The rise of the prince

Chapter 519 Orchid?

Chapter 519 Orchid?

Song Huizong took his favorite eunuch Tong Guan as commander of the Northern Expedition. At that time, there were only remnants of the Liao Kingdom and Nanjing.

As a result, troops were sent out twice, the first time was 20, and the second time was 10,000+. They were defeated twice by the remnants of the Liao Kingdom and suffered heavy losses.
This is mainly due to the contribution of Yelu Dashi.

In the end, Tong Guan had no choice but to ask Jin Guo to help them take down Nanjing. As soon as the money was delivered, the Jin people captured hundreds of thousands of Song troops in an instant. Beijing today).

Then Tong Guan swaggered back with the defeated army to claim credit, and told the emperor that he captured Nanjing. Song Huizong was still happy, and rewarded him a lot, but he didn't know that the country was about to perish.

In good conscience, no matter who it is, seeing such a weak and funny Song army, such a corrupt and incompetent country occupying the fertile soil of the Central Plains, who would not be moved?

In fact, what made Wanyan Aguda want to attack Song Dynasty was probably because of the two attacks on Nanjing City, he saw through the weak nature of the Song army. As for the various incidents later, it was nothing more than finding excuses.

The current situation is also the same, deliberately keeping Nanjing City, it is likely that Wanyan Wugu wanted to see the combat effectiveness of the Jing army, and weighed whether they would be able to continue going south after defeating the Liao Kingdom.

Therefore, attacking Nanjing is not just as simple as expanding the territory.

After listening to his words, the emperor thought for a while.

Zhong Daoyu also frowned, "This is not unreasonable. The Jin army has been attacking one after another, and it is also worn out and needs to recuperate. If we see that the national army is strong, we will weigh it. If the army is weak, we may just take advantage of it." Go south."

The ministers also talked a lot, but unexpectedly, a banquet turned into a discussion of state affairs.

After talking for a while, the emperor returned to the palace, and he didn't let go of his words before he left. Obviously he was still hesitating, whether to take it slowly, or as Zhong Daoyu said, he must do his best to take Nanjing city quickly. .

In order not to cause panic to outsiders, all the ministers waited until around eleven or twelve o'clock before leaving one after another. Of course, no one could eat if they stayed here. They just kept drinking and talking about the border war, except for Fatty Tang Zhouwei, Li Xingzhou understands that he is willing to be so fat.

It was rare for Zhong Daoyu to say a few words to him, "Your Highness has extraordinary insight and is a talent to be made." Something like that.

Li Xingzhou smiled awkwardly. It wasn't his great insight, but a bloody lesson. That's how the Song Dynasty lost half of its country.

Now, the state of Jing is in dire straits, Xixia invades the northwest, and the state of Jin threatens the north.

The officials outside the hall didn't know it, and they were still talking loudly, which was very lively.

The banquet didn't end until the middle of the night. The palace was brightly lit to clean up the mess. The maids and servants in the palace were all very happy. After all, it was so lively and there were so many important figures, including the emperor, which meant that the palace was gaining power.

After sending De Gong away, Li Xingzhou experienced such a big change, but he couldn't sleep all night, and he sat at the table in the room.

He still couldn't believe that the Northwest Frontier was lost just like that, and he just came back to his senses now.

Today's Xixia, in the Han Dynasty, was the generation of Liangzhou, and the generation of Gansu Province in later generations.

There are many rich colors left here in history, because it has the Hexi Corridor.

It connects to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the southwest, connects to the two major nomadic areas of the Mongolian Plateau in the north, and goes out of the Hexi Corridor to enter the Western Regions and connect to Central Asia. This is an important channel to communicate with the West, the Silk Road.

The famous Dunhuang is in the narrow area, and Yangguan and Yumenguan, which are "going out of Yangguan in the west without old friends", and "the spring breeze does not pass through Yumenguan", were also the grand passes at the entrance of the corridor during the Han Dynasty.

In general, Xixia's strategy is of great significance, and this meaning comes from the future he can understand better, so he will be more concerned about the gains and losses in this land than ordinary people.

If it is the long-cherished wish of successive emperors of Jingguo to regain the land of You and Yun, then it is Li Xingzhou's own to control the Hexi Corridor.

With the Hexi Corridor, it is possible for Jingguo to go to the world.

It's a pity, now that Tang Long, an important town in the northwest, is lost, this wish has become out of reach.

"Hexi Corridor!" Li Xingzhou sighed, his head became dizzy, and he slowly fell asleep.

The next day, the palace was still bustling, and the servants were still packing up the things left by the banquet last night.

It was rare for Li Xingzhou to get up early, and Qiu'er and Yue'er came in to serve him, just like the first time, and then he asked the two little girls to give him a bath, man, once you learn badly, it's hard to get over it.

Finally, I had breakfast with the two little girls with flushed faces, and started my morning exercises.

The amount of information he got last night was really too much, his mind is still in a mess now, his mind is full of Xixia, Liao Kingdom, Jin Kingdom
After running a lap, practicing Bajiquan airs and shaking the big gun, I didn't feel much more comfortable until I was covered in sweat, and my depression and heaviness dissipated a lot.

But this time, he had to take a bath again. When he returned to the small courtyard, Yue'er went to the perfume workshop, and Qiu'er went to the back mountain again.

In the small courtyard, there was only Shiyu who just woke up after a busy night. Seeing that she was still sleepy, Li Xingzhou smirked, and took her to take a bath together.

Refreshed, Li Xingzhou lay in the long-lost pavilion in the small courtyard, rarely comfortable and relaxed.

The blush on Shiyu's face hadn't faded away, and she came over squatting with a pot of flowers, seeing his eyes expressing affection, she glanced at him secretly, rolled her eyes, and sat down opposite him, far away from him.

Li Xingzhou looked curiously at the flowerpot in her hand. The leaves were as wide as a finger, layered on top of each other, with yellow and white petals and thick roots, all sticking out of the soil. It seemed a little familiar for a while.

"What kind of flower is this?" Li Xingzhou asked.

"Hmph, I won't tell you." Shiyu raised her chin slightly.

"Little girl, you've got a temper, haha." He said as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her towards him.

"Be careful." Shiyu hurriedly protected the flower, and sat down beside him: "Stupid, this is the ordinary Sijilan. Yue'er and I found it in the back mountain a few years ago."

"Orchid." Li Xingzhou's mind flashed, and he seemed to think of something, but his thoughts soon stopped, and he couldn't think of it anymore.

He quickly sat up, rushed into the room and wrote the word "Orchid" on the paper hanging on the wall.

"What are you doing? You were taken aback." Shiyu also came in curiously.

Li Xingzhou spread his hands, "Haha, I don't know why I suddenly thought of the word orchid, and then I couldn't remember it anymore. Let's write it down first, maybe I will remember it later."

Shiyu cared for him with the eyes of a fool, and then said: "By the way, I bought you the Western Xia cold-forged armor and the Western Region glazed wares you wanted. Take a look."

As she spoke, she walked to the bed, opened the cabinet, and there was a wooden box and a silver-white heavy armor inside.

"This colored glass bottle costs 1000 taels." Shiyu said as he opened the box, inside was a yellow silk cloth, and there was an emerald colored glass bottle, half the size of a football. Li Xingzhou picked it up and saw that it was indeed made of glass. But the color is not uniform enough, and it is light green.

(End of this chapter)

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