The rise of the prince

Chapter 205 Game

Chapter 205 Game
Shiyu gritted her teeth and looked at the man in front of her. She didn't want to admit it, but she had to face the emotion that made her tremble in her heart. She was afraid
Fear is like a tide, one wave after another, she can clearly handle most situations, and can easily deal with many people, whether it is fooling or devious, she has many methods, which she has learned since she was a child.

She is conceited that she is talented and intelligent, is good at learning, understands the world, and knows what it means to advance and retreat. Even if Concubine Tian asked her to sing lyrics several times, she can cope with it freely, let alone those talented scholars or scholars who are conceited in learning.

In the end, these people are all the same. They respect the etiquette, bind themselves to it, and act on it. They firmly grasp this. No matter what their status is, she can always find a way to get along with her, and do what she likes. It will take them a while to shout confidant.

But she had nothing to do with Li Xingzhou from the very beginning.

This bastard is not like others. The first time I saw Shiyu, I found that he didn't respect etiquette at all, didn't follow the rules, and acted recklessly. All her skills can't be used on Li Xingzhou!
It is only now that she understands that perhaps it was not anger or helplessness, but more unwillingness and frustration.
She was sold to the Bishop's Workshop when she was a child, and then she was favored by the Tian family, who entered the Fumeng Tower, and put her on the shelf, nurturing her with all her heart, not only relying on her natural beauty, but also her talents.

It is more about the ability to grasp people's hearts, but these skills that she is proud of and have learned all her life are not worth mentioning in front of Li Xinzhou, and they are useless.

No one has ever given her such a sense of frustration and oppression. She is not reconciled and does not want to admit defeat. In addition, Li Xingzhou is pressing every step of the way, so she has no way out.

Finally, she found a chance to defeat him in her best way in the field she was proud of!Not only for revenge, but also to get back my pride and prove myself.

She doesn't believe that even people who are not bound by etiquette will have flaws and be influenced by those around them.

Since you can't start with him, then start with the people around him, but what you never expected is that Li Xingzhou is not only disrespectful of etiquette and not bound by worldly opinions, but also insidious and cunning, with deep scheming, and can see through her at a glance thought.

No one has ever done it before!

She didn't know that bastard enough, and finally shot herself in the foot.

People like Li Xingzhou, who are not bound by worldly speech, are insidious and cunning. They are the most dangerous!
Shiyu has only gradually realized in the past few days that she is really in big trouble.

"How about we make a deal." The beast drank her tea by itself, and then placed the deed of sale on the table.

Shiyu has never felt so passive and powerless: "What do you think." She tried her best to calm down and not let herself be at a disadvantage.

"Uncle Huang has already told me that I can take you away as soon as the Lantern Festival is over. By then, the deed of sale will be in my hands, and you will be mine." He said with a smile.

Shiyu felt that she was about to collapse, she could feel her heart trembling, the fear of her fate being controlled by others made her tremble all over, and finally she held back, and said in a trembling tone: "So, what do you want to do? .”

It is easier to be hysterical at this time, and it takes more courage to fight rationally.

Knowing that I have experienced so much and happened so much, how could there be a good result? I can’t see a ray of life in the dark. It’s the easiest way to break the jar. To face the tragic result soberly, it’s unimaginable to endure suffering.

But there is no poetic language.

She is stronger than anyone else, more persistent than anyone else, maybe hopeless, but she has never been someone who is willing to obey others and endure silently. She has learned to fight since she was a child, and she has learned to be self-reliant and self-reliant, so even if everyone is afraid, She also dared to resist and fight even the aloof Prince Xiao's son.

just ended badly
Even if she was trembling with fear and wanted to cry, but if she did it again, she would still make the same choice.

So Shiyu choked with difficulty and said: "If you want to take me into the mansion and become your plaything, then you'd better kill me, otherwise... either you die or I die." She spoke with difficulty, her lips trembling, But he spoke very clearly.

She would rather face the worst ending than become a walking dead.

After saying this, her whole body lost strength, and tears blurred her vision.

She knew that she would not have any good results, and the palace had countless ways to deal with a weak woman like her.
She fixedly looked at the man opposite, that cold, domineering, unfettered, insidious and cunning man, what would he do? That cold night.

At this time, after frankly making a decision, she looked away a little bit. After all, she and Li Xingzhou were the same kind of people.

She and he are both deeply scheming and not bound by the world. The difference is that Li Xingzhou can express his disdain for the restraint of etiquette, but she can't. She can only bury it in her heart, because of her status.

Looking at it this way, she was a little envious of the beast.
Except for her low choked sobs, the room instantly became quiet. Time was passing by. Li Xingzhou sat across from him, drinking tea by himself.

"I haven't finished the deal yet, so don't be in a hurry to die." Qin Shou held a teacup and just sipped tea for herself. It was her teacup, and she never let outsiders use it before.

He went on to say: "I opened a shop in the city, and I lack a shopkeeper. What I sell are all expensive things. I need someone who can speak well and deal with dignitaries. Unfortunately, there is no such person in my palace now, except you."

Shiyu retorted: "I am not from the palace!"

The beast laughed: "After the Lantern Festival."

"I'd rather die!"

"Don't rush to die, just listen to me."

"What else do you have to say?"

"As long as you agree and help me manage all the shops of the palace in the city in the future, I can give you the deed of sale."

"Don't waste your energy, I don't know what you said?" Halfway through the speech, Shiyu was taken aback, did she hear it wrong.

The other party directly pushed the deed of sale in front of her: "This is a deposit. On the sixteenth day of the first month, Tingyulou in the south of the city is waiting for you. If you don't come, you know what the palace can do." He stood up, straightened his sleeves, and turned around. Go to the door.

Shiyu was completely stunned, and his heart was full of turmoil. Looking at the deed of prostitution on the table, he quickly stood up and said, "You don't know what kind of person I am? You are so confident, I will honestly go to you, I'm not some innocent little girl who just fell in love."

"If you forget, let me remind you that Li Xingzhou is not a good person." He turned his head and said that he was not a good person, but he said it so frankly, which was different from everyone she had met before.

"You like to control everything, so do I. You are used to seeing good people before, but don't forget that bad people have bad people's way of doing things. It's up to you to come or not. How to deal with it is up to me. If things get to that point, everyone will use their strengths .” The man stopped at the door and replied confidently.

The tone of the poem was stagnant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, do you think you can control me! Talk to yourself, arrogant and arrogant!"

The other party didn't say anything, he raised his hands over his shoulders and arched: "Farewell, goodbye."

As he spoke, he walked out of the room without turning his head, and with the sound of steady footsteps, he gradually drifted away in the corridor. The deed of sale was left on the table just like that. Looking at the thin piece of paper, Shiyu's heart was full of shock, With mixed flavors, he stared blankly and couldn't speak.

After a while, she came back to her senses, angrily wanted to smash the tea set on the table, but she couldn't do it for a long time, and finally curled up on the carpet and wept softly.
 The year is finally over, and the good days are coming to an end o(╥﹏╥)o, it is really difficult to update normally during the Chinese New Year~~~ Starting tomorrow, there will be three updates every day, thank you for your support and support all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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