The rise of the prince

Chapter 359 Seeing the Jurchen Envoy

Chapter 359 Seeing the Jurchen Envoy
"What color does the lord like?" Gillian asked him as she opened a piece of red brocade with both hands. She said that autumn was cold, and winter would follow, so she wanted to make a cloak against the cold for everyone in the small courtyard, and Yue'er was also helping.

"What color are you?" Li Xingzhou picked up the lantern. He was busy writing down some things he still remembered from "The Wealth of Nations".

That day he used his views in the court hall to persuade the emperor not to kill the great merchants in Suzhou, and he found it useful. It is always right to remember more, so as not to forget it in the future.

"Yue'er and I wanted crimson peonies, and Sister Shiyu wanted red plums in the snow. Qiu'er said that I would make the decision for her, so I chose the same one as Sister Shiyu." Gillian agreed with a smile.

"Then I want black." Li Xingzhou said casually. Purely in terms of aesthetics, red and white with black look better.

Gillian laughed: "Then the golden dragon and the black water gown."

Only then did Li Xingzhou realize that, indeed, as the king of the county, he allowed Jiaolong to decorate, so he nodded.

She felt sorry for her again: "If you are too busy, call a few girls to help."

Gillian nodded, but she didn't intend to ask for help.

Li Xingzhou had no choice but to give up and continue to write his own stuff.

After getting along for a long time, I found that although Gillian is soft and weak, not as firm as poetry, Qiu'er is as independent, and Yue'er is as lively, but in fact she has her own little persistence in her heart. Once she touches those things , she will never give in.

As a classic work of classical economics, Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" can be said to have guided the rise of Britain, and later David Ricardo's "Principles of Political Economy and Taxation".

He can't remember the original text, but the essence and important points can be written down in his own words.

Now Qiu'er is busy in the courtyard, trying out her steam power design, poetry, and only A-Jiao and Yue'er are free, because most of the maids in the house have learned how to make perfume, and they have gradually formed a large-scale production. Yue'er only needs to make inspections every now and then.

Yan Yan also slowly let go of his prejudice against women, and began to hand over many things in the palace to Shiyu, consciously or unintentionally, probably because he saw that she was really capable.

But Yan Kun is the busiest at the moment. Ever since he took charge of Wangfu Hangyuan, he knows that this is not an easy task, and he also understands the importance of this matter to the Wangfu.

So I have been taking people along the water to travel in Suzhou, Luzhou, Guazhou and other places, and began to contact major businesses, contact foremen at various ferry crossings, and hire workers.

This is a difficult task, even if you know that you are helping the palace, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, who can guarantee that everyone who works for the palace is a good person?

Fortunately, Li Xingzhou's problem of laying the road in advance is much simpler.

Because Guazhou, Luzhou, and Suzhou were all rescued by Pingnan King Li Xingzhou, everyone in the world knows it.

Under the protection of King Pingnan, Guazhou recalled the fleeing people and resumed spring plowing, let alone Suzhou and Luzhou, expelled the rebels and resumed production. The people are grateful to King Pingnan.

Moreover, Guazhou has the prefect Shi Gong to help; Luzhou has Princess Qing'an, Qifang, and Qidong; and Suzhou has several major merchants headed by Wang Lun, and King Pingnan saved their lives;
Although Yang Hongzhao is currently taking over the Ansu Mansion temporarily, and it may last for a year or two until the situation in the south is stable before the court appoints a new magistrate, but during this period, he must rely on several major merchants, and everyone has the right to speak.

In this way, things were smoother and simpler than expected. With the support of the local people and the help of the government, it was easy to find suitable labor.

Several places are also areas where there is a shortage of jobs. Many people are afraid that they will not find work to do. Wangfu Hangyuan's career is progressing more smoothly than expected.

Although Yan Shen was running around, his old face was full of smiles. He was already mentally prepared. This was just a matter of asking for help. He wanted to have a good relationship with the local people and the government. It is inevitable to see people's faces.

