The rise of the prince

Chapter 488: Attacking Fox Mountain

Chapter 488: Attacking Fox Mountain

"Boss, I really want to admit defeat." Old Heitou said weakly.

"Otherwise." Hei Baozi gritted his teeth. They hadn't eaten all day and night. "The idiots in Xiongzhai are also subdued. Now the Hushan City family is the only one."

They looked at the top of the mountain from a distance, where there were crowds of people, and the flag of the black fox continued to use the "Han" character flag, with gold characters on a black background, dancing in the wind, like a bird struggling to fly.

"That bitch from Gou Ri is crazy!" Old Hei Tou gritted his teeth looking at the flag.

Hei Baozi said weakly: "Old Hei, to tell you the truth, labor and management have been working for many years, and they have never thought about the court, I am afraid it is the same thing, there are thousands of people in the village.

But tm, in the end, as long as everyone can live a good life, it doesn't matter who they are the emperor, it's none of our business, the dog emperor treats us as bandits, then we are bandits, life is not easy, so what's the point of letting him take advantage of it.
As long as we are bandits, it is a matter of the locality and Ningjiang Mansion. "

He shook his head as he spoke, and pointed to the "Han" golden black-bottomed flag: "It's all right now, when that bullshit flag is erected, they are still happy there, but they don't understand at all, now we have changed from bandits to rebels.

If the emperor doesn't care about bandits, that's the locality's business, but if it's rebellion, you say the emperor doesn't care."

Old Heitou couldn't speak, because when they raised their heads, they were surrounded by carnival people. They robbed Wei Teng and killed more than 200 Yang Jiajun, and they became extremely arrogant.

"Is she right? Let's take her to death." The black leopard sighed in a low voice as they walked. It's a bandit.

But once the flag of the former dynasty is raised, what they have to face is the imperial army!

How many troops does Jing Guo have? 10,000+, hundreds of thousands, millions!They have no idea what a moment of prestige will bring them.

In the past, they were just a few bandits, and no one bothered to pay attention to them. From now on, they will be rebels, and they will be coveted feats in the eyes of generals and ministers!

But are they capable of fighting it?These bastards with hot brains or no brains at all don't understand at all, they are powerless to fight, the land is full of loess, barren and thin places can't support so many people!

They are destined to be on the sidelines, but many people don't understand at all. The young and strong who have no brains only know about fighting and killing, and the jade-faced fox whose ability can't keep up with ambition doesn't understand either. The black leopard is very desperate.

Many people climbed on top of the wall and squatted on the side of the road, preparing to watch the two "tough" jokes.

The jade-faced fox smiled proudly and walked out of the top cave. She called it the "Fox Fairy Palace". Even if the dynasty collapses, everyone calls themselves Han, and those who stand out are called "heroes".

But what kind of guy is the jade-faced fox ancestor?Living in a corner, the territory is no more than the surrounding area of ​​​​Taiyuan Mansion, and he bowed his knees to the Liao Kingdom.

The more the black panther thought about it, the more unhappy he became, but he had no choice but to survive.

Yumianhu is an old woman in her forties, with a bit of beauty, and now even the leaders of Xiongzhai have become her guests, besides that, there are more than a dozen face heads.

"Why, are you ready to submit to my big man?" The jade-faced fox seemed very proud, with the corners of her mouth raised, high above her, and when she came out, she was followed by four little girls, and blankets were spread under her feet. Many people even wore blankets like this. not on.

"Aren't you cold?" Black Panther asked a shirtless and shivering man next to him. He was his brother a few days ago: "You would rather be cold yourself than let her step on your feet."

The man was furious: "What do you know! The princess can lead me to rob food, rob meat, and fight the Yang family army, can you! I am happy to suffer from the cold!"

"Hahahaha." Yumianhu laughed loudly after hearing this, and the people around him also laughed, as if laughing at his overthinking.

The black leopard laughed at himself angrily: "I've been trembling and trembling for half my life. This is the result, hahahaha. It's the result of tm. If I had known it, I would have reported to the officials, and I could have found a good job if I went to the court. I actually worked hard for you bastards, haha Ha ha!"

He laughed more and more, and the more he laughed, the more miserable he became.

"Grandma Princess, the black leopard defected to the enemy. He wanted to betray us. He went out to join the army when he was young. He must have been bribed by the imperial court at that time." Another former member of his department said.

"There is such a thing. It makes sense now. It turns out that he had planned it long ago!"

"That makes sense"

"Traitors deserve to die!"

"Yes, you can't take advantage of him, kill him!"

"Kill kill kill!"



