Chapter 487

"This kind of natural danger is one man's gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it. We must rush over first to seize the other end, or lure them out." Wei Yubai said, but then frowned: "But as long as the Black Mountain bandits are not stupid, they will not Come out to fight to the death easily, and won't let us rush over easily."

Shen Lin also frowned: "I've heard that this jade-faced fox dared to fight against the Yang family's army. It turns out that it is only because it occupies such a natural danger that it has no fear."

The troops advanced immediately, and by noon, they had reached the opposite side of the natural danger that the scouts said.

From here, one can clearly see the dangerous mountain road dug on the opposite cliff. As the scouts said, although there are wooden boards around the periphery, it is only enough for about five people to pass side by side, but the length is thirty to fifty feet. It won't work even if you rush over.

Everyone frowned, but Li Xingzhou suddenly burst out laughing.Everyone looked at him in bewilderment, not knowing what was so funny, they laughed even though they didn't know how to deal with such a headache.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion looked at each other and laughed.

The reason why they laughed was because they were on both sides of the hillside that day, with a valley in the middle. The slope on the side they were on was gentle, and the slope on the opposite side was very steep, and the distance from the hillside to the cliff on the opposite side was about two miles!
What is the concept of Erlidi?One hundred steps is almost the limit for a strong crossbow, and it will be useless any further. One hundred steps is about one-fifth of a mile, so these two miles are already ten times beyond the range of a bow and crossbow.

So for Wei Yubai, Shen Lin, and Wei Li, it was an unattainable distance, but for Shenji Ying, they often contacted each other during training!
The range of the musket can be reached, but at a distance of two miles, the accuracy can no longer be controlled at all, and it can only be shot by luck and density, so it is basically impossible to count on the smoothbore gun.

But for artillery, this is not an unattainable distance, especially with Zhao Sijiao's shooting table and hundreds of artillery training.

"My lord, I'm going to be the vanguard, and directly rush over to seize the other side of the mountain road." Wei Li clasped his hands.

"No hurry." Li Xingzhou raised his hand, and immediately ordered: "The artillerymen of the Shenji Battalion listen to the order, and the six squad leaders lead people to select and shoot on the southern hillside, establish a position on the spot, and obey the order to shoot."

"Yes!" The six artillery squads got the order, and under the leadership of the squad leader, they began to quickly find the best shooting point.

Except for the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion, everyone was stunned: "My lord, this, this is still two miles away." Shen Lin was puzzled.

Li Xingzhou smiled, "All the infantry are adjourned, and the musketeers of the Shenji Battalion will follow me. The musketeers of the Xiang Army line up here to stand by and fire with the artillery." Yes, the quality of the marksmanship battlefield is not as good as that of the Shenji Battalion, so keeping them here is mainly to try their luck.

After all, with two hundred guns, even if they are separated by two miles, someone might win the lottery?The width of the mountain road is limited, and it is useless if there are too many people.

Wei Li was stunned, pointed to his nose and said, "My lord, what about me?"

"You take Shang Zhi Qin's guards and wait for the Shenji Camp."

"I will detain the prince, this is the most elite soldier in Panorama Kingdom." Wei Li said.

"Listen to my orders, I am the coach!"

"Shen Lin stays here and commands the Xiang Army, Shenji Battalion and Xiang Army musketeers to watch my flag and fire." Li Xingzhou said that he was about to go up with Shenji Battalion. Wei Yubai was worried, took the bow behind his back and followed him.

"Shenji Battalion Fire Gunner listens to the order, with No.1 on the right as the benchmark."


"Five people in each row, line up!"

The two hundred musketeers moved quickly, and they lined up in a short while, waiting for orders. The guns in their hands were the latest version just brought by Qifang, and they were the pinnacle of firearms. Four to five rounds per minute.

"Remember the usual training. Also, the mountain road will be narrow later. You will be separated into five rows, five steps apart. The first phalanx will take turns to fire first, and the rest will follow my orders."


Li Xingzhou nodded, and walked with Shenjiying in unison, shouting "one two one" and walked towards the opposite mountain road. Wei Yubai opened his mouth wide, and Wei Li, who was behind him, was frightened and ran up and said, "My lord. We are here to sneak attack, can we not be so arrogant."

"Who said sneak attack, we defeated the enemy in an open and aboveboard manner."

"But there must be thousands of them!"

Before they had time to answer, there were bursts of loud "dong dong dong" bells from the top of the opposite mountain, and then the ringing sounded one after another from behind the mountain. They were discovered by the sentinels of the Black Bandit.

Wei Li and his most elite Shangzhi personal guards were frightened into panic, the team was scattered, and even Wei Yubai looked worried. Order: "Stand still! Line up and raise your guns!"

In an instant, the new army formed a row of five, and the five rows formed a square formation, blocking one end of the mountain road at once.Holding the command flag in his hand, Li Xingzhou looked towards the other end of the mountain road. Two miles away, people were almost as big as sesame seeds. There, six artillery squads were also ready. Their positions were perfect, and they could attack the mountain road from the side.

"Do you think Xingzhou's business can be accomplished?" In the backyard of Tubi Mountain Villa, next to the small pond, the emperor was playing chess with He Zhao, Wang Tong, Tang Zhouwei, Eunuch Fu An, and a young eunuch with a lame leg Fanning them to keep out the cold.

"Children are playing around, whimsical." He Zhao said expressionlessly, and the flag in his hand fell.

"Cough cough." Tang Zhouwei coughed, "Perhaps the lord has a trick of his own."

"What tricks can there be?" He Zhao didn't show any mercy: "There are many bandits in Black Mountain, not to mention that they are scattered everywhere, and each of them is a vicious person. They will definitely resist desperately. Back then, General Zhong sent tens of thousands of troops. , and he can't do his best, not to mention he only has a thousand people, how can he win?"

The emperor nodded.

"At the beginning, I told him that this matter should not be in a hurry, not in a hurry! But he was so impatient. This time, he only hoped that King Pingnan would come back safely, so that he could get back his temper." He Zhao said unequivocally. He was merciless and forced the emperor's Baizi into a desperate situation.

The emperor looked unhappy, but he didn't say anything, just continued to say: "I told him that he must come back before the 25th, because he thought he could only wander around in the mountains these days."

He Zhaodao: "He is acting on his own will, showing off his prestige for a while, and acting willfully. This temper needs to be changed."

After a while, the emperor was forced to a dead end and conceded the defeat.

His complexion was not very good, and he looked at He Zhao, "You may be right, but I have also heard from Fu'an that there are always people in this world who can do things for others."

"It's rare to see such a person in hundreds of years." He Zhao said.

"Who can tell what is going on in the world, what if it happens, Mr. He." Mr. Fu'an interjected.

He Zhao frowned: "Just in case, it's impossible!"

(End of this chapter)

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