As a result, wherever he went, as long as he displayed the banner of the Pingnan Palace, everyone would treat him like a guest of honor and welcome him along the way. Things went smoothly and he was naturally happy.

Right now, only Jiangzhou is left. Once the prefect of Ningjiang has the support to take care of Jiangzhou's affairs, the royal ship can set sail and join the shipping competition.

Li Xingzhou also understands that competition must be unfair.

This is also the biggest problem he faces at present-there is no such rule that civil servants are not allowed to do business in ancient times!Officials and businessmen protect each other, and collusion between officials and businessmen to suppress others through improper means is unimpeded, and it is even a blatant social atmosphere!

Even Degong's family has a collateral business in Jiangzhou, and they are still big merchants, doing business with the palace.Such a businessman has a prime minister and a magistrate of Ningjiang in his family. Who just competed with them?
The eldest son of the largest merchant in Jiangzhou, Shenjia, was also the Tongzhi of Yantiesi.

This is a big problem. When officials and businessmen are involved, the competition in trade cannot be fair, and it is impossible for him to let the emperor order that officials are not allowed to do business like later generations.

It is a trivial matter for the emperor not to listen. Once he dares to raise the question of freedom, it will touch the fundamental interests of officials all over the world and become the target of public criticism.

In the history of the Ming Dynasty, there was a strange emperor, Emperor Wanli. He was scolded bloody by the civil officials.

Emperor Wanli did not care about government affairs and did not have much political talent, but it was he who made the dying Ming Empire hang on, why?

Because he abolished the ancestral system and opened the sea ban, each ship can go wherever he wants as long as he pays. The ships of the Ming Dynasty were also built bigger and bigger, and navigation technology exploded.It also abolished Zhu Yuanzhang's regulations on clothing and horses for all classes. As long as you pay, you can wear whatever you like and use whatever you like.

Furthermore, he sent eunuchs to collect business taxes, salt taxes and other business taxes everywhere, which harmed the fundamental interests of the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty.Because in that era, he appeared to be a scholar, farmer, businessman, but in fact the official was a merchant, and he was still a monopoly merchant, so he was so blackened in history that his mother didn't even know him.

According to the logic of the officials, natural disasters and man-made disasters were caused by Emperor Wanli's failure to practice virtue. Only when he cultivated virtue (not collecting business taxes) could the country live in peace and prosperity.
The same is true of the biggest problem Li Xingzhou faces now.

Trade needs freedom, because free competition in trade can promote business development, technological progress, lower commodity prices, and improve people's living standards.

But once he dared to publicize it, he would offend more than half of the officials in the world, and Duke De would not stand by him when facing such an issue.

The road is long, and it is far away.
Li Xingzhou is not ready to give up. Liu Bang's road to wealth is the most worthy of his learning. If he can't succeed in one step, then pretend to compromise first. When the world is in his hands, he can reform as he wants!
"A-Jiao, is your father willing to talk?" Li Xingzhou put down the pen in his hand and asked.

"Father is a scribe who has read a lot of poetry and books. He has always treated people kindly. The prince must be afraid." Ah Jiao said with a smile.

Li Xingzhou laughed and responded: "I am not afraid of thousands of troops, but I am afraid of my father-in-law and mother-in-law." Even so, he was actually very guilty, after all, it was the first time seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law.
A-Jiao covered her mouth and laughed, Li Xingzhou was furious, and stretched out his hand to tickle her: "Little girl, even your husband dares to make fun of you, be careful of family law."

"Giggle" Gillian laughed even harder.

Li Xingzhou was speechless. Isn't it human nature to be afraid of seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law? What's so funny!

The next day, when Li Xingzhou came back from his morning exercise, he saw many people busy cleaning the palace, sweeping the floor, sprinkling water, cleaning tables, chairs, doors and windows, trimming flowers, plants and trees.

Li Xingzhou didn't know what day it was, so he went to ask Yan Yan, and he remembered it when Yan Yan said, by the way, the Jurchen envoy is coming today!
At noon, the rain continued, the weather was slightly cold, and the autumn cold had arrived.

