The rise of the prince

Chapter 520 Daily Proclamation. .

Chapter 520 Hundred Days Proclamation. .

In fact, glassware is not uncommon. He has seen it in the imperial palace, Wang Tong's family, and De Gong's house. According to the unearthed cultural relics of later generations, it was as early as the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The reason why he was looking for glazed wares was actually to find the craftsman behind them, but unfortunately there was no result.

Then he took out the famous Xixia cold forged armor from the cabinet, which was handed down from generation to generation by Pingxia iron harriers.

Xia Guojian, the number one sword in the world, uses this kind of iron.

"This armor was given to you by the big merchants in Guanbei. The palace just sent a message saying that you want to buy Xixia cold forging armor. There are several big merchants to help you. In the end, the one in Guanbei is the fastest. , It cost more than 2 taels of silver to buy it in the end." Shiyu said beside him.

"I gave them General Brew and perfume for free, which is more than worth it."

Li Xingzhou took a closer look at the silver and white nails. The surface was indeed as smooth as a mirror, and the metal looked very compact. I don't know how they processed it.

"Let Tieniu and the others take a look at how the Xixia people processed this material in the afternoon," Li Xingzhou said.

Shiyu nodded. She had long understood that Li Xingzhou could not have bought it for herself to wear. To outsiders, it was a precious armor. To him, he was interested in understanding the process of this armor.

After eating at noon, Li Xingzhou was free and had nothing to do, so he insisted on taking Shiyu to Xuan Yin during the day, and practiced writing by the way, and his childhood was very comfortable.

After dinner, he took Shiyu to the river for a walk. Shiyu held his hand and spoke softly, just like the old life of ordinary couples.

The sun finally came out, the snow had almost melted away, the sparkling river was blowing with a breeze, and the waves were calm, the dog on the other side barked a few times from time to time, and a few children were playing by the river.

On the other side of the farther place, the smoke from the kitchen was billowing, and three or five people began to return home slowly.
Everything is full of the breath of life, quiet and comfortable. Sometimes Li Xingzhou thinks it would be so carefree, to live his life without worries, eating, sleeping, walking, writing, and having children.

It's a pity that he can't, Jin Guo is eyeing him, and Xixia has already made a move. Even if he and the Northwest and Guanbei are like two worlds, he can't feel the slightest bit of blood and rain.

Moreover, the current situation in Jingguo is even more serious than that in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Xixia has also taken action.

"It's true that heaven fails to fulfill people's wishes, and people fail to fulfill people's hearts," Li Xingzhou said with emotion.

Shiyu hugged his arm silently, and whispered: "You won't go to war again."

Li Xingzhou laughed: "It's probably not my turn. Yang Hongzhao, Zhao Guanghua, Yang Wenguang, Wei Chaoren, and Tong Guan are all here. The last time Tong Guan was involved in Yu Chengan's case, the emperor spared his life. Maybe keep him for the war."

"That's good." Shiyu also laughed, then sighed softly, looked at the sparkling river and said, "It's all your fault"

"What's my fault?" Li Xingzhou lay on the gun inexplicably.

"Sometimes, when you think about how a man will make great achievements, you can't always just lie on a woman's belly, so I want to be mean to you, make you angry, and go out to do your things. But you, your skin is thicker than a city wall," she said again. Wronged, angry, shy, with mixed feelings, I didn't know what expression to use for a while.

"But when you're gone, you can't see anyone, and you're thinking day and night that you can come back quickly, and you don't think about your accomplishments, or your name in history.
But I was the one who expected you to go out at the beginning, and I feel that since I met you, no matter what I do, I am not right, not to you, not to myself, not internally, and not externally."

The more the poem is spoken, the more wronged it becomes, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Li Xingzhou laughed, hugged her, hugged the angry little daughter-in-law in his arms, gently stroked her back, and patted the wife's horse. This is a must-have skill for every husband in a harmonious family: "You are not right, if you don't , I have already lost."

"It's the first time I went to the south, you help me stabilize all the business in the palace and manage the Nuo family business, don't you?"

"That was with the help of Uncle Yan Yan."

"There is a second trip to the north, you help me deal with all the political enemies in Beijing and China.

Those people combined are more than a thousand times more powerful than those bandits in Taihang Mountain, and much more powerful than this king.What kind of deputy prime minister, what is the minister of the court, what is the military department, the commander of the infantry of the guards, etc., not all of them are not the enemy of my wife and son! "

"Hmph, flattering." Shiyu snorted, but her cheeks were slightly rosy, and the little hand holding his big hand tightened a little.

"This is seeking truth from facts. The achievements of this king are your achievements, and my brilliance is also your brilliance. If one day, I create a new era, it must also be your era, so I don't want you to say that I will make contributions. Then It's our achievement, hahahaha!" Li Xingzhou hugged him tighter as he spoke.

"You're strangling me." Shiyu gently touched him, and the two remained silent, cuddling by the river.

The silence speaks.

After strolling around the river, when Li Xingzhou returned to the palace, he found a ragged man at the door talking to the guard of the palace.

The man seemed to be begging bitterly, but the nurse looked impatient.

Li Xingzhou walked over and said, "What's going on?"

"My lord, this man said that he is a friend of my lord, and he insisted on seeing my lord. If we look at him like that, we wouldn't dare to let him in." The two nurses looked helpless.

At this moment, the ragged man knelt down in front of him with a plop, and kowtowed continuously: "My lord, it's the villain Xiao Hongqi! The villain is Xiao Hongqi!"

"Xiao Hongqi?" He didn't react at once, but Shiyu pulled his arm and said in a low voice, "It's the merchant from the Liao Kingdom who sold the graphite mine to the Wangfu before."

Li Xingzhou suddenly realized, and then said: "It's okay, he is indeed an acquaintance of the king, but you two are also right, you did not leave your post without authorization, go and ask two people to bring him in, wash and change clothes, and then prepare to eat. "

When Xiao Hongqi heard this, he burst into tears.

After a while, someone took him in to freshen up and eat.

Li Xingzhou didn't know why he was so down and down, but Xiao Hongqi had business dealings with the palace, just his ability to speak Chinese and Khitan was a rare talent, and such talents were rare in this era.

Another important reason is that Xiao Hongqi knows where the graphite veins in Liao Kingdom are. For this alone, he is worth [-] soldiers in Li Xingzhou's heart.

After eating, drinking and changing into clean clothes, Li Xingzhou personally met him in the main hall.

As soon as he saw Li Xingzhou, Xiao Hongqi burst into tears, kowtowed and thanked him again, saying that he is a reborn parent with a bodhisattva heart.

Li Xingzhou asked him to get up and sit down, and then asked him why he was here.

(End of this chapter)

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