Chapter 455
"Your Majesty, originally all the memorials had to be reviewed and annotated by the Political Affairs Hall, and then submitted to the emperor. If there were any unreasonable or forged parts, the Political Affairs Hall would annotate them for His Majesty's review.

The emperor has a lot of things going on every day, so it is impossible to understand everything, but recently, the veterans discovered that some people took advantage of the monthly inspection to deliver unlawful memorials to the emperor that have not yet been reviewed and did not verify the authenticity."

In the Changchun Great Hall, the air was gloomy and cold, Wang Yue said eloquently: "Accordingly, this matter is due to the negligence of duty by the old officials. The emperor should choose at will after checking ten books a month, but two months ago, there was a memorial book that just entered the political hall in the morning, Only two hours later, it was taken away under the name of 'Jiazi'
Your Majesty, Jiazi is the head of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Jiazi is the first, and it is the first volume of the capital memorial. There are many officials in the capital. There are dozens of daily memorials without being screened by the Zhengshitang, and they all come from behind. How could it not be the turn of the playbook within two hours of just entering the Zhengshitang!

This must be someone's hindrance, and the old official also found something strange by accident when he was free to check the access records of the memorial, but the old minister didn't know who was deceiving the emperor, and he didn't know the content of the memorial that was exchanged privately."

In the main hall, Tang Zhouwei, Wei Li, and Bao Zheng were all standing there.

Two months ago, secretly exchanging booklets, fornicating gold people, all the ministers participated in the Pingnan King, all the things seemed to be linked together in the emperor's mind in an instant.

After Wang Yue finished speaking, the emperor stood up slowly, and seemed to say to himself: "I thought they wouldn't, they wouldn't deceive me, they wouldn't betray me. They all understand how important their position is! They are all my loyal and virtuous ministers, even if they are not, at least they will know the general situation and understand the importance.
But Bao Zheng was right! He pointed at Bao Zheng below with his bony fingers: "There are a lot of people in this world who don't understand the general situation. They are not afraid of death, and there are so many people who don't know how to advance and retreat!" "

The emperor's voice became louder and louder, "You don't need to check! I know who it is!

In the beginning, I would issue the number "Jiazi" every month, just for good luck, and I also gave them a way to talk, fearing that one day they would be unable to communicate with each other, so I deliberately left this trouble.

Hehehe. But you look, look now!What have these people done with my kindness to them!Deceive my eyes and ears!Confused my sight and hearing!Zhongliang who framed me! ’ He slapped the table hard.

Everyone was taken aback.Immediately, the emperor recruited the young eunuch and wrote a note for him to go to Kunning Palace to get the note.

Changchun side hall and Kunning Palace were not far away, the little eunuch came back after a while, the emperor signaled him to hand over the booklet to Wang Yue, "Look, this is definitely the booklet that was exchanged that day."

Wang Yue took the notebook and looked at it, the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became, and then he cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, this play is full of nonsense!

The eldest son of the minister's family is Wang Tong, the magistrate of Ningjiang. He just returned home around the Mid-Autumn Festival, and complained to the old minister about the chaos in Jiangzhou.

But what is written in this memorial is to underestimate the nonsense in Jiangzhou by a hundred times, and to understate it!What the hell is this? "

Degong spread his hands in a puzzled look.

The emperor was furious, "Why else!
In order to deceive me, send Xingzhou to Jiangzhou!
It was because of this at the beginning, plus the words of the crown prince, that I sent Xingzhou to Jiangzhou.I thought it was a great opportunity to establish the royal prestige, they all said so, this book is also true, and so is the prince!I still believed it was true, and only regarded it as a trivial matter, so I only sent [-] guan as capital, and the child actually agreed without saying a word
The results of it!
None of them thought about me!In the end, Xingzhou took the responsibility silently.
Apart from their own selfish interests, who would have thought about me?Thoughts for this country! "

The emperor cursed loudly, seeing him like this, even De Gong dared not speak out.

The emperor has always kept his voice open, that is, he is very happy and sad, it is difficult to see from his face, especially after the king of Wu rebelled ten years ago and slaughtered tens of thousands of unarmed people. He is an old minister, and it may be a long time since he saw the emperor so angry .

"Now I understand, first there is this out-of-order booklet, then there is the close relationship between the minister and the Jinren, and finally the booklets that come one after another!
All these incidents seem to have no reason, and they are all irrelevant things, but they all point to Xingzhou. How can there be such a coincidence in the world!

Now it seems that there is a big connection here!It's a big deal!Do you think I'm too foolish to be fooled? ! "The more the emperor said, the more angry he became.

"This booklet was submitted by Yu Chengan. The Crown Prince took the lead in telling me. In all likelihood, Wei Guoan from Zhongshushe thought of a way to send it up to deceive me. He has a share with Jinren Gaomi. Zhan affairs in the Prince's Mansion, the Ministry of War and the Judgment Department, these people must be more than one!
Wang Yue, I ordered you to investigate. The Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and Yushitai are all at your disposal, and Shangzhi's personal guards are also temporarily cooperating with you!Be sure to find out who it is and who else it is!If there is not one left, let me fish it out!Keep quiet until you find out. "

"The old minister takes orders!" De Gong quickly knelt down.