After eating at noon, there was a faint barking of a dog next door, and after a while Chen Yu brought two people to visit.

A man and a woman, the man looks to be over fifty, dressed as a scribe, and looks more like a person from the Central Plains.

The woman was wearing a bearskin short jacket and a beautiful snow fox felt hat. She was young, with white skin, and was tall. This was the first time he saw such a tall woman, and she almost caught up with him.

Li Xingzhou bowed to Chen Yu first, and Chen Yu returned the salute. He got used to getting along with the old man.

Then the old man introduced him briefly: "This is Mr. Liu Xu, the envoy of Jingguo." The man bowed very standardly, which surprised Li Xinzhou.

Then he introduced the young woman next to him, "This is Princess Jin Wanyan Yingge." He bowed according to the salute, but the princess of Jin didn't return the salute, and he didn't care.

Invite a few people into the main hall and take a seat, and then Yue'er brings tea.

For a princess, Li Xingzhou was not surprised. In ancient times, the emperors and tribal leaders had tens or hundreds of children. If the Jin Kingdom sent one randomly, they might want to marry Jing, so the alliance would be more stable.

Li Xingzhou didn't know why they wanted to visit the palace, so he just said some polite words.

He is familiar with this kind of thing, probably whether he has suffered on the road, whether he has eaten enough after arriving in the capital, whether he has dressed warmly, etc.
During the whole process, Liu Xu responded fluently and dealt with it tactfully, and he even praised him for being young and promising without any trace of his words.

Li Xingzhou was very different, so he asked casually: "Sir, you are familiar with the habits of the Han people, and you know the books and the etiquette. Could it be that you are also a Han?"

When Liu Xu was asked, he suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face gradually became awkward.

He felt that the atmosphere was not right, and he didn't know what he said wrong, so he asked, "What's wrong? I said something wrong."

"I'm ashamed." Liu Xu just squeezed out these few words.

Wanyan Yingge next to him gave a disdainful smile: "That's right, he is a Han Chinese who betrayed his own people and joined our Jurchen, now the prince knows what he said is wrong." She said gloatingly.

On the contrary, Li Xingzhou was puzzled: "This is very good, why is Master Liu ashamed?"

"He made plans for my Jurchen and betrayed his own people, of course he should be ashamed." Wanyan Yingge said.

"Everyone is their own master. If the Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin is the Lord Liu recognized by Lord Liu, there is nothing wrong with following him." Li Xingzhou finally realized that what was wrong lay in the deviation of their worldviews.

Seeing what he said, Liu Xu was speechless for a long time, and finally his eyes were moist, and he made a long bow: "Thank you, my lord, for your reminder."

Wanyan Yingge had an unhappy expression on her face.Seeing the two of them like this, he somewhat understood Liu Xu's situation in the Kingdom of Jin.

Liu Xu was grateful to him, and spoke a lot more freely, and slowly talked about the purpose of going south this time, exaggerating Li Xingzhou's deeds during the process, and finally talked about the Northern War, the confrontation between Jing and Liao armies .

Liu Xu asked him his opinion on the second battle, and he probably felt that although he was young, he was also a brave general with illustrious military exploits, so his opinions were more valuable for reference.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Wanyan Yingge felt aggrieved, because she heard people talking in the streets and alleys, restaurants and teahouses these days, and everyone said that the Jurchens were doomed. Although she was very worried in her heart, she felt that her father The emperor might not be able to win, but he was still upset, and rushed to say: "I will never lose this battle!"

"The princess is young, please forgive her for being rude." Liu Xu hurriedly cupped his hands.

Li Xingzhou didn't care. Looking at the angry Wanyan Yingge, he probably understood why she was angry.

In the past few days, I probably heard people saying that Jurchen would be defeated every day, because everyone inside and outside the court thought so. Just imagine being in a foreign country and listening to people cursing your motherland every day, would you be in a good mood.

