The rise of the prince

Chapter 442 The Jade-faced Fox

Chapter 442 The Jade-faced Fox
Now that his subordinates have entered the prison, they will definitely not be able to resist, and they will soon be on him, and he will have to run away!If he runs barefoot, King Pingnan is an envoy on the northern Jingbei Road, and he can mobilize troops from all over the country. Taiyuan, he is safe!
So even if he lost all his wealth, he would not dare to say no.
Zhang Gui was dejected, and when he returned home, his wife had packed up his things, and he was going to pick out some valuable belongings to sell, and collected 5000 taels of silver.

Naturally, he can't keep all his money at home, most of it is stored in Yinzhuang, and some are buried in the backyard of the building by the river. He plans to get it out overnight, and send it to Tongzhi's mansion early tomorrow morning to make a living.

As for why he came to this point in just over two months, Zhang Gui didn't bother to think about it, and couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, there was a noise outside the door. While cleaning the yard, the wife said, "Probably the neighbor's children are playing around again."

This time it's not a joke with the neighbors.
After a while, more than a dozen people broke into the door, holding glaring knives in their hands, and surrounded the small courtyard of his house. I didn't expect it to come so fast.

But what he didn't expect was that after a while, two people walked in, a young man accompanied by an old man who was half a step behind.

He knew the old man, he was Wang Ke, the judge of Ningjiang Mansion, and the identity of the young man who could make him accompany him so respectfully was naturally obvious.

Zhang Gui pulled his wife and knelt down, crying loudly: "My lord, spare my life, my lord, spare my life!"

King Pingnan said with a calm tone that frightened him, seeming to be interested: "I never thought that the final key would be a prison boss like you. Tell me, how much money does Wang Kai want from you?"

Zhang Gui was stunned, how did King Pingnan know!Suddenly speechless.

"Don't tell me?" King Pingnan signaled. Wang Ke stepped forward and read out the names of 23 officials in a row, ranging from senior officials of the experience department to chief officials of the first house, county magistrates, and even house officials, all of whom had relations with him at one time. , Let him help with things.

Now Zhang Gui was completely paralyzed on the ground, kowtowed and cried: "My lord, the villain confesses, the villain tells the truth, 5000 taels, he wants 5000 taels!"

"Do you have so many?"

"If you sell some of your family assets, you can make it up"

"I used to kill people like you directly. You also know that I killed many people in the south. I'm not afraid of you." Pingnan Wang said lightly.

"However, this king will give you a chance now. If you do well, you can go to the north to serve as an army and fight."

Zhang Gui nodded quickly and kowtowed vigorously.

It was dusk after leaving Zhang Gui's house, and the cold wind kept blowing. Li Xingzhou was wearing a mink fur coat. He was warm, but his heart was extremely cold.

Wang Ke followed behind him, Li Xingzhou smiled, and said to Wang Ke: "Master Wang, do you know that the emperor asked me to rule Jiangzhou, and gave me a total of 2 taels of silver. As a result, this small jailer can take out two taels of silver in his hand." 5000 taels, hahaha"

Wang Ke couldn't speak, and said sadly: "My lord, that's all people's fat and people's anointing!"

"Thinking about it again, he can get 5000 taels for a cell boss, how many Tongzhi adults dare to talk to him for 5000 taels of silver?"

Wang Ke was speechless, and Li Xingzhou didn't say anything, sometimes it was so shocking.

Confucius once said that if the world is stable, it is shameful to be poor as a scholar; if the world is chaotic, it is shameful to be rich as a scholar.Jiangzhou cooks a pot of porridge indiscriminately. Those who worship Confucius every day are not only wealthy, they are almost becoming a small treasury.

While attacking Zhang Gui, the Xiang army cleared the riverside building. The difference is that Li Xingzhou ordered the Xiang army to bring more bows and crossbows. If there is any mistake, they can be killed immediately.

Since you can play long-distance, why do you have to fight hand-to-hand?

Sure enough, the others were fine, but the rooster resisted stubbornly, was hit by seven or eight arrows, rushed forward and wounded two Xiang army sergeants, and finally broke the stair railing, fell to the first floor and couldn't get up, bleeding all over the floor. It took a quarter of an hour to die slowly, and his eyes were still wide open when he died. If such a person is a little negligent, he will die.

According to Zhang Gui's instructions, the sergeants of the Xiang Army dug up more than 9000 taels of silver in the backyard, and used two carts to pull it, attracting many people to watch and applaud.

Xie Linjiang was overjoyed after seeing it, and said, "Now that Zhang Gui is in hand and the witnesses are here, I'll see how these people argue."

But Li Xingzhou shook his head: "At that time, they will definitely come back and bite Zhang Gui together." Because this is the era of rule by man after all, and if the 23 officials come back to bite Zhang Gui, then say I don't know.

But that's okay, since that's the case, he is at least a county king!

Hei Baozi led his men, including the old black head, and his own brother, a total of more than a dozen people, standing on the top of the mountain.They wear three layers of sheepskin clothing to keep out the cold, which is different from the leather armor of the imperial court. The wool is not removed, and it can still keep out the cold, but it has little protection against swords, let alone the powerful bows and crossbows of the imperial court, so they have never Stupid enough to confront officers and soldiers head-on, except for the jade-faced fox.

This place is in the middle of the west side of Taihang Mountain. It snowed only last night, and there is still a thin layer of snow on the ground. The top of the mountain is very cold, and the breath of everyone's exhalation quickly turns into white water vapor.

"Boss, this jade-faced fox told us to come and sell what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?" Old Heitou asked in confusion.

They found a rock and sat down, the black leopard rubbed his hands together and said, "Ghost knows, if you don't come, you won't be at peace. The jade-faced fox is notoriously bold."

"Afraid of what they will do." Someone whispered.

The black leopard didn't pursue it, and he was unhappy, but the jade-faced fox dared to provoke the Yang family army, so he wouldn't be afraid of them. Everyone is a hero in the village, and they are not afraid of what will happen to them.

At this moment, the sound of beating gongs and drums came from the bottom of the mountain, and everyone got up quickly, looked down, and saw that the bottom of the mountain was bustling, with more than a dozen people wearing flowered clothes and big red flowers in front of them, eight people in the middle were carrying a The big sedan chair is walking up the mountain with the sound of gongs and drums.

Everyone was stunned, "What is this?"

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, accompanied by the noise all the way, the eight sedan chairs finally reached the top of the mountain. Ten men in leather armor and red cloth flowers were following the sedan chairs one by one.Everyone in the black panther stood on guard, their hands touching the handle of the knife in their arms, just in case.

After more than ten steps, the sedan chair landed on the snow-covered surface, and a young woman who was walking along with the sedan chair stopped. The curtain of the sedan chair was not opened, and she stepped forward and said in a straight voice: "You guys have been waiting for a long time. The owner of the house has rules, no sedan chairs with less than eight people are allowed to ride, no sheep over four years old are eaten, and no water at the foot of the mountain is drunk, so we walk slowly."

The black leopard was taken aback: "Your master is the jade-faced fox?" He pointed to the sedan chair.


"Those who don't know think she is an empress official." Hei Baozi dismissed it, and everyone laughed.

The maid was not angry even thinking about it, "That's right, my master was originally an official, but the third-rank loyal and brave general of the Great Xixia Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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