At this time, a young eunuch came in again and reported: "Your Majesty, Du Zhi envoy Xue Fang is asking to see you outside the door."

Xue Fang was standing outside the Great Hall of Changchun, when it was snowing lightly, his hands and feet were shaking from the cold, and his heart was also shaking, thinking about it, he didn't know when he and others would fall into King Pingnan, but he knew, so if he didn't say goodbye Yes, they already lost if more than 100 million taels of silver went to the capital.

Moreover, in all likelihood, King Pingnan still has a backhand, a backhand he doesn't know, this strong premonition is becoming clearer and clearer, from the wind direction of the past few days, and some details.

He had privately found a few storytellers, and lured them with a lot of money, and the other party told the truth. Sure enough, these days they went around in Beijing saying that King Pingnan investigated and dealt with corrupt officials and got millions of taels of dirty silver. Someone gave them money Let them talk around.

But the one who gave the money was not the palace, but a colleague, and the other party did everything without leaking, even for such trivial matters.

As soon as the news came out, everyone in the capital knew it or not. The people clapped their hands and said good things about King Pingnan. Wan, that is ironclad evidence!At that time, there will be countless people watching, and they will all be witnesses!So many pairs of eyes looking at it, a million taels of silver!
The crown prince and Yu Chengan were still intoxicated with the joy of attracting all the officials from the north of Beijing to participate in the Pingnan King, but their stupid heads couldn't figure it out at all. When the million silver taels arrived in Jiangzhou, what reason would they have to participate?
One million taels of silver was seized from the homes of more than [-] officials, and the treasury is short of money, and the army will definitely be sent next year and the next year. It is not dirty silver, but what is it!
Once it was dirty money, it would be justifiable for King Pingnan to kill those people on the spot, so what is the value of checking the family property?
Xue Fang is the latest to wake up, or wake up with fright. He knows that he can't sit still and get out as soon as possible, otherwise the game will really end
He almost stayed up all night, thinking of a way to get out.

Success or failure is here.
After a while, the little eunuch came out and said that the emperor let him in.

Xue Fang nodded, followed the little eunuch into the hall, walked up the white marble steps, passed through the vermilion carved wooden door, and saw the beautiful and luxurious golden nanmu pillars of the Changchun Hall. He has been to this place often, but never like this time Hesitant.

After entering the main hall, he found that there were other people in the hall, including Wang Yue, the secretary of the same school, Tang Zhouwei, the envoy of the household department, and an unfamiliar official, whom he couldn't remember for a while.

He tried hard to think back, and finally knelt down to worship, and the moment he looked away, he remembered that it was Bao Zheng, the fellow acquaintance of Honghe Temple. His heart moved, Tang Zhouwei was the young minister of Honghe Temple, and King Pingnan was the son-in-law of Wang Yue's grandson. Could it be, Is he late!

"I see you, Your Majesty."

"Get up, what's the matter with you?" The emperor's expression did not change, but there was a hint of impatience in his words.

The emperor said "what's the matter?", which meant that these people were all seeking to see something. Xue Fang didn't know what it was, but his intuition told him that it was definitely related to King Pingnan. The three of them were two of King Pingnan's subordinates, and one of them was Pingnan. Wang relatives
Made up his mind, he said directly: "Your Majesty, I really have something to do. Your Majesty remembers that when he sent 2 taels of money to King Pingnan to rule Jiangzhou, our Branch Division obeyed the order and immediately took out the silver from the treasury to recast it. Due to the rainy weather, the construction period was slightly delayed, but the money was ready to be sent to Jiangzhou in ten days.

But at this time, the Shibo Department refused to pass the inspection, saying that the specifications were not correct with the silver in circulation in the market, and rejected the re-inspection and re-inspection. It has been delayed for more than two months, and it is still in custody.
After thinking about it, I think it's wrong, originally this is a trivial matter, and I shouldn't bother His Majesty, but I'm really afraid of jeopardizing the important affairs of Jiangzhou, so..."

"Ridiculous!" The emperor excitedly put down the teacup in his hand, stunned, and angrily scolded: "You mean that the money given to Xingzhou has not been distributed yet?! It's been more than two months, and he is still in the capital! Then how did he come over these two months?"
You are so dignified that you can't even control a small market leader! "The emperor cursed.

Xue Fang lowered her head and didn't dare to answer. She fixedly looked at the beautiful blanket at her feet, and waited quietly. He was really afraid, but what he was afraid of was not the emperor's anger, but someone who would expose it at this moment, until he heard the king next to him speak.

"Your Majesty, in the Political Affairs Hall, the ministers are in charge of the Zhongshu and have six departments under their jurisdiction, while Shenzhi Zhengshi is in charge of the other miscellaneous departments. Among them is the Department of Shipping. Master Xue dare not count it. It is understandable."

Only then did Xue Fang breathe a sigh of relief. He wanted to get rid of all his faults and get rid of himself, before those idiots who were about to die could react.

"Going around and coming back again. Hehehehe" the emperor smiled angrily, pointed at Wang Yue with his thin fingers like dead branches, and said, "Check it out for me, check it out carefully! I want to see what else they have! You can keep it from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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