The rise of the prince

Chapter 2 The Boundary of Life and Death

Chapter 2 The Boundary of Life and Death
Leaning against the cold railing by the side of the road, Li Ye was gasping for breath, his lungs were burning with pain, his left body was already numb and unconscious, and the blood soaked his sleeve along his left hand, and was still gushing out.

He was shot in the left shoulder, and his bones must have been broken. It was freezing cold at night, and he was shivering from the cold.

But the secret passage is not far away, just walk half a mile through the woods behind the road and a flower bed outside the community.He'd be able to get away with it, and here it was near the border, and the police couldn't do anything with him anymore.

He is an old acquaintance with these policemen. He has been dealing with them for several years. He knows everyone well. He knows that this shot went off.

Because after the gunshot, someone behind him hurriedly yelled, "Who the hell fired the gun!"

Someone behind him yelled to stop him and send him to the hospital.

Li Ye ignored it and just kept running. As a thief saint, how could he be rescued by the police? He felt that he couldn't afford to lose such a person.

I was so tired, physically and mentally tired, my legs weighed as much as a thousand catties, and every step I took felt like the sky was shaking, and after a while I sat paralyzed on the side of the road, unable to stand up no matter how hard I struggled.

"If I knew it, I wouldn't do it! Fuck!" Li Ye yelled. The so-called robbers and thieves are a lot of flattery, and some bastards have done things and put them on his head. My heart is full of sympathy for the situation of the China-Belarus Exhibition Hall.

Suddenly a small figure walked up to him.

The surrounding light was dim, and the shadows of the trees were dancing. He was wearing a dark suit, and the little girl couldn't see the blood. She was carrying a schoolbag and hugged a plush teddy bear about her age.

She asked crisply: "Why is uncle here alone? Are you cold?"

Li Ye shook his head.

The little girl didn't believe it, and her disbelief was clearly written on her face: "But it's obviously cold."

She frowned cutely and stomped her feet, she was very cold, and then, as if making such a painful and difficult decision, she handed him the plush bear in her arms.

"Uncle, you can hold the bear, it won't be cold if you hold the bear."

Li Ye smiled wryly, and when he smiled, his shoulder hurt deeply: "You are also cold, why give the bear to uncle."

The girl said seriously: "Because Dad said to care about others, a child who cares about others is a good child."

Li Ye opened his mouth to say something, but was speechless for a long time.It's just that the pain in his chest is unbearable and stuffy, making him unable to breathe.

"Uncle, why are you so happy?" the little girl asked. For children, laughing is happiness, but when they grow up, laughing will become complicated.

"Yeah, uncle is very good, very happy, you are such a good boy, go home quickly, don't worry your parents." Li Xingzhou continued to smile and said that people's words are good when they are about to die, he understood, Like it or not.

He stretched out his hand to put his coat on the child, but it was covered with blood. He endured the pain and tried to put on a smiling face. After this delay, his shoulders were bleeding profusely, and his vision began to blur.

The little girl also laughed, nodded and said, "Then uncle, you should go home early." Before leaving, she reluctantly left the stuffed bear toy she thought would keep her warm.

Li Ye lost all his strength in an instant until the lonely little figure disappeared at the end of the road.

He was a gangster from birth, because the son inherited his father's career and the environment dictated it.

They all say that the mud is not stained, but they are all just talking.

The environment has too much influence on people, and most people can't get rid of the influence of the surrounding environment throughout their lives. In many cases, what kind of environment they are born in is what kind of person, not many people can jump out, and they are rare.

He is very talented, he can learn everything quickly, has a brain, and is a self-motivated bastard, so he read a lot, learned a lot of psychology knowledge to enhance his business level, and expanded his business by buying people's hearts and expanding his staff. Flourishing, famous.

But there is no hundred-day red flower.

The grandfather was at odds with his father, and he tried his best to persuade Li Ye to be a good person, but he refused to listen.

Once a person doesn't want to be a good person, he can do anything, the scale is getting bigger and more people, and accidents and crimes will inevitably happen.

