The rise of the prince

Chapter 20 Herd Psychology

Chapter 20 Herd Psychology
In fact, even if people live in the world every day and can think for themselves and judge all kinds of information they get, there is often a big gap between reality and the world that people construct in their minds.

People generally think that most of their behaviors are based on rational cognition, but in fact, according to various large-scale data statistics in later generations, this is wrong, and the power of social recognition often exceeds rational cognition.

That is to say, compared with personal thinking, social identity can affect people's behavior more, and the impact is much greater.

And social identity can also be called - herd mentality.That is, human behavior is greatly influenced by those around them, especially those with whom they identify.

But no one wants to be thought of as a brainless person, handing over their judgment and thinking to all human beings.So most of the time, I will try my best to deny this psychological phenomenon in myself.

In fact, this is not something to be ashamed of. Herd mentality is not that simple, and it is not purely out of comparison or following others, nor should it be regarded as a derogatory term.

It stems from three powerful motivations in people's minds: to gain approval from others, to see themselves in a positive light, and to make the right decisions as efficiently as possible.

The first two are easy to understand, because people are sociological animals, and the third one, if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is true most of the time. For example, when you look at a product on Taobao, you may first see how many people bought it. , how many good reviews there are, and what are the various reviews, to determine whether the value is worth buying, and this judgment is likely to be accurate.

"I'll do what everyone else does" isn't stupid or embarrassing, it just happens to be a shortcut to efficient, sensible judgment.This is also a precious experience passed down from generation to generation by human beings, almost like instinct.

However, its ubiquity does not mean that it can be understood and studied by people, and its ins and outs can be figured out.

In fact, not only humans, but insects, fish, birds, and beasts like to group together. This "what are other people doing" power is so basic that even creatures without cerebral cortex will obey.And this power of social cognition has been implemented in the history of human civilization, from ancient times to the present.It was only in the decades around the beginning of the 21st century that people began to pay attention, study, and try to understand this power thoroughly.

And as Li Ye who has this knowledge, even the precious experience in human genes like instinct must be used!Once it can be used well, this is the power to affect tens of millions of people.

In the afternoon of the next day, Li Ye went to see the decoration of the restaurant.

The reason why he clearly proposed to see the situation someday is actually because of an interesting psychological phenomenon. "I'll wait two days to see the results." "I'll see the results the day after tomorrow." The meaning is almost the same, but the results will be very different. This is the result of an interesting psychological experiment, which is very simple and incredible.

The former statement is easy for people to find many reasons to postpone or procrastinate, while the latter will be much better.

So a little trick to overcome procrastination appeared: "clear statement".Clarify where, when, and what to do, instead of using a vague concept, the efficiency of subordinates will be doubled, and delays will be greatly reduced.

These skills are all useful knowledge obtained through unremitting efforts of later generations of psychologists.

So Li Ye clearly told Yan Kun that day that he would go to Tingyulou to check the renovation of the restaurant in person at noon the day after tomorrow, that is, today.A good leader must learn to use some small changes to get the greatest benefit.

In the afternoon, Li Ye stepped on the thick snow and brought Ji Chunsheng and Yan Shen to the Tingyu Building. Four Seasons Bamboo had been planted beside the small stall on the left, waiting for the next spring. The dust-proof blue cloth has been replaced with dark yellow, a color that leans towards orange, and all the drab dishes in the kitchen have been replaced with white porcelain.

Li Ye patted Yan Kun on the shoulder in relief: "Not bad, well done."

"But Shizi. There are still not many people coming to the door." Yan Kun frowns.

"Don't worry, what should come will always come." Li Ye said confidently.

As soon as he walked up to the third floor, Li Ye found that the old man and the girl were by the corridor again. He didn't care about it in such a cold day. The other party also noticed him, so he bowed and prepared to go downstairs.

At this moment, the old man suddenly said: "This young master has not expressed his thanks for entertaining the old man last time, why don't you come and have a drink today, and I have the right to return the gift as the old man."

Li Ye was taken aback, he was fine when he went back, but he was writing with Qiuer Yueer, it was too cold today, I felt sorry for them so I didn't take them out, but the old man dared to buy him a drink, probably because he didn't know who he was .

I couldn't help laughing in my heart, this old man is also interesting, since he came here, he has never met an outsider who is not afraid of Li Xingzhou, it will be more interesting if he scares him later.

So he clasped his fists with a smile and said, "This old man, I'm Li Xingzhou."

Judging from so many days of experience, Li Xingzhou's three words are definitely lethal. He is waiting to see a good show. Recently, he is under a lot of pressure. It is good to relax by pranking the ancients occasionally to find some modern superiority.

As a result, the old man also laughed, louder than him: "Hahahaha, I know you are Li Xingzhou."

Li Ye was taken aback: "You know I'm Li Xingzhou and you're not afraid?"

"Why is the old man afraid?" The old man asked with a smile.

Li Ye turned his head: "That's right." He walked over a few steps and sat down politely. The girl next to the old man quietly moved her butt away from him.

No wonder these two people were not afraid of the cold. It turned out that there was a small stove by their feet, and the charcoal fire was burning inside.

"To be honest, I haven't talked to outsiders for a long time. I'm really surprised to meet someone who is not afraid of the great disaster in Kyoto today." Li Ye said while pouring himself a glass of Wenhao with a wet towel. liquor.

"Others see me like a tiger or a wolf, but you, an old man, can still laugh. If you don't say anything else, I will offer you a toast for this." Li Ye drank his drink in one gulp. Did he actually feel moved in his heart? As he said, people are always animals in search of social approval.

The girl poured wine for the old man, and then he also drank a glass: "You still have the cheek to tell that what the world thinks of you is not all caused by your actions."

Li Ye was not angry either: "Haha, you are right to say that, that's why I think you are good. Even if I do this, you are still not afraid, and you have good courage. Anyway, what do you call an old man?"

The old man touched his gray beard and laughed: "You can call me De Gong. You can still laugh at doing so many unrighteous things. This old man has never seen or heard of it."

In front of the ancients, benevolence and righteousness can't be said casually, even though this old man doesn't seem to be a pedantic person, so he smiled and waved his hands: "Bad things are bad things. If I have no virtue and incompetence to do a good job, benevolence and righteousness don't dare to speak nonsense."

Degong was considerate, not obsessive, and changed the subject: "I see that the few bamboos planted outside your door are well planted, with a unique vision, like the finishing touch, it is really wonderful."

Li Ye poured himself another drink, this time also for the old man.

Although this wine is light, it tastes good. It must be considered a good wine. He can't drink it in the palace. If it's cheap, don't take advantage of the bastard. "Hehe, my luck is better, but I didn't expect to be praised so much by you because of all kinds of random and unintentional actions."

De Gong was taken aback: "Here, why do you carelessly insert willows?"

Only then did he realize that planting flowers intentionally but not blooming, but unintentionally planting willows and willows to create shade seems to be a story from the Yuan Dynasty. There are no such words in this era, so you have to pay attention to the words you use when chatting. It hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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