this is a work handed down from generation to generation.

Until Li Ye smiled and took the manuscript and wrote five words on the signature.

Lu You.

Lu Fangweng.

Yue'er looked at the two lines of small characters strangely: "My lord, who is Lu You?"

Li Ye patted her on the shoulder, then beckoned Qiu'er to come over, and said seriously: "You two remember, Lu You, whose name is Fang Weng, is King Xiao, who is also a general in my father's army. The matter is high, and I know that time is running out, so I wrote this poem in the Tingyu Tower when I came to pay respects to King Xiao a few days ago, and it is called "The Wind and Rain on November [-]th."

"Ah? But this is obviously a poem written by the prince, so why not Lu You?" Yue'er pouted.

Li Ye laughed out loud. This was really written by Lu You. If Master Lu You heard this, he would probably crawl out of his grave in anger.

Li Ye shook his head and rubbed the little girl's head amusedly: "No, no, no, this is written by Lu You, you must remember what I said, and you must not let the fourth person know. From now on, outsiders will follow what I said, Do you remember?"

"But it's clearly written by the prince." Yue'er still whispered unwillingly, Qiu'er didn't speak, and walked over gently: "My son, is this a gimmick?"

Li Ye nodded: "This is one of the steps. The restaurant itself basically has everything it needs. The rest is how to get people to come over. It is also the most difficult step. Take it slowly, bit by bit."

Qiu'er was silent, Yue'er was depressed, and whispered, "This is clearly written by Shizi."

Qiu'er thought more, she understood that the son was for the whole palace, and for them, she didn't even care about her own reputation and talent.Just like the giant pillar of the sky, supporting the entire palace, but outsiders don't know that they are still slandering the prince like that. She feels it is unfair. Every time she thinks of this, she is angry, and feels that although the prince doesn't say anything, he is the most important person in the world. A good person, but he has never done it before, and he has never said it.

Shizi is not like those people who show off their talents everywhere, he obviously has such a high poetic talent but he won't go to places like Yongyue Tower to show off.I just like. I like brothels.Qiu'er blushed. Although Shizi didn't take her and Yue'er with him before, he often heard about Yan Shen, Ji Chunsheng and the others.Later, Shizi didn't go to the place of fireworks, so he took her and Yue'er with him every day, could it be, could it be
The more Yue'er thought about it, the more she blushed, and there was something different in Shizi's eyes.

On the second day, Li Ye got up early as usual, ran around, and then exercised as usual. The amount has increased a lot. Li Xingzhou's aptitude is indeed good and young. After so many days of exercise, he can already feel that his physical fitness is gradually improving, and his speed is amazing. , close enough to start the next step.

Of course, he would encounter some adolescent troubles, but with his concentration, it was not a problem at all, but Qiu'er and Yue'er, who gave him a bath, were ashamed every time.

Li Ye is not a kid, nor is he a child. He understands that some things are unstoppable, and it is good to have a buffer.

When I was running in the morning, I also encountered a dumbfounding thing. The next door, Mr. Chen Yu, a Hanlin University scholar, was hit by him again. Before dawn, the old man got into the car in a panic again, and his shoes fell off in fright. .

Urging the driver to drive faster.It has been snowing for two days, and the snow is almost half a foot deep. In this weather, you have to go to court barefoot, and you have to walk from the Meridian Gate to the court hall.

"Wait a minute." Li Ye quickly yelled at the coachman, but the coachman ignored him and made a gesture to drive away quickly.

"I told you to stop!"

He had no choice but to sternly, Li Xingzhou's voice was not fully developed, and he still had some immature accent of a teenager, but the momentum and experience accumulated over the years still frightened the little brother who was driving the car.

Li Ye picked up his shoes and walked over, and lifted the curtain on his own. The driver tried to stop him, but he glanced at him, hesitated again and again, and finally pretended not to see.

The white-haired old man in court clothes trembled even more in the car, stared at him and said in a panic: "You, what do you want to do? I am a scholar of the Imperial Academy, can't do anything foolish."

Any explanation is useless at this time, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold.And Li Ye didn't have so much time to waste, so he just grabbed his feet and put on thick cotton shoes that were one size bigger: "It's so dark, please slow down later, don't bother me to pick up your shoes again, Besides, it would be even worse if you hit someone."

The old man didn't dare to say a word the whole time, his face was full of astonishment and his whole body was shaking. There were red charcoal fires in the car, so it must not be cold.

"Let's go, be careful in the future, don't drive the car so fast, you have no quality at all." After finishing all this, Li Ye clapped his hands, and the little brother with a confused face went to the market and drove away, like a lamb out of the tiger's mouth, no After a while, the flames disappeared in the far corner.

After Qiu'er told him last time, Li Ye carefully thought about this Hanlin University scholar, Mr. Chen. As expected, Li Xingzhou had studied in the Tokyo Imperial College, and Chen Yu was very rigorous in his studies, so there was no conflict. possible.In the end, a conflict still occurred, and he beat up the Hanlin University scholar.

This is not a joke, Chen Yu is already in his 60s, at an age where a single fall could kill him, not to mention a single beating almost killed him, he almost died on the spot.It just so happened that the Liao people from the north went south, and the emperor had no time to take care of these trivial matters, so he just reprimanded Li Xingzhou and ended the matter.

From then on, Li Xingzhou did not go to the Imperial College, and Chen Yu, who walked around the ghost gate, also saw him like a tiger.As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you are afraid of well ropes for ten years, not to mention the lesson that you almost lost your life. Li Ye himself felt that Li Xingzhou had gone too far.

Not to mention Chen Yu's identity, but the fact that he almost beat an old man in his 60s to death is outrageous.Li Ye is good at obtaining information from small details, and he knows everything by seeing it. As a third-rank Hanlin University scholar, Chen Yu doesn't change his shoes if they don't fit.He can only try to make up for it now.
The most important thing at present is still to make the restaurant make money quickly, which requires the ability to understand and take advantage of the psychology of the public.When it comes to mass psychology, the answer to easily influencing millions of people without being noticed lies in a fundamental principle of human behavior that psychologists would call "the principle of social proof."

This is the answer to everything, and everything Li Ye prepares is ultimately for this purpose.He has knowledge beyond the thousand years of this era, and this is his greatest capital.

(End of this chapter)

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