He smiled and said, "I also agree with the princess. The chances of the Kingdom of Jin winning this battle are relatively high, probably more than [-]%."

Now it's Liu Xu and Wanyan Yingge's turn to be surprised. Although they don't talk about it, they actually have no idea in their hearts.
"Why?" Wanyan Yingge looked straight at him and asked, Liu Xu also leaned forward slightly, for fear of missing what he said.

Li Xingzhou put down his teacup, "Because the Liao people still have room. Even if they lose the land in the middle and east, the west is still enough for them to survive, but you Jurchens don't have it. If you lose this time, the future generations of Jurchens will have to suffer in the bitter cold." Difficulty, struggle to survive.

So I think you Jurchens will kill the enemy regardless of your own safety, but the Liao people can't do it.When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, and if you are weak, you will lose. What's more, Nuzhen is desperate, let alone one against ten, even one against a hundred. "

After listening to his words, Liu Xu frowned and pondered, then bowed his head and said, "Your Highness, I'm here to teach you."

At the same time, Wanyan Yingge was stunned, her expression changed, it was very complicated, and after a while, she asked in a low voice: "Is it really as you said?"

"Basically, I'm optimistic about Jin Guo, otherwise I won't meet you." Li Xingzhou said with a smile.

Seeing that he spoke frankly, Wanyan Yingge gave a rare smile, but quickly stopped her, rolled her eyes and said: "Then the prince is not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"If my Jurchens are really so brave, what if we attack the Liao Kingdom in the north and send our troops south?"

"Hahahaha." Li Xingzhou laughed, then looked at her and said, "There is nothing wrong with fighting for survival, but if you want to go south to invade my homeland, no matter how many times you come, you will not be my opponent."

"You are arrogant!" Wanyan Yingge said unconvinced.

Li Xingzhou took a sip of tea: "It's not that I'm arrogant, it's the truth. If there is a chance to meet each other on the battlefield in the future, you will understand, but now you are in my house, drinking my tea, we are friends."

"Hum..." Wanyan Yingge snorted, her complexion improved a bit, she drank his tea, and said in a low voice, "It's really bitter. But it seems that you do have some skills, and you don't seem to be talking nonsense."

Liu Xu and Chen Yu were trembling with fear, because Wanyan Yingge was a typical northerner outside the pass, and she didn't hide her words, for fear of offending King Pingnan.

Li Xingzhou actually likes this kind of straight-talking character, and he doesn't care about it. The two of you say something to each other, which means tit for tat, but they never get angry. Liu Xu and Chen Yu are constantly trembling with fear.
"What are those water wheels outside Wangye's gate used for?" After talking for a long time, Wanyan Yingge suddenly asked.

"Strike the iron." Li Xingzhou answered briefly.

Nowadays, water wheels have different functions, such as grinding iron powder, gunpowder, and graphite, but most of them are used to make gun barrels, which is true forging iron.

"Forging iron? Hehehe." Wanyan Yingge laughed happily after listening to it, and then said: "My lord is really the strangest person I have ever seen, forging iron with a water wheel, hahaha, what good iron can be produced? There is no guarantee that a craftsman has tried hard If good iron is produced, is it possible that the water wheel can produce usable iron once it turns?"

Li Xingzhou also said with a smile: "Not only iron, but also the best in the world."

Unconvinced, Wanyan Yingge untied the sword from her waist and put it on the table by her hand: "The best iron in the world, I don't believe it, this is the Xixia sword, the best sword in the world! Do you dare to try it, my lord?"

Xixia Sword, Liao State Saddle, and Goryeo Secret Color are the three treasures of the world.

The reason why the Goryeo sword armor is so powerful is because of the unique cold forging technology. Li Xingzhou heard about it and was curious, so he untied the sword from his waist: "This is the sword made by the blacksmith of the king's mansion for this king. Just try it. "

Wanyan Yingge's eyes blazed with flames of war: "Hmph, don't blame me for breaking your sword! I won't pay for it."

(End of this chapter)

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