In the beginning, he only wanted to stand out, to live a wonderful life, to feel that he was living a good life, and to care about other people's lives?
But along the way, he was scheming, trembling, wandering on the border of life and death, the more he saw, the more suspicious he became. Can he really have a clear conscience?

Why are there always people who are ignorant and don't know what selfishness is?What is the point of being a good person.
Up to now, it seems that he understands a little bit, but not fully understands that he will die when he hears about Daoxi, but he doesn't have such a blessing.

The blood loss left him cold and weak, and his lips turned white.

After a long time, the sound of distant engines and sirens is getting closer.

Suddenly I don't want to run away
It's too tiring. If I have a chance, I just hope that I don't make the same mistakes in the next life.

Hearing the roar of the engine in the distance, holding the bear in his hand, he struggled to stand up.
Amidst a roar, the glaring light made him unable to open his eyes, followed by a surge of severe pain, and his body was thrown away heavily in an instant as if hitting a thick wall.
Consciousness began to dissipate, there was a light in front of his eyes, and then gradually blurred, did Li Ye realize that he was dead?

If he had a daughter, she would definitely not be as cute as that child, she wouldn't be a cute little pretender, she would just be another version of her original self.

This is probably the difference between a good guy and him.

He originally had a choice, whether to do good deeds is a multiple-choice question.

Gradually, Li Ye felt the pain in his shoulder, and his consciousness began to return quickly like water seeping into a sponge, and his surroundings gradually became brighter.

Didn't he die?He was a little puzzled. When he came to his senses, he wanted to die. He only wanted to be relieved, but in the end he couldn't die?Or is he already in hell.

The scene in front of me is not hell, the quaint carved bed, retro tables and chairs and candlesticks are like a dream.The tingling pain in his shoulder also reminded him that this didn't seem like a dream.

At this moment, fragmentary memories began to pour in, although incomplete, but very important, like a revolving lantern constantly flickering and jumping in his mind, and he figured out the status quo of the matter after a few seconds.

He crossed over!And it also crossed over to a guy who was also not a good person.

In the memory fragments, the owner of the body, Li Xingzhou, is the widowed son of the deceased emperor's eldest son, Xiao Wang Li Su.

His memory was incomplete, he tried hard to recall, but he almost fainted from the headache, sweating profusely, and stopped quickly.

There are only a few scattered things in my head like stars in the night sky
King Xiao died protecting the emperor during civil strife
King Xiao is the most capable and trusted son among the emperor's neutrons
Many people said that he might be canonized as the crown prince to inherit the Datong in the future, but they didn't expect to die young.

The emperor felt his heart and felt ashamed of this, and he loved Li Xingzhou's love for the house and Wu's favor.

It is precisely because of this favor that Li Xingzhou has been arrogant and domineering since he was a child, and he is domineering in the capital.Secretly committing crimes, sensuality, bullying men and women, and harming good families are simply pediatrics.

Recalling these things, Liye suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy. He thought he deserved to die.

But when he was reborn, he became a villain again. And it got worse.

Is this God's punishment for him?

He never believed in any legends about gods and ghosts, past lives and present lives.

But when all the bizarre things happened to him, he had to re-examine.He didn't panic, after all, he was struggling infinitely on the verge of life and death.

Human life is based on cognition, so there will always be reasons to explain the status quo, and then adapt to survive.

After thinking about it, maybe his sins are too serious, and it is difficult to clear his sins by apologizing with death, so the punishment given to him by the heavens is to let him save Li Xingzhou, who is also not a good person?
It was funny and shook his head again, how can there be such a mysterious thing, but no matter what the reason was, he didn't panic.

After living and dying for decades, this impact would not cause him to lose his footing, at least he would have a chance to start a new life, wouldn't he?

Whether it was Li Ye in the past or Li Xingzhou now, if he had the chance to be a human again, he only wanted to be a good person.

However, scattered memories made him unable to laugh, because Li Xingzhou committed too many crimes.
The origin of the shoulder injury is simple, and Li Xingzhou knows the ins and outs after a little review of his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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