Chapter 441
"Please, Master Tongzhi, save the villain!" Zhang Gui mourned.

There is no light in the hut, and the only light coming in is a carved wooden window, which is rare in Jiangzhou. The darkness gives people a hint of safety and comforts them psychologically.

When it comes to secret and important matters, in fact, as long as there is no one around, it is the same whether it is said in the dark or in broad daylight.But few people will say it in broad daylight, because they will feel guilty.
The person sitting was sitting with his back to the light, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but he was a middle-aged man with a wide body and a fat body just by looking at his outline.

The man didn't speak directly, but asked: "I heard that you are related to Mr. Shishidong?"

Zhang Gui sat in the opposite seat, leaned forward and replied, "Master Dong, he is my cousin's father-in-law."

"Oh, there is another matter." The man nodded: "Then why do you bother with this matter, let Mr. Dong pass a sentence, and the matter will be over."

Zhang Gui listened carefully, his eyes rolled, and he could hear the taste in the words, and hurriedly said: "Master Tongzhi, this villain didn't mention this matter to Master Dong, so I came to beg you directly, relatives belong to relatives , That's private, this matter must be clearly distinguished between public and private, and we can't let private affairs interfere with your official duties."

"Haha." The man smiled, rubbed his hands and said calmly, "It's better to be in charge now, right? You're smart."

"Where is it, the villain is unwilling to let go of this opportunity to honor your old age!" the shopkeeper said quickly.

"Hahaha" the man laughed loudly, and Zhang Gui also laughed apologetically.

The man straightened his body, this time the light was out of the way, and his face leaked out from the dark corner. It was Wang Kai, the co-prefect of Ningjiang Mansion, and the same clan as Wang Tong. He was still his cousin, but the fifth younger brother of Wang Yue. the son of.

Generally speaking, a prefect will set up a co-prefect, thinking that the prefect's deputy, the prefect's assistant, after all, only the prefect can't manage things.

There may be two or three people in a big mansion, and one person in a small mansion, but no matter what, the official rank and treatment are only lower than that of a magistrate.

And Wang Kai is one of the two co-prefects of Ningjiang Mansion. He helps the magistrate in charge of the officials' room, ceremony room, and delivery room. The promotion and transfer of officials are all under his control.

"You don't want to live and die as soon as you open your mouth, it's scary." Wang Kai said.

"Master Tongzhi is right, the villain deserves to die." Zhang Gui quickly bowed his head and apologized.

"Tell me."

Zhang Gui hesitated, and then said in a low voice: "My lord, that villain just said it straight. It's not the end of the year. There will be a regulation for officials' promotion and rewards and punishments soon. In Ningjiang Mansion, this matter is the one that your lord can do best." Speaking, the villain wants to ask the adults to give me a chance to let me move to another place, whether it is a county government outside Jiangzhou, it would be best if I can go out of Jiangzhou!"

Wang Kai looked at Zhang Gui and was a little puzzled: "You are really curious. Jiangzhou is a prefecture. Others are overwhelmed to come, but you want to leave?"

"This..." Zhang Gui was flustered and was about to explain, but Wang Kai waved his hand and said, "It's not that I don't care about it. I have a lot of things and I'm busy recently, so I can't get away for a while."

"Master Wang is concerned about the country and the people, so of course he will be busy, but the villain dares to ask, what are you busy with?" Zhang Gui asked tentatively.

"Isn't it the matter of promotion and scheduling that you mentioned earlier?" Wang Kai said with a helpless face, "Originally, at the end of the year, officials everywhere should be rewarded for their good work and meritorious deeds, but... But you also know that when there was chaos in the south this year, a large amount of silver was taken away for payment, and now the treasury is empty, and there is still a vacancy in the silver that was given out to reward everyone this year, and I am having a headache recently."

How could Zhang Gui not understand: "How much silver do you still need?"

"Ten taels?"

"Yes! Master Tongzhi is responsible for this matter!" Zhang Gui said quickly, he was slightly happy, he accidentally laughed out when he was happy, and when he smiled, Master Tongzhi frowns, he panicked, knowing something bad happened.

"Oh, it's really hard for us to be high officials. It's really not as comfortable as you. You can say that a few months ago, when King Pingnan first arrived in Jiangzhou, I had to go to see him. But once we go, guess what?"

"what's going on"

"I owed 1 taels in one fell swoop! I've been filial to the prince, and it's still a big hole." Wang Kai shook his head sadly.

Zhang Gui's heart skipped a beat, his hands trembled, and his thoughts turned back and forth. He is not a fool, so he quickly complimented a few words like "Mr. Give me the IOU, and this 1 taels will be regarded as a villain's filial piety to you!"

Zhang Gui has his own little plan, and he has the evidence in his hand. At least he has an excuse. He is afraid that Wang Kai will open his mouth like a lion. If he talks about it, it is likely to be fabricated
Wang Kai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, no, I have my own ambition, ah, I am an upright official, how can I use your money."

"My lord, you're welcome, it's just a trivial matter, just a trivial matter."

Wang Kai waved his hand, "No, no, but I'm not afraid of being poor, but I'm afraid that I won't be able to fulfill my filial piety. My younger brother recently thought of building ancestral graves, which is also a great thing to be filial. Negligent, isn't it?"

"Yes Yes Yes"

"One by one, everything has to be arranged properly. Can it be done without a thousand things?" Wang Kai spread his hands.

Zhang Gui's heart was dripping with blood, but he clapped his hands repeatedly and smiled: "Okay, okay! Sir Wang is really filial, yes, this money deserves it, Lord Wang, don't worry, I will be there tomorrow morning."

"Don't, don't, listen to me again." Wang Kai waved his hand: "Speaking of filial piety, there is also my old father, who is old and not in good spirits. He usually likes things like borneol musk. You said this borneol musk has a lot more fragrance. Gui, if you don’t have ten thousand taels of silver, can you afford it for a long time? I’m really worried.”

"Don't worry, Master Tongzhi doesn't worry about it. How wonderful it is to be filial! Don't worry, I will give you money tomorrow morning, so that you can be filial!" Zhang Gui's cheeks trembled, but he still managed to smile.

Wang Kai nodded with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder: "Zhang Gui, you are such a filial son. I have written down your affairs, so you should count them carefully."

"Remember, twenty-three thousand, the villain has learned it."

"It is said in the ancient calculation scriptures that 'more than half is time, below is retreat, retreat is strong before matching, and weak is advancing after matching'."

"The villain understands, the villain understands everything, twenty-five thousand, twenty-five thousand!"

After leaving Master Tongzhi's mansion, Zhang Gui sat down on the side of the road covering his face and cried in a low voice, 5000 taels!Others are wealthy, but this is [-] grand!Just went out like that.
He has worked so hard to save for so many years, but in the end he all went out at once, and the official rank crushed people to death.

But he has nothing to do, King Pingnan has already started arresting people, at first they were just a large number of hooligans who were under his brother-in-law's hands, these days even the yamen servants in the prison were identified and arrested one by one and then taken away.

Isn't that right? It was the people who were released by his prisoner at the beginning. Those who were fished out can be identified as who released them at the beginning.

 I came back late today, I didn't have time to check the typos, everyone forgive me~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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