For a moment, the crowd was furious, the old black head was about to cry, and wanted to go forward to beg him for mercy, but the black panther grabbed him: "Don't, brother, even if I don't die, I can't live anymore."

The two looked at each other, wept, hugged and wept.

Everyone watched coldly, and some even pulled out their knives. At this moment, there were bursts of crisp bells ringing from the top of the mountain in the distance, and the surroundings became quiet. Many people looked towards the south mountain.

The bell comes from the top of the mountain, where there is a big bell that can only be embraced by two people. In the past, there was no official road to the east of Taihang Mountain, and merchants would take this dangerous road to the north. There are many tourists here, so some monks built it here. The temple is full of incense.

But then the official road in the east was built, there were no people here, there was no incense in the temple, and the monks starved to death, leaving only the ruined temple, and the big bell inside was used by them for sentry.

"Enemy attack!" Someone reacted and shouted in panic.

"What are you afraid of!" The jade-faced fox was unmoved, and after a while, everyone ran down from the mountain, knelt down in front of her and said, "Boss, princess, the officers and soldiers are here! The officers and soldiers are here!"

"How many are here?"

"Looks like one or two hundred. It's on the other side of the mountain road. They are dressed strangely, without armor, and each of them is carrying a stick." The sentry said.

Everyone froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"One or two hundred, hahahaha, it's just for death!"

"The dogs can't see us clearly."

"Hahaha, boss, let's go out and clean them up."

"That's right, we've all been able to fight the Yang family army, and we're afraid that a few officers and soldiers who don't even have armor will fail."

The crowd was very excited and kept asking for a fight. The jade-faced fox waved his hand, "Everyone, come with this princess, and we will meet these ignorant lackeys of the imperial court."

Four young women were protecting the jade-faced fox, and a large group of people followed behind her, heading towards the gate of the village below.

The black leopard and the old black head escaped, and rolled their eyes: "Follow, maybe we can escape in the chaos."

The old black head nodded, and the two of them also moved among the crowd.

The front of the road was very lively, many people clamored to kill the officers and soldiers, they swarmed forward, and after a while, about a thousand people gathered, the black leopard and the old black head were crowded in the crowd, there were people in the front, back, left, and right, and they couldn't see the situation. Very uncomfortable.

After walking for a while, the team finally stopped. He knew that he had reached the mountain pass. He wanted to see the situation ahead, so he kept pushing forward. At this time, no one paid attention to him. Can see the situation ahead.

The jade-faced fox put on a show, except for the four little girls, her dozen or so good friends also stepped forward naked, waiting around her. Those people are the strongest men in the village, and they are so fleshy that they look scary.

He raised his head and looked to the opposite side, there was a young man about sixteen or seventy feet away, and there were hundreds of people behind him, but the number of people on the side of the jade-faced fox was dozens of times that of him!
The young man took two steps forward and shouted loudly from a long distance: "Listen up, the black mountain bandit on the opposite side, I am the imperial court's transfer envoy to the north of Beijing, the king of Pingnan County, and I have been ordered to suppress the bandits. You have been surrounded by our troops. I will give you a quarter of an hour." , Put down your weapons and surrender honestly, this king can leave you a way to survive."

"Listen to the black mountain bandits on the opposite side. I am the transfer envoy of the imperial court to the north of Beijing. I am the king of Pingnan County. I have been ordered to suppress the bandits. You have been surrounded by my troops. I will give you a quarter of an hour to put down your weapons and surrender honestly. This king can give you a way out .”


He repeated this three times aloud, everyone on Yumianhu's side was stunned, and then burst out laughing, covering their stomachs.

"Boss, this little doll doesn't know how to count, and he still surrounds us, hahaha."

"Each spit can drown them and surrender, hahahaha!"

"Get lost, little girl, or your grandpa will chop off your head to make a chamber pot!"



Everyone laughed, the jade-faced fox in the front also laughed, even the black leopard couldn't help shaking his head, it's just a little grandpa who never fought a war, and dared to bring hundreds of people to suppress the black mountain bandits .

"Boss, that's King Pingnan, King Pingnan of the imperial court!" The old black man next to him suddenly said.

"What King Pingnan?" The black leopard didn't react immediately.

"It was in the South where 1000 people defeated [-] rebels. Everyone called him General Thor. He was sweeping the ground in Jiangzhou recently."

When the black panther thought about it, a thousand or a hundred thousand flashed through his mind?

"Hehe, I'm just kidding." Just as he thought so, the young King Pingnan said loudly: "It's time! Don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"You brat, how dare you speak wild words!" the jade-faced fox yelled, and everyone was about to rush over.

