Chapter 456
Winter, as the temperature drops, is a test for all warm-blooded animals.Constant temperature brings animals a stronger neural response, promotes brain development, and is better able to adapt to climate change, but it also means more energy consumption.

A great white shark, if you are lucky, may be able to eat enough fat in one day for several months or even a year, and then store it.For mammal killer whales, they must eat frequently to maintain their high energy consumption, because their brain volume is 250 times that of great white sharks, while for humans, the situation is even more severe, and they must eat almost every day.

The species at the top of the food chain need to eat more frequently because they have such capital.

Therefore, in winter, people are most likely to get tired, and it is usually the time when people are fighting with the sky. People are busy fighting with the sky, and the disputes will naturally decrease, and life will be at ease.

Cooking wine in a small stove, the fire is warm and the felt is soft, and the gentle countryside does not get up. It is a true portrayal of the rich and wealthy families in winter, and it is even more so when the spring breeze is proud.

Wei Guoan is probably like this at the moment. He is not young, and his family has a lot of wives and concubines. For many people, life is already out of reach. If it is in other places, it may be like this in his life, but in the capital, he Understand your own weight.

Human beings are most afraid of having hope, and most afraid of knowing that they can still climb up, and if they can go up, who would be willing to do nothing?Unless it's really not that capable.

Last year he fell on the left side of his buttocks, probably due to a bone injury. He tried all the methods he could think of, but as he was getting older, he still had a dull pain, and it was not convenient for him to have sex.

He had already thought about it, when King Pingnan fell, the Honglu Temple would have to reshuffle the cards, and the new army would have to reshuffle the cards. He couldn't get involved in the affairs of the new army, but he had a great chance at the Honglu Temple. The reason why the envoys moved was not only to give Pingnan Wang a deduction, but also because he wanted to have a good relationship with the Jinren. If there is friendship, it will be a big capital for him to take charge of Honglu Temple in the future.

The more Wei Guoan thought about it, the happier he became, and he took a sip of the warm wine handed by his concubine.

In the long run, when he is not only a member of Zhongshushe, but also the minister of Honglu Temple, when the prime minister retires and Yu Chengan steps up, the position of political affairs counselor will be vacated. , and to please the prince, it is not impossible for a superior to be a political adviser.

At that time, he was the deputy prime minister!
The more I think about it, the more I feel that the future is a smooth and easy road. Sooner or later, he will leave his name in history and be admired by future generations
"Tsk..." He was taking a sip of the wine, feeling comfortable.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise outside the courtyard, disturbing his dream for a while, and Wei Guoan was furious, "Who is outside? What is the noise!"

No one answered, so he had no choice but to let his concubine help him up, straighten out the messy clothes, and let his concubine put on his shoes for him, before going out in a hurry.

Pass through the atrium, open the door latch, and exit the vermilion animal head door of his private courtyard. He was about to yell at him, but he was stunned. Surrounded by the upper straight guards of the knife.

Wei Guoan recognized the person standing at the front of the crowd, he was the emperor's confidant, the commander of the personal guard battalion, Wei Li, who was said to be the number one expert in Beijing.

"Master Wei, what are you going to do!" Wei Guoan said angrily, feeling uneasy.

"Master Wei, the Prime Minister has ordered you to be temporarily detained in Yushi Taizhong, please come with us, Your Excellency, so as not to use weapons." Wei Li said expressionlessly.

Wei Guoan was terrified, and quickly calmed down and said: "Wang Yue? Why is he, although he is the prime minister, but I am also an official of the imperial court, a member of the Zhongshu Sheren under the emperor's gate, how dare he act like this!"

Wei Li smiled: "Your Majesty Wei doesn't know, Wang Xiang is now in charge of the Yushitai, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The three divisions listen to the investigation, monitor and frame the grandson of the emperor, and have the right to arrest all the ministers of the court!"

His heart skipped a beat: "What. What case?" Then he quickly denied it in his mind, impossible, absolutely impossible, how could they know.

"Master Wei, do you still want to pretend? You colluded with the envoys of the Jin Dynasty and the officials in the north of Beijing to frame the king of Pingnan County in the imperial court. , if you want to see it, someone will show it to you when you get to Yushitai." Wei Li said coldly.

"Nonsense! I am wronged, I am wronged, this is a frame, I am the one who was framed, I am the one." Wei Guoan continued to curse, when two soldiers suddenly stepped forward, quickly struck him down, and pushed him to the ground with a slap in the face. He was kicked twice in the head, ate a mouthful of cold snow and mud, and felt a sharp pain in his waist and ribs, and then he was dragged away.

"That's why it's so good to save face for you, why bother?" Wei Li said.

In a short while, Wei Guoan was dragged out of the Wei Mansion, and the family members in the mansion were temporarily placed under house arrest. Afterwards, Wu Desi took over to guard the Wei Mansion. The news spread all of a sudden, and the entire capital was shaken. I don't know what to say. Suddenly, a court official was taken down like this?

Wei Li was not polite in his attack, because he was one of the few who listened to the whole story with Wang Xiang, Tang Zhouwei, and Bao Zheng, knew the general situation, and hated these people in his heart.

Jing Guo's warrior status is not as high as that of a literati, and as a warrior, he naturally desires to make contributions, just like Wei Qing and Huo Qubing made extraordinary achievements for the emperor.And in that dynasty, the warrior he admired the most was Zhong Daoyu, General Zhong Daoyu, who fought for Jingguo in the south and north, with a great reputation. The major battles he fought in his life were almost all the major battles of Jingguo in this dynasty.

The second is King Pingnan. For King Pingnan, perhaps many people only remember the meritorious deeds of his father, King Xiao.But in Wei Li's heart, King Pingnan was more respected by him. Not to mention the miraculous battle in the south, the most important thing was that King Pingnan treated the soldiers well and respected them.

Wude envoy Ji Chunsheng is a warrior, his whole family lives in the palace, King Pingnan treats him like an uncle even if he doesn't drive him away.When it comes to governing the army, the forbidden army is all drunk by the Sanya, and the deduction of military pay is commonplace, and the emperor also acquiesces, as long as the deduction of military pay is not excessive, it can please the emperor.

He came up from the Forbidden Army, and he knew all about it. Later, he drank with friends who were assigned to the New Army from the Forbidden Army, and the other party mentioned that among the New Army, King Pingnan not only did not deduct the military salary, but also often rewarded him, and even paid for it privately. Increase rate!

You must know that such an approach, not to mention pleasing the emperor, might even make the emperor suspicious!But King Pingnan still treats the sergeants so kindly. As long as his martial brothers talk about it, they all wish they could serve in the new army, and they are full of praise for King Pingnan.

Because King Pingnan regarded them as human beings, regardless of literati and warriors, and they were not tools to curry favor with the emperor.

So when he heard about the nasty things about King Pingnan, Wei Li was furious. Before he entered the door, he told his brothers that it would be fine if Wei Guoan didn't resist. If he resisted, it would be fine to break his bones. Strong resistance, refusal to obey is
(End of this chapter)

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