Chapter 358
The emperor was expressionless, and Wen Dao left his mouth to help him out: "King Pingnan is a young hero, brave and unparalleled. He judges others by himself, so he will naturally look up to the Jurchen. But not everyone is like the prince. The prince can Breaking through one hundred thousand with one thousand is impossible for the Jurchen."

When he said that, the people around him also nodded, thinking that he was judging the Jurchen by himself, so they looked up to the Jurchen.

Li Xingzhou shook his head with a smile, waved his hands to silence everyone, and then said seriously: "Although what I said is my humble opinion, it is by no means a personal opinion. I really think that the Jurchen will win with a high probability."

When he said this, everyone was a little surprised, and the emperor frowned and looked at him: "Why?"

"There is a saying among the common people, that is, those who are soft are afraid of those who are hard; The brave must not be the first, and the timid must not be the last. The one who can win in the end must be the one who has the courage to overcome the opponent.

The various tribes of the Jurchen were originally located in a bitter cold place, with a harsh environment and lack of resources. Only by fighting against the sky and the earth can they have a chance of survival. The Jurchen who survived such severe tests are the most fearless of death, and dare to work hard. "

As Li Xingzhou said, the room has become quiet, only the teacups in everyone's hands, and the steam is curling up.

".The Liao Kingdom is certainly strong. It has been booming in recent years. The people are rich and the country is strong. But because of this, I guess there are fewer people who dare to work hard."

While talking, Li Xingzhou remembered many bloody lessons in history.

This is an almost unsolvable problem. People fight for a rich life at first, but if they really have a rich material life, after the civilization develops, people will gradually lose their blood, lose their savage nature, and no longer have the blood and nature that they relied on to obtain all these things. Wildness protects itself and faces the next purge.

When the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, the Jurchens were brave and fearless, leaving behind a myth of being invincible.But with the stability of the world and the prosperity of life, the Jurchens are not as good as the next generation.

Facing the barbaric Mongols, the Jurchens, who are accustomed to living a prosperous life, also changed from tigers to sheep.

Another example is the Japanese pirates. The Japanese pirates were samurai who left their homes during the warring states period and fled to the Ming Dynasty. They were bought by local bandits as mercenaries.

According to records, three out of ten real Japanese pirates mean that [-]% of coastal pirates are Japanese, and these real Japanese are the most terrifying.

Why?Because they have left their hometowns, have no home to return to, have no attachments, and death is death, so they are not afraid of death.

The same is true for the rise of the Jurchens in history. They had no way out. They either continued to go back to suffer the severe cold and struggle to survive, or they fought a bloody road west and south to seize a piece of livable land for future generations.

So they are not afraid of death.

".When the rebel army was put down, there was a fourteen or fifteen-year-old kid from Luzhou who asked the king to climb the city wall of Linyang and attack the city. I asked him how many feet high the city wall was, not to mention fighting, as long as If you stumble, you can't live, aren't you afraid of death?"

Li Xingzhou said with a sad face, "He said he was not afraid, his father told him that people are not afraid of death, only that death is boring." After speaking, he glanced at everyone, everyone was very quiet, with different expressions.

"This king thinks what he said is very reasonable, people are not afraid of death, it is meaningless to be afraid of death.

The Jurchens know that if they don’t defeat the Liao Kingdom, their descendants will live forever in the bitter cold and suffer from generation to generation, so even if they die for this, it is meaningful, and the Jurchens will definitely be brave and fearless.”

Li Xingzhou couldn't help but think of many things while talking.

For example, to resist US aggression and aid Korea, when the Volunteer Army faced the United States-led coalition forces of [-] countries, if North Korea disappeared, the US military could build a military base on the Yalu River, openly and honestly deploy troops, and there is only one river away from the Northeast, and future generations will never have peace, so They will be brave enough to die.

"Looking back at the Liao Kingdom, prosperity is just an appearance. With material affluence, many people must have lost their blood. This battle is likely to be won by Jurchen."

After he finished his point of view, the room was very quiet.

More than a dozen ministers frowned and pondered, the emperor's face changed and he didn't say anything.

After a while, Wen Daoli still hesitated and said: "The prince's words may be reasonable, but it's more than that."

Some people echoed in a low voice, but the crown prince just laughed outright: "Hehe, in my opinion, the emperor's nephew is just worrying about the sky, so what if the Jurchens are brave and not afraid of death? No matter how brave and not afraid of death, there are only 2 people. There is no chance of winning, and an early agreement to expel the Jurchen envoys to appease the Liao Kingdom is a big deal."

Yu Chengan also echoed: "Indeed, I think what King Pingnan said may be reasonable, but it's too strange. It's okay to take it as a family's opinion, and it's not advisable to use it as evidence to determine the state policy."

Li Xingzhou didn't argue with them. The reason why he said that was just to vaccinate the emperor and all his officials.

Because if the rise of the Jurchen really followed the script of the previous life, the two huge empires of the Jin Dynasty and the Liao Dynasty and the Song Dynasty would only last more than a dozen years.

At this time, the fat man sitting in the opposite row, Tang Zhouwei raised his hand carefully and said: "I think King Pingnan's words are very unreasonable."

Everyone looked at him in amazement, and immediately ignored him, blatantly ignoring him. No one knew that Tang Zhouwei was just a fool.

Tang Zhouwei was wronged, but Tang Zhouwei was speechless.
Afterwards, the faction headed by the crown prince continued to argue with the group headed by Wen Daoli, all assuming that after Jurchen's defeat, how to deal with the matter of Jurchen envoys.

The prince of Donggong, Yu Cheng'an, the official of Shenzhi, Cansheng of Tongzhi of Yantiesi, Xue Fang, the Duzhi envoy, and others advocated peace, hoping to expel the Jurchen envoys and not to make enemies with the Liao Kingdom.

Wen Daoli, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, Zhao Guanghua, the commander of the Ma Jun of the Guards, Tong Guan, the commander of the Infantry of the Guards, and others took the lead in the battle.

No matter which point of view, it is based on the premise of Jurchen's defeat.

In fact, there is another faction in the court, but they can't speak.

That is the faction headed by Li Xingzhou, the king of Pingnan, who is fundamentally different from the prince and Wen Daoli. They think that Jurchen will win the northern war.There are only two poor people in this faction, he himself and the household envoy Tang Zhouwei.

Li Xingzhou was curious about why Tang Zhouwei supported him.

As for Mr. De and Zhong Daoyu, they didn't make a statement, because they were the head of a civil official and the head of a general. Once they both made a statement, the situation would be settled and there was no room for discussion, so they would not speak up easily until the end.

Degong and Zhong Daoyu were awake, and the emperor was also awake, and did not make a decision just because they were arguing endlessly.

As far as Jing Guo is concerned, he is not in a hurry to make a decision, he can wait for the two to decide the winner before making a decision.

The reason why Wen Daoli and the prince fought so fiercely was because once a decision was made, the group of people who supported the decision would be used, and the supporters would benefit accordingly.

If in the end it is decided to make friends with Jurchen, it must be Wen Daoli's group who strongly advocates doing it;

If it is decided to expel the Jurchens and form an alliance with the Liao Kingdom, then those who support the Prince's faction will be allowed to do so.

Anyone can do it well, except for the financial support from the imperial court, it is also a rare achievement and seniority. If it is done well, the emperor will definitely reward it. This is how politics is, looking for opportunities and taking the lead, so they will definitely fight.

These court battles will happen both openly and secretly. The so-called seniority is the accumulation of experience again and again, the premise is that you want to win the job.

Of course Li Xingzhou didn't bother to grab it, the Jurchen messengers, they can do whatever they like, he has a lot of things to do now.

Every day watching the real steel warehouse in the backyard of the palace keep expanding and filling up, he couldn't help but smirk. They probably haven't heard the famous saying "Government grows out of the barrel of a gun", so let them fight for it. There are countless truths!

On the fourth day of August, Chen Yu came to the door again, saying that the Jurchen envoy wanted to visit his palace.

Li Xingzhou wondered, why did the Jurchen envoy visit his palace?

He didn't refuse either. After all, they were guests of the country, so he agreed and made an appointment to visit at noon the next day.

In the evening, he casually confessed to Yan Yan, asking him to prepare a banquet, but he didn't take it too seriously, instead of being afraid of others, the best choice is to strengthen himself
(End of this chapter)

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