Vaguely, the black leopard saw King Pingnan waving his left hand in the distance, as if holding a small red flag.

Before he could see clearly, he suddenly heard a few loud noises from the opposite mountain. The robbers who were ready to go were stunned for a moment, and then an elite and unpleasant sound that had never been heard roared past.

The blood-red flowers bloomed in an instant, the pupils of the black leopard dilated, and time seemed to be frozen. The most powerful heroes around the jade-faced fox, with strong backs and waists, were one of a hundred heroes, all of a sudden splashed in the air. On the wall, even the white bones also become fragments.
The hot flesh and bones were mixed with the people around, and some of them were stuck to the ground. On the wall, the bandits who were still fighting high just now were all stunned on the spot. Across the mountain, the loud sound of urging death continued to sound.
There was chaos on the narrow mountain road, blood sprays exploded continuously, accompanied by screams, the human body was torn apart, the whole mountain road became a mess, everyone's liver and gallbladder were torn, and they ran back desperately, without the slightest arrogance before.

At this moment, dense noises came from the other side of the mountain road, and after more than a hundred steps, the people in front fell down in unison as if they had been enchanted.

For a moment, gunpowder smoke filled the air, ghosts cried and wolves howled, many people were pushed off the cliff by their own people, and ran back desperately.

The black panther stood there in a daze. He had never seen such a scene since he was a child.

Lao Heitou pulled him a few times, and when he didn't leave, he also sat on the ground, crying, "General Thor! It's General Thor! We're all over!"

It was snowing again in Jiangzhou, and Tang Zhou didn't want to move a step because he was lying on his kang. For the fat man, as long as he didn't move, he was happy.

He only brought a coachman with him this time, because the emperor told him to keep things simple.

Accompanying the emperor, this kind of thing he didn't dare to think about before, but this time because of the light of Yu Chengan's case, the emperor would actually think of letting him accompany him.

"My lord, it's snowing outside again." The coachman said, "Do you think the lord is stupid to insist on entering the mountain in such a cold weather?"

"Go, go, what do you know?" Tang Zhouwei had no airs at all, and he was not restrained when talking to his driver: "My lord, this is a gamble. What do you know, you little man."

"Gambling? You still need to go into the mountains to gamble, so how many gambling houses are there in Jiangzhou?" The coachman was puzzled.

Tang Zhou gave him a blank look: "You think that if you are a prince, you will be as worthless as you, gambling every day!"

The coachman was wronged: "Master, the villain doesn't gamble every day, and you still withhold the monthly money of last month, where is the money to gamble?"

"You're blaming me!" Tang Zhou was dissatisfied.

"Master, how dare a villain!" the coachman whispered.

"Huh." Tang Zhouwei snorted, and then proudly said: "The prince is so careful, how can he hide it from me. In the past, the son and the prince were separated by a mountain, one was on the top of the mountain, and the other was at the foot of the mountain. Shaking off a stone can crush the prince to death.

That's why the emperor and queen protected the son and promised Wang Yue's granddaughter to him. "

"But for more than a year, something has happened to the crown prince. It's like the reincarnation of a god and man. It's rising slowly. It seems that it will catch up with the crown prince. Especially the case of Yu Cheng'an. The emperor knows in his heart that he must be with the crown prince. Can't get rid of the relationship." Tang Zhouwei became more and more complacent as he talked.

"I tell you, none of these can escape your master's eyes!
Now King Pingnan is so far behind the prince." He compared with his hands: "It's just an inch!
So King Pingnan wanted to bet that even if he didn't kill the bandits this time, the emperor would definitely think that he was considerate of the people and had a good reputation to be loved by the people.

If it happened, if he hit a few bandits, that would be even more extraordinary, that would be what the people wanted, and it would be equal to the crown prince's half an inch.

If by any chance, Taiyang Cong came out from the west, and he could really suppress the bandits, then in the heart of the emperor, he would be higher than the prince in one fell swoop! "

Fatty Tang said and shook his head: "That's why I said that King Pingnan is terrible. He is young and calculating every step of the way. Even I couldn't figure it out at the beginning. It turns out that such a good way."

The coachman looked puzzled: "That's taller than the prince, isn't he the emperor?"

"What are you talking about, the emperor is of course the tallest, taller than the prince, which means." Fatty Tang looked around, and whispered: "It means that the emperor wants him to be the prince, that is, the grandson of the emperor, do you understand. "

The coachman nodded, half understanding.

"Forget it, let me tell you that you don't understand either. You just need to remember that your master and I have clever calculations and never make mistakes."

"Oh." The coachman nodded, and then said: "Master, the monthly money for last month..."

"Don't even think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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