The rise of the prince

Chapter 3 Trouble is coming

Chapter 3 Trouble is coming
Li Xingzhou fell in love with a beautiful girl yesterday when he was having fun with his friends at Zuixianlou in the south of the city, and he even recited poems to make fun of her, of course the recitations were not serious poems.

But the girl was strong and threatened to beat him.

Li Xingzhou was furious, and then quietly ordered his dog legs to pour out the medicine secretly, and tied him back.His dog legs are not once or twice, his hands and feet are very nimble.

This is just commonplace, so there is a reason why the people of Kyoto hate Li Xingzhou to death.

At night, when Li Xingzhou happily entered the room and was about to indulge his little brother, he was caught off guard in the dark by the tied girl who bumped his head on the shoulder. The force was so great that he flew into the back table and chair, and he lost consciousness all at once. , Li Ye is here
After rubbing the painful shoulders and standing up, I realized that my whole body was in pain, and the bones seemed to be falling apart. It seemed that the girl was really not covered by the bump.

Looking around the room, he didn't see the girl from last night. His eyes were vicious. The door of this room was locked, and the lock was locked from the inside. Obviously, no one left, because her hands were tied and she couldn't pull the bolt.

He has been doing reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance all his life, and if he hadn't left, he would have seen at a glance where people could hide in the house.

Enduring the pain all over his body, he walked a few steps, and sure enough, the girl was hiding in the crack beside the bedside cabinet.

As soon as he saw Li Xingzhou, a pair of bloodshot beautiful eyes stared at him intently, those eyes were like hysterical beasts, he had seen it too many times, as long as he was half a step closer, he had no doubt that this beauty would fight him desperately.

Li Ye frowned. He didn't look at people like Li Xingzhou. He only looked at women's chests and buttocks. His words and deeds, and his clothes would reveal important information in many cases.

The woman's clothes are messy, but the clothes are made of silk, with fine vermilion, and the lines and corners are so fine that you can't see it without careful attention. It feels like a seamless garment. I don't know how much work and thought it took to make this one. It must be the pride of a superb tailor. It's a work that ordinary people can't afford to wear.

There is trouble, and Li Ye is a little overwhelmed.

After thinking about how the ancients should speak for a long time, whether they can't understand without speaking classical Chinese, Li Xingzhou suddenly realized that I don't know how to speak classical Chinese at all.

Subconsciously, there is a famous saying: "Girl, I am a good person, don't be afraid."

He himself was shocked by his own subconscious, this sentence is so familiar, isn't it usually said by villains!

Sure enough, people became even more frightened and leaned back desperately.

The words "I am a good person" from Li Xingzhou's mouth are really not convincing at all.
The next best thing, Li Xingzhou could only say: "Then don't grind the rope, the continuous grinding of the rope will only hurt your hands."

The woman's petty movements could not escape his eyes, but he was also out of concern. It would not be so easy to use the corner of the cabinet to break the rope, maybe in a hurry, she would grind her tender little hands first.

The woman was even more terrified, staring at him like facing an enemy, her mouth was stuffed with silk cloth and she couldn't speak, this stuffing method would definitely fill her mouth, it must have been extremely uncomfortable all night.

"I'll help you untie the rope"

The woman became more and more flustered, her eyes fixed on him but filled with tears.

"Okay, okay." He was also helpless, it was really difficult to be a good person, so he could only give up.

He changed his tone and said: "I didn't expect you to see through me, I did lie to you, but I want to be bad for you, what can you, a little girl, do with me, right?"

He raised his toes, but the woman's eyes were less frightened and full of anger.

Li Xingzhou hastened to strike while the iron was hot, and he had a good grasp of psychology.

Rubbing his hands together with a squinting look on his face: "I can take the opportunity to seize your body, but I don't, because it's not exciting at all, I want you to struggle, please help, the louder you scream, the happier I will be! "

Sure enough, the woman's eyes were all red, and she wished she could cut him into pieces immediately, her eyes were full of anger, and her fear was gone.

Anger is the best way to overcome fear.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Li Xingzhou quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Tsk tsk, yes, it suits my son's appetite. I will let you go now, and then slowly torture you."

That tone of voice, that demeanor, is just like an evil villain with a green face, fangs, cannibalism, and only thinks with his lower body!As he spoke, he stepped forward to take out the silk cloth stuffed in her mouth, the woman stared at him but did not speak and struggled to stop him.

Li Xingzhou then untied the ropes on her feet and hands one by one, and finally the woman yelled angrily: "The prostitute!" His voice was hoarse, and he could hardly make out what he said.Taking advantage of the trend, she was going to fight him desperately, but unfortunately she was tied up overnight, her blood was blocked, and she fell down after taking a step. Li Xingzhou hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

"Let go of me, you thief!" The woman's voice was hoarse because her mouth was stuffed all night, but her words were extremely cold.

Li Xingzhou is not the idiot he was before. He has seen a lot. This woman didn't call for help until now.

The cold and merciless words showed that although she was flustered in her heart, she was not afraid of him at all, either she had something to hold or a background.

"Okay." As soon as Li Xingzhou let go, the woman fell to the ground instantly with a thump, her hair disheveled, and she looked very embarrassed.


"You told me to let go." He looked innocent.

The woman gave him a deadly look, not knowing whether it was out of breath or grief, she struggled to get up without saying a word, but was unable to stand up because of poor blood circulation after being tied up all night, her beautiful face was covered with frost, and the surrounding air was cold. scored three points.

Li Xingzhou also had to admit that although the former body was a straw bag, her eyesight was superb. This woman has a pair of bright and big eyes, silky eyebrows, long eyelashes, a small and delicate nose, and fair skin. A woman with a light pink color, thin lips like delicate flowers, matching the heroic spirit between her brows, and a heroic figure.

Moreover, based on her figure and the strength to knock herself out with a single bump, Li Xingzhou speculated that this woman is obviously not an idler, but has been trained.

He stepped forward to help her up, and when she was about to struggle, Li Xingzhou threatened: "If you are stubborn, I will let you go."

Probably thinking of the terrible fall before, the woman's pretty face flushed and turned pale, but she didn't reject him.

"What's your name?" Li Xingzhou asked while helping her to sit on the stool by the table.The woman turned her face away, ignoring him at all, and he didn't ask.

"You sit here, I'll find someone to help you massage and unblock the blood." Then he added: "Don't worry, I'm looking for a woman." As he spoke, he found the key and opened the door by relying on his memory.

As soon as the door was opened, the fresh air came oncoming, and the eyes lit up. The palace is worthy of being a palace. There is a rockery and clear pool in this small courtyard, and there is a small pavilion and bamboo forest in the middle. In my memory, this is just a side room in the north courtyard. How big should the main hall and courtyard be? Money is good!

(End of this